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姓名 徐鑫
教师编号 21173
学校 河南大学
部门 商学院党委、商学院(含经济与金融学院)
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生
职称 副教授
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,徐鑫 职称: 副教授 部门: 商学院党委、商学院(含经济与金融学院) 学科: 土木工程,管理科学与工程 教学部门: 商学院党委、商学院、经济与金融学院(筹) 电话: 邮件: xinxu@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 河海大学江宁校区博学楼734室 通讯地址: 南京市江宁区佛城西路8号博学楼734室 邮编: 211100 1136 访问 个人简介 徐鑫,男,江苏泰州人。毕业于美国普渡大学(Purdue University),获得土木工程博士学位。2021年10月加入河海大学商学院,从事工程管理相关教学与研究工作。研究方向主要包括土木工程基础设施集成管理,工程项目知识挖掘、语义建模与推理,智能建造等。 个人资料 姓名: 徐鑫 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1990-09 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 美国普渡大学 教育经历 2009-2013,重庆大学,工程管理,工学学士 2013-2016,东南大学,管理科学与工程,管理学硕士 2016-2020,美国普渡大学,土木工程,哲学博士 工作经历 2020-2021,美国普渡大学土木工程学院基础设施信息学实验室,博士后研究,博士后 2021-至今,河海大学商学院工程管理与工程经济系,教学科研,副教授 研究领域 土木工程基础设施集成管理(Civil Integrated Management)工程项目知识挖掘、语义建模与推理 (Knowledge Mining, Semantic Modeling and Reasoning)智能建造(Smart Construction) 科研项目 1、Risk-based Construction Inspection Program for Highway Infrastructure Projects (SCDOT-4400022446),2020.01-至今,美国南卡罗莱州交通部,参与 2、Automating the Generation of Construction Inspection Checklists (SPR-4422),2019.07-2020.07,美国印第安纳州交通部,参与 3、Mapping the Underworld of Buried Utilities – A Hybrid Sensing Approach (CMMI-1462638),2016.08-2019.08,美国国家自然科学基金,参与 4、Risk-based Specification for Construction (SPR-4101),2016.08-2019.01,美国印第安纳州交通部,参与 论文 1、Domain Ontology for Utility Infrastructure: Coupling the Semantics of CityGML Utility Network ADE and Domain Glossaries,Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,SCI,2021.05,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,35(5) 2、Ontology and rule-based natural language processing approach for interpreting textual regulations on underground utility infrastructure,Advanced Engineering Informatics,SCI,2021.04,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,48 3、Automatic Generation of Customized Checklists for Digital Construction Inspection,Transportation Research Record,SCI,2021.02,Xin Xu,JungHo Jeon,Yuxi Zhang,Hubo Cai,2675(5) 4、Automating Utility Permitting within Highway Right-of-Way via a Generic UML/OCL Model and Natural Language Processing,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,SCI,2020.09,Xin Xu,Kaiwen Chen,Hubo Cai,146(12) 5、Semantic approach to compliance checking of underground utilities,Automation in Construction,SCI,2020.01,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,109 6、Ontology-Based Knowledge Management System for Digital Highway Construction Inspection,Transportation Research Record,SCI,2019.01,Xin Xu,Chenxi Yuan,Yuxi Zhang,Hubo Cai,2673(2) 7、Automated Crack Segmentation in Close-Range Building Façade Inspection Images Using Deep Learning Techniques,Journal of Building Engineering,SCI,2021.11,Kaiwen Chen,Georg Reichard,Xin Xu,43(20) 8、BIM-GIS-DCEs Enabled Vulnerability Assessment of Interdependent Infrastructures – A Case of Stormwater Drainage-Building-Road Transport Nexus in Urban Flooding,Automation in Construction,SCI,2021.05,Yifan Yang,S. Thomas Ng,...,Xin Xu,125(4) 9、Extraction of Construction Quality Requirements from Textual Specifications via Natural Language Processing,Transportation Research Record,SCI,2021.03,Jungho Jeon,Xin Xu,Yuxi Zhang,Hubo,Cai,2675(9) 10、Geo-registering UAV-captured close-range images to GIS-based spatial model for building façade inspections,Automation in Construction,SCI,2021.02,Kaiwen Chen,Georg Reichard,Abiola Akanmu,Xin Xu,122 11、Risk-Based Prioritization of Construction Inspection,Transportation Research Record,SCI,2018.06,Chenxi Yuan,Jaehyun Park,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,2672(26) 12、Classifying Semantic Relationships of Utility-Specific Terminologies via LSTM Networks along Shortest Dependency Paths,Construction Research Congress 2020,EI,2020.03,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,JungHo Jeon 13、Modeling 3D Spatial Constraints to Support Utility Compliance Checking,ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019,EI,2019.06,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai,Kaiwen Chen 14、Semantic Frame-Based Information Extraction from Utility Regulatory Documents to Support Compliance Checking,Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering,2018.10,Xin Xu,Hubo Cai 15、An Integrated Computational GIS Platform for UAV-based Building Façade Inspection,EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering,2021.08,Kaiwen Chen,Xin Xu,Georg Reichard,Abiola Akanmu 显示更多 科技成果 开授课程 教学成果 教学资源 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息
