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姓名 甘小荣
教师编号 22208
学校 河南大学
部门 环境学院党委、环境学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生
职称 副教授
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头像,甘小荣 副教授 环境学院党委、环境学院 导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,个人简介 2017年毕业于大连理工大学环境工程系,获工学博士学位,同年进入香港理工大学应用物理系、应用生物与化学系任副研究员(Research Associate)。2019年1月到河海大学环境学院特评为副研究员,2020年11月聘为副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事环境污染物的传感检测和环境能源,以及相关的理论计算(DFT和MD)。目前,已在Analytical Chemistry (ACS)、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Journal of Catalysis、Nano Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS Applied Energy Materials等期刊上发表学术论文25篇,申请专利7项。受邀成为Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=10.588)、Microchimica Acta(IF=6.232)和Advanced Materials Interface(IF=4.948)特邀审稿人,国际期刊Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry、American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering和Research and Application of Materials Science的编委成员(editorial board member),国际水协会(IWA)和中国化学会会员(CCS)。主要学术论文如下:标题引用次数年份Two-dimensional MoS2: A promising   building block for biosensorsX Gan, H Zhao, X QuanBiosensors and Bioelectronics 89,   56-711062017A versatile fluorescent biosensor   based on target-responsive graphene oxide hydrogel for antibiotic detectionB Tan, H Zhao, L Du, X Gan, X QuanBiosensors and Bioelectronics 83,   267-273562016A review: nanomaterials applied in   graphene-based electrochemical biosensorsX Gan, HM ZhaoSens. Mater 27 (2), 191-215302015Electrochemical DNA sensor for   specific detection of picomolar Hg (II) based on exonuclease III-assisted   recycling signal amplificationX Gan, H Zhao, S Chen, X QuanAnalyst 140 (6), 2029-20362820152H/1T Phase Transition of Multilayer   MoS2 by Electrochemical Incorporation of S VacanciesX Gan, LYS Lee, K Wong, TW Lo, KH Ho,   DY Lei, H ZhaoACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (9),   4754-4765262018Covalent functionalization of MoS2   nanosheets synthesized by liquid phase exfoliation to construct   electrochemical sensors for Cd (II) detectionX Gan, H Zhao, KY Wong, DY Lei, Y   Zhang, X QuanTalanta 182, 38-48252018Two-dimensional nanomaterial based   sensors for heavy metal ionsX Gan, H Zhao, R Schirhagl, X QuanMicrochimica Acta 185 (10), 478242018Three-Dimensional Porous HxTiS2 Nanosheet–Polyaniline   Nanocomposite Electrodes for Directly Detecting Trace Cu(II) IonsX Gan, H Zhao, S Chen, H Yu, X QuanAnalytical chemistry 87 (11),   5605-5613242015Two-dimensional layered nanomaterials   for visible-light-driven photocatalytic water splittingX Gan, D Lei, KY WongMaterials today energy 10, 352-367202018An electrochemical sensor based on   p-aminothiophenol/Au nanoparticle-decorated HxTiS2 nanosheets for specific   detection of picomolar Cu (II)X Gan, H Zhao, X Quan, Y ZhangElectrochimica Acta 190, 480-489172016An electrochemical sensor based on   graphene-polypyrrole nanocomposite for the specific detection of Pb (II)R Rong, H Zhao, X Gan, S Chen, X QuanNano 12 (01), 1750008142017SiC/C 纳米复合材料的制备与性能表征甘小荣,薛方红,黄昊,董星龙,汪晓允,于洪涛,刘艳明,全燮材料工程, 75-80, 8662014Probing Conformation Change and   Binding Mode of Metal Ion–Carboxyl Coordination Complex through Resonant   Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional TheoryWKH Ho, ZY Bao, X Gan, KY Wong, J Dai,   D LeiThe journal of physical chemistry   letters 10 (16), 4692-469842019Understanding signal amplification   strategies of nanostructured electrochemical sensors for environmental   pollutantsX Gan, H ZhaoCurrent Opinion in Electrochemistry   17, 56-6432019Preparation and characterization of   SiC/C nano-compositesX GAN, F XUE, H HUANG, X DONG, X WANG,   H YU, Y LIU, X QUANJournal of Materials Engineering 4   (2), 75-8032014Three-dimension branched crystalline   carbon nitride: A high efficiency photoelectrochemical sensor of trace Cu2+   detectionJ Du, Y Fan, X Gan, X Dang, H ZhaoElectrochimica Acta 330, 13533622020铝纳米复合电极脱/嵌锂离子特性分析赵亚楠,薛方红,黄昊,刘春静,甘小荣,董星龙中国科技论文在线 6 (9), 688-69122011Non enzymatic fluorometric   determination