姓名 | 杨士红 |
教师编号 | 21428 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 |
部门 | 农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
人气 | |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,杨士红 职称: 教授 博士生导师 部门: 农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院 学科: 农业工程 教学部门: 农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院 电话: 13851504182 邮件: ysh7731@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 通讯地址: 南京市江宁区佛城西路8号 邮编: 211100 8516 访问 个人简介 杨士红(1983-),男,教授,博士生导师。江苏省农业水土资源高效利用与固碳减排工程研究中心副主任,学院科研平台管理中心主任,江苏省水安全与水科学协同创新中心固定研究人员,昆山试验研究基地主要负责人,江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年学术带头人,河海大学“大禹学者计划”青年俊才,国际灌排委员会环境工作组专家。围绕农业水土资源高效利用及农田生态环境效应的主题,在节水高效控污的灌区水肥联合调控技术与模式,节水灌溉农田温室气体排放与减排机理,节水灌溉稻田水热碳通量特征与多尺度转化,水碳调控稻田碳转化及其生态效应等方面开展了系列的探索性研究工作。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省水利科技项目、国家博士后基金特别资助以及生产委托等项目30余项;参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点、国家科技支撑计划、水利部公益等科研项目10余项。获国家科技进步一等奖1项,省、部级科技进步一等奖4项、二等奖3项,国际稻田水环境工程学会(PAWEES)最佳论文奖1 项,出版专著1部,编著1部,发表学术论文80余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文50余篇,EI论文10余篇)。 个人资料 姓名: 杨士红 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1983-03 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 河海大学 教育经历 2002.9-2006.7,沈阳农业大学,农业水利工程,学士 2006.9-2011.7,河海大学水利水电学院,水利水电工程,博士 工作经历 2011.7-2013.7,河海大学环境学院,科研,博士后 2013.9-2019.6,河海大学,教学科研,副教授 2016.11-2017.12,澳大利亚联邦科工组织农业研究所,访问学者 2019.6-至今,河海大学农业科学与工程学院,教学科研,教授 研究领域 农业水土资源高效利用及其农田生态环境效应 科研项目 1、稻田灌溉排水耦合机理及其生态效应,2012.01.01-2015.12.31,国家自然基金委员会,水利水电学院 2、节水灌溉稻田氮素迁移转化规律与高效水肥模式,2012.01.01-2015.12.31,教育部科技发展中心,水利水电学院 3、节水灌溉稻田多尺度水碳通量变化机理与耦合模拟,2013.01.01-2015.12.31,国家自然科学基金委,水利水电学院 4、高效节水灌溉关键技术研究与应用示范,2012.03.01-,昆山市水利技术推广站,农业工程学院 5、节水灌溉稻田温室气体排放对生物炭施用的响应机理与调控,2016.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,农业工程学院 6、水碳联合调控稻田碳排放与土壤有机碳变化规律及模拟,水利水电学院 7、水稻灌区高效水肥管理模式研究与示范,2016.06.01-,昆山市水利工程质量安全监督和水利技术推广站,农业工程学院 8、基于田间地下水位调控的水稻节水灌溉技术研究,2016.07.01-,中国水利水电科学研究院,农业工程学院 9、生物炭对节水灌溉稻田氮素迁移转化及损失的影响机理与调控研究,2019.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,农业工程学院 10、生物炭施用对节水灌溉稻田氨挥发损失的影响机理研究,2018.01.01-2019.12.31,农业工程学院 11、节水目标下农田水利改革研究—以陆良模式为例,2018.01.01-2019.12.31,农业工程学院 12、节水灌溉稻田灌溉施肥一体化技术模式研究-以液态有机肥为例,2018.07.01-,昆山市城市水系调度与信息管理处,农业工程学院 13、农田涝渍灾害预报预警与应急响应调度系统,2018.12.01-,中国水利水电科学研究院,农业工程学院 14、鄱阳湖平原区稻田涝水过程模拟与受涝减灾效益评估研究,2019.06.01-,江西省灌溉试验中心站,农业工程学院 显示更多 论文 1、Ammonia volatilization losses from a rice paddy with different irrigation and nitrogen managements,AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-12 2、Seasonal variations of CH4 and N2O emissions in response to water management of paddy fields located in Southeast China,CHEMOSPHERE,01-JAN-12 3、Gaseous losses of nitrogen by ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emissions from rice paddies with different irrigation management,Irrigation Science,01-JAN-12 4、Lasting effects of controlled irrigation during rice-growing season on nitrous oxide emissions from winter wheat croplands in Southeast China,Paddy and Water Environment,01-JAN-12 5、Nitrogen loss from paddy field with different water and nitrogen managements in Taihu Lake region of China,Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,01-JAN-13 6、Effects of water saving irrigation and controlled release nitrogen fertilizer managements on nitrogen losses from paddy fields,Paddy and Water Environment,01-JAN-13 7、稻田CH4和N2O综合排放对控制灌溉的响应,农业工程学报,01-JAN-12 8、U形渠道流速分布特性分析与试验,农业机械学报,01-JAN-12 9、Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from paddy field as affected by water-saving irrigation,PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH,01-JAN-12 10、控制灌溉对稻田CH4和N2O综合排放及温室效应的影响,水科学进展,01-JAN-10 11、田块和小区尺度下节水灌溉稻田腾发量差异分析,农业工程学报,30-JUL-14 12、灌排调控模式对稻田排水过程的影响,灌溉排水学报,14-AUG-14 