of glucose by using quenchable g-C3N4 quantum   dotsX Gan, H Zhao, R Schirhagl, X QuanMicrochimica Acta 186 (12), 77912019Characterization of SiC/C   Nanocomposite Powders Synthesized by Arc-DischargeL Zhou, JY Yu, J Gao, DX Wang, XR Gan,   FH Xue, H Huang, XL DongApplied Microscopy 45 (4), 242-24812015纳米铝粒子电极的脱/嵌锂离子特性赵亚楠,薛方红,黄昊,刘春静,甘小荣,董星龙材料研究学报 25 (4), 386-39012011Transition metal dichalcogenide-based   mixed-dimensional heterostructures for visible-light-driven photocatalysis:   Dimensionality and interface engineeringX Gan, D Lei, R Ye, H Zhao, KY WongNano Research, 1-202020Effects of Mixed Allelochemicals on   the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa, Microcystin Production, Extracellular   Polymeric Substances, and Water QualityP Ouyang, C Wang, P Wang, X Gan, X   Wang, C YangWater 12 (7), 18612020Characterization and Formation   Mechanism of the Nanodiamond Synthesized by A High Energy Arc‐PlasmaL Zhou, Y Zhao, H Huang, X Gan, M   Javid, F Xue, H Yu, X Dong, X Quanphysica status solidi (a) 216 (2),   18007042019基于 ExoⅢ和功能化 MoS_2, H_xTiS_2 纳米片信号放大的重金属离子电化学传感检测法甘小荣大连理工大学2017基于石墨烯水凝胶的通用性荧光生物传感器应用于抗生素检测谭冰,赵慧敏,甘小荣,全燮全国环境纳米技术及生物效应学术研讨会摘要集2016基于宏观三维石墨烯结构的抗生素荧光生物传感器赵慧敏,谭冰,甘小荣,全燮中国化学会第 30 届学术年会摘要集-第二十六分会: 环境化学2016SiC 及其纳米复合材料的制备和表征以及光催化性能甘小荣大连理工大学2013纳米铝粒子电极的脱嵌涯离子特性赵亚楠,薛方红,黄昊,刘春静,甘小荣,董星龙国际会议:1.IWA Nano&Water Regional Conference   2015, Dalian, Oral presentation.Subject: An   electrochemical sensor based on three-dimensional porous HXTiS2   nanosheet-polymer hybrid architectures for directly detecting trace Cu (Ⅱ)2.19th   Topical Meeting of ISE, 2016, Auckland, Oral presentation.Subject:Understanding of improved electrocatalytic   activity of MoS2 nanosheets synthesized by liquid phase   exfoliation.3.66th   Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Taibei,   Poster.Subject: Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors for Cu (Ⅱ) ions   Based on Three-dimensional Porous HxTiS2   Nanosheet-polyaniline.4. The   Fifteenth International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry. Changchun,   China.5. The 6th   IWA-ASPIRE Conference&Exhibition, Beijing, China. PostSubject:Electrochemical Sensors for High Sensitive and Selective   Assaying Cu(Ⅱ)/Hg(Ⅱ) 个人资料 姓名: 甘小荣 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1985-09 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 大连理工大学 教育经历 2004.9-2008.7,西南石油大学,化学工程与工艺,学士 2010.9-2013.7,大连理工大学,化学工程与技术,硕士 2013.9-2017.4,大连理工大学,环境工程,博士 工作经历 2017年5月-2019年1月,香港理工大学,博士后研究,Research Associate 2008年7月-2009年10月,中国石油CPECC,工艺设计,助理工程师 研究领域 1.污染物传感检测分析;2.电、光催化;3.DFT和MD理论计算 科研项目 1、g-C3N4基二维超晶格在环境和能源领域的应用,2019.01.01-2020.12.31,环境学院 2、国家青年基金,2020.9-2023.12,2021.1,甘小荣,国家科学基金,52000059 论文 1、Non enzymatic fluorometric determination of glucose by using quenchable g-C3N4 quantum dots,MICROCHIMICA ACTA,01-JAN-19 2、Understanding signal amplification strategies of nanostructured electrochemical sensors for environmental pollutants,CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,01-JAN-19 3、Transition metal dichalcogenide-based mixed-dimensional heterostructures for visible-light-driven photocatalysis: Dimensionality and interface engineering,NANO RESEARCH 科技成果 开授课程 1、大气污染控制工程,本科生,63,32 2、生态修复工程,本科生,32 3、大气污染控制工程课程设计,本科生,63,40 4、大气污染控制工程实验,本科生,63,16 5、环境生态与水体生态修复,本科生,40 6、地理信息系统(外),本科生,69,24 7、环境工程前沿技术与应用,本科生,16 8、大气污染控制工程,本科生,63,32 9、环境工程前沿技术与应用,本科生,63,16 10、生态修复工程,本科生,63,32 教学成果 教学资源 社会职务 国际知名微纳米材料分析领域类期刊Microchimica Acta(IF=6.232)和材料领域类期刊Advanced Materials Interface(IF=4.948)特邀审稿人,国际期刊Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry、American Journal of  Environmental Science and Engineering和Research and Application of Materials Science的编委成员(editorial board member),国际水协会和中国化学协会会员。 荣誉及奖励 招生信息 导师类别 招生学院 学科(类别) 是否招生 硕士生导师环境学院083000环境科学与工程欢迎广大考生报考“环境科学与工程”硕士,加入本课题组! 职称: 副教授 硕士生导师 部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 学科: 理论经济学,农业资源与环境 教学部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 电话: 13260799601 邮件: gumphope@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: B418 通讯地址: 邮编: 210000 3484 访问