13、控释氮肥对节水灌溉水稻产量及水肥利用效率的影响,节水灌溉,2014-05-15,水利水电学院 14、Variations of carbon dioxide exchange in paddy field ecosystem under water-saving irrigation in Southeast China,Agricultural Water Management,01-MAR-16 15、Reduction of non-point source pollution from paddy fields through controlled drainage in an aquatic vegetable wetland-ecological ditch system,Irrigation and Drainage,03-DEC-16 16、Effects of water saving irrigation and controlled release nitrogen fertilizer managements on nitrogen losses from paddy fields,Paddy and Water Environment,10-JAN-15 17、Controlled irrigation and drainage of a rice paddy field reduced global warming potential of its gas emissions,Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science,03-FEB-14 18、Effect of water management on soil respiration and NEE of paddy fields in Southeast China,Paddy and Water Environment,01-SEP-17 19、Organic fertilizer application increases the soil respiration and net ecosystem carbon dioxide absorption of paddy fields under water-saving irrigation,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,03-APR-18 20、Effect of biochar addition on N2O emission from paddy field under water-saving irrigation,International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,01-JUN-18 21、The economic value of gas exchange in a paddy field ecosystem using water-saving irrigation,Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,03-MAY-18 22、Effect of biochar amendment on methane emissions from paddy field under water-saving irrigation,Sustainability,05-MAY-18 23、Impact of controlled -release nitrogen fertilizers on ammonia volatilization from paddy fields under water-saving irrigation,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,03-NOV-18 24、Effects of biochar amendment on CO2 emissions from paddy fields under water-saving irrigation,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18-NOV-18 25、Effect of straw return on soil respiration and NEE of paddy fields under water-saving irrigation,PLoS ONE,16-OCT-18 26、Effects of soil heat storage and phase shift correction on energy balance closure of paddy fields,Atmosfera,06-JAN-17 27、节水灌溉稻田土壤呼吸变化及其影响因素分析,农业工程学报,03-APR-15 28、节水灌溉水稻生长及产量对秸秆还田的响应,中国农村水利水电,15-AUG-15 29、有机肥施用对节水灌溉水稻生长及产量的影响,灌溉排水学报,15-MAY-15 30、水氮联合管理对稻田产量及水肥利用效率的影响,江苏农业科学,18-JUL-16 31、生物炭施用对节水灌溉稻田温室气体排放影响研究进展,江苏农业科学,09-NOV-16 32、生物炭施用对节水灌溉稻田甲烷排放的影响,节水灌溉,05-OCT-17 33、南方节水灌溉稻田能量通量特征及其规律分析,农业机械学报,11-FEB-15 34、Absorption characteristic of nitrogen for rice roots under water-saving irrigation,Proceedings of international conference on energy and environment engineering,11-APR-15 35、Effect of controlled irrigation and drainage on nitrogen leaching losses from paddy fields,Paddy and Water Environment,02-OCT-15 36、Modeling rice evapotranspiration under water-saving irrigation by calibrating canopy resistance model parameters in the Penman-Monteith equation,Agricultural water management,01-MAR-17 37、Rice evapotranspiration at the field and canopy scales under water-saving irrigation,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,03-APR-18 38、Performance evaluation of irrigation projects: Theories, methods, and techniques,Agricultural Water Management,30-APR-18 39、稻田灌排耦合的水稻需水规律研究,水利学报,15-MAR-14 40、控制地下水位减少节水灌溉稻田氮素淋失,农业工程学报,08-DEC-14 41、不同时间尺度节水灌溉水稻腾发量特征与影响因素分析,农业机械学报,12-MAY-16 42、节水灌溉稻田不同土壤水分条件下水碳通量日变化特征,中国农村水利水电,2016-08-15,农业工程学院 43、控释氮肥对节水灌溉水稻产量及水肥利用效率的影响,节水灌溉,05-MAY-14 44、不同天气条件下节水灌溉稻田水碳通量日变化特征,节水灌溉,05-NOV-16 45、Impacts of legal and institutional changes on irrigation management performance: a case of the Gezira Irrigation Scheme, Sudan,Water,05-OCT-18 46、Biochar improved rice yield and mitigated CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field under controlled irrigation in the Taihu Lake Region of China,Atmospheric Environment,2018-12-12,农业工程学院 47、Soil degassing during watering: An overlooked soil N2O emission process,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-18 48、Vapor Condensation in Rice Fields and Its Contribution to Crop Evapotranspiration in the Subtropical Monsoon Climate of China,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,10-JUN-18 49、Modeling rice development and field water balance using AquaCrop model under drying-wetting cycle condition in eastern China,Agricultural Water Management,01-MAR-19 50、Effects of biochar addition on the NEE and soil organic carbon content of paddy fields under water-saving irrigation,Environmental science and pollution research international,01-MAR-19 51、Effect of biochar addition on CO2 exchange in paddy fields under water-saving irrigation in Southeast China,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2020-01-01 52、Effects of Biochar Application on Soil Organic Carbon Composition and Enzyme Activity in Paddy Soil under Water-Saving Irrigation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2020-01-01 53、Attenuation effects of iron on dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic bioreactor: Evolution of quorum sensing, quorum quenching and dynamics of community composition,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-08-01 54、Antibiotic resistance genes attenuation in anaerobic microorganisms during iron uptake from zero valent iron: An iron-dependent form of homeostasis and roles as regulators,WATER RESEARCH,2021-05-01 55、Biochar as a tool to reduce environmental impacts of nitrogen loss in water-saving irrigation paddy field,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-03-01 56、Biochar improved soil health and mitigated greenhouse gas emission from controlled irrigation paddy field: Insights into microbial diversity,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-10-01 57、Modeling water consumption, N fates, and rice yield for water-saving and conventional rice production systems,SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH,2021-05-01 58、Controlled release urea improves rice production and reduces environmental pollution: a research based on meta-analysis and machine learning,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 59、Temporal Upscaling of Rice Evapotranspiration Based on Canopy Resistance in a Water-Saving Irrigated Rice Field,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,2020-07-01 60、纳米二氧化铈在污水处理系统中的环境行为及其生物毒性效应研究进展,环境工程,2021-01-01 61、Antibiotic resistance genes alternation in soils modified with neutral and alkaline salts: interplay of salinity stress and response strategies of microbes,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-03-31 62、Can ensemble machine learning be used to predict the groundwater level dynamics of farmland under future climate: a 10-year study on Huaibei Plain,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-03-31 63、Impact of Biochar Application on Ammonia Volatilization from Paddy Fields under Controlled Irrigation,SUSTAINABILITY,2022-02-01 64、Antibiotic resistance genes alternation in soils modified with neutral and alkaline salts: interplay of salinity stress and response strategies of microbes,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-25 65、Can ensemble machine learning be used to predict the groundwater level dynamics of farmland under future climate: a 10-year study on Huaibei Plain,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 66、Effect of Irrigation and Fertilizer Management on Rice Yield and Nitrogen Loss: A Meta-Analysis,PLANTS-BASEL,2022-07-01 67、Coupling machine learning and weather forecast to predict farmland flood disaster: A case study in Yangtze River basin,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2022-09-01 68、Soil nitrogen functional transformation microbial genes response to biochar application in different irrigation paddy field in southern China,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 69、Modeling CH4 and N2O emissions for continuous and noncontinuous flooding rice systems,AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS,2022-12-01 70、Salt tolerance evolution facilitates antibiotic resistome in soil microbiota: Evidences from dissemination evaluation, hosts identification and co-occurrence exploration,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2023-01-01 71、Ensemble machine learning for modeling greenhouse gas emissions at different time scales from irrigated paddy fields,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2023-03-01 72、The long-term effectiveness of biochar in increasing phosphorus availability and reducing its release risk to the environment in water-saving irrigated paddy fields,AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT,2023-05-01 73、Salt tolerance evolution facilitates antibiotic resistome in soil microbiota: Evidences from dissemination evaluation, hosts identification and co-occurrence exploration,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2023-01-01 74、Ensemble machine learning for modeling greenhouse gas emissions at different time scales from irrigated paddy fields,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2023-03-01 75、The long-term effectiveness of biochar in increasing phosphorus availability and reducing its release risk to the environment in water-saving irrigated paddy fields,AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT,2023-05-01 76、Current status of global rice water use efficiency and water-saving irrigation technology recommendations,JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE,2023-10-01 77、Salt tolerance evolution facilitates antibiotic resistome in soil microbiota: Evidences from dissemination evolution, hosts identification and co-occurrence exploration,Environmental Pollution,2023-03-03 显示更多 科技成果 1、一种农田排水的控污减排方法,2015-06-10,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 2、基于热电偶监测叶温升高的作物水分亏缺检测装置及其检测方法,2017-11-03,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 3、一种水旱轮作农田的排水控制-净化复合系统及实施方法,2017-12-26,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 4、一种基于天气预报描述性数据量化日照时数的方法,2018-09-21,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 5、一种连续混合水样采集装置,2018-07-24,水利水电学院,实用新型,3 开授课程 1、房屋建筑学,本科生,68,16 2、村镇规划,本科生,63,12 3、认识实习,本科生,191,80 4、节水灌溉理论,研究生,62,32 教学成果 2016年河海大学优秀班导师 教学资源 社会职务 国家灌排委员会环境工作组专家,Atmosphere 编委,河海大学学报(自然科学版)青年编委,中国农业工程学会会员,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Ecological Engineering, Paddy and Water Environment, 农业工程学报、农业机械学报等SCI、EI 检索期刊审稿人 荣誉及奖励 1、2010年度农业节水科技奖_一等奖(省、部级),水利水电学院党委、水利水电学院,2010-01-01,省、部级,一等奖 2、农业节水科技奖_一等奖(省、部级),水利水电学院党委、水利水电学院,2013-03-08,省、部级,一等奖 3、黑龙江省科学技术奖_一等奖(省、部级),水利水电学院党委、水利水电学院,2014-07-31,省、部级,一等奖 4、2016年度大禹水利科学技术奖_三等奖(省、部级),水利水电学院党委、水利水电学院,2016-12-01,省、部级,三等奖 5、农业节水科技奖_二等奖(省、部级),水利水电学院党委、水利水电学院,2017-12-01,省、部级,二等奖 6、2016年度国家科学技术奖_一等奖(国家级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2016-12-01,国家级,一等奖 7、2020-2021年度(第八届)农业节水科技奖-科技成果奖_二等奖(省、部级),农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院,2021-10-15,省、部级,二等奖 8、2020-2021年度农业节水科技奖_二等奖(省、部级),农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院,2021-10-16,省、部级,二等奖 招生信息 招生类别:博士研究生、硕士研究生招生学科及方向:(1)农业水土工程 博士:水土资源规划与管理、节水技术与高效农业、灌区现代化与管理 硕士:水土资源规划与管理、作物高效用水理论、灌区现代化与管理(2)农业生物环境与能源工程博士:农业水土环境工程、农业面源污染与治理;硕士:灌溉排水的生态环境效应(3)农业水土资源保护博士:农业水土环境保护、水土资源保护与生态修复硕士:农业水土资源高效利用、农业节水减排与灌区生态(4)农业资源与环境硕士:农业水土环境与生态 |