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姓名 王子武
教师编号 19878
学校 天津大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 副教授
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集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

王子武 教师名称:王子武 教师拼音名称:Wang Zi Wu 出生日期:1982-02-11 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300350 通讯/办公地址:Yaguan road 135, Haihe education park in Tianjin 邮箱:wangziwu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 MY EDUCATION CAREER:Sep.2000---Jul.2004, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Major: Physics, Bachelor.Sep.2004---Jul.2007,Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Major: Theoretical Physics, Master.Sep.2009---Jul.2012: Institute of Semiconductor CAS and Tsinghua University, Major: Condensed Matter Physics, DoctorJul.2012---Oct.2013: Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS; Post doctorMY WORK  EXPERIENCE Sep.2007---Jul.2009, Department of physics and electronic information engineering , Chifeng University , Inner Mongolia, Lecture.Nov.2013--- Now,  Department of physics , Tianjin University.MY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECTS1. 《The study of lattice relaxation of the graphene and topological insulator under strong magnetic field》 supported by national science foundation of china(NSFC), 2013-2016, moderator (finished ).2. 《 Study of the Multiphonons Raman Scattering in Monolayer Materials layed on the Polar Semiconductor Substrates 》 supported by NSFC, 2017-2020, moderator (processing). Using the methods of linear operators and unitary transformation, we are interest in:(1) . Surface optical polaron state in monolayer material/polar semiconductor  heterostructures.(2) . Interlayer and intralayer exciton states in sandwiched structures based on monolayer system. In frame of the Huang-Rhys model, we are currently interest in following topics:(1) . Multi-phonons Raman scattering  in  low  dimensional system.(2) . Spin relaxation mediated by multi-phonons scattering in  nanostructures .(3) . Coherent phonons transition among quantum levels.   暂无内容 01. Zi-Wu Wang and Jing-Lin Xiao, Parabolic linear bound potential quantum dot qubit and its optical phonon effect, Acta Physica Sinica,56,0678 (2007).2019 02. Zi-Wu Wang and Jing-Lin Xiao,Properties of Parabolic Linear Bound Potential and Coulomb Bound Potential Quantum Dot Qubit, Commun. Theor. Phys, 49 , 311 (2008)..2019 03. Zi-Wu Wang and Jing-Lin Xiao,The decoherence of the parabolic linear bound potential quantum dot qubit, Physica B:Condense matter, 403,522 (2008) ..2019 04. Zi-Wu Wang and Shu-Shen Li,Spin–flip relaxation in a two-electron quantum dot with spin–phonon coupling , Solid State Commu,152 , 1667 (2011). .2019 05. Zi-Wu Wang and Shu-Shen Li,Two-phonon processes of intraband relaxation in the terahertz regime in quantum dots , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 23 , 225303 (2011).2019 06. Zi-Wu Wang and Shu-Shen Li,Effective channels of breaking the phonon bottleneck: A lattice relaxation approach. Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 043512 (2011). .2019 07. Wei-Ping Li, Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-Fu Yuand Zi-Wu Wang,The effects of magnetopolaron on the energy gap opening in graphene, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24,135301(2012)..2019 08. Zi-Wu Wang and Shu-Shen Li,One and two-phonon process of the spin-flip relaxation in quantum dots: spin-phonon coupling mechanism , Solid State Commu,152,1098 ( 2012)..2019 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 24 , 265302 (2012). .2019 09. Zi-Wu Wang and Shu-Shen Li,Lattice relaxation of the graphene under high magnetic field, .2019 10. Wei-Ping Li, Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-Fu Yu and Zi-Wu Wang*, The two-phonon processes in graphene under strong magnetic field. Solid State Commu. 163,19(2013). .2019 11. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu, Lin Shi, Xiao-Jing Gong, Wei-Ping Li and Ke Xu, The optical phonon scattering in graphene under strong magnetic field, Journal of physical society of Japan, 82,094606 (2013). .2019 12. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu and Shu-Shen Li, Spin-flip relaxation via optical phonon scattering in quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 224305 (2013). .2019 13. Wei-Ping Li, Shao-Juan Li, Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-Fu Yu and Zi-Wu Wang*, Spin relaxation assisted by optical phonon scattering in quantum dots: Dresselhaus versus Rashba spin–orbit coupling. Solid State Commu. 192,1, (2014). .2019 14. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu ,Wei-Ping Li and Ke Xu, The linewidths of transition between Landau levels in graphene, Physics Letters A, 378, 65 (2014)..2019 15. Zi-Wu Wang, Zhi-Qing Li and Shu-Shen Li,The optical phonon resonance scattering with spin-conserving and spin-flip processes between Landau levels in Graphene, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 26 , 395302 (2014)..2019 16. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu and Shu-Shen Li, Relaxation times of the two-phonon processes with spin-flip and spin-conserving in quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 142404 (2014). .2019 graphene on different polar substrates, Europhysics Letters, 108, 36005 (2014). .2019 17. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu and Zhi-Qing Li, Fast two-phonon relaxation process between the Landau levels of.2019 18. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu and Zhi-Qing Li, Energy gap induced by the surface optical polaron in graphene on polar substrates, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 101601 (2015). .2019 19. Zi-Wu Wang, Run-Ze Li ,Yao Xiao and Zhi-Qing Li, Magnetic-optical transitions in monolayer molybdenum disulphide on polar substrates, Physics Letters A, 380, 3843 (2016)..2019 20. Yao Xiao, Wei-Ping Li , Zhi-Qing Li and Zi-Wu Wang*, Coulomb impurity effects on the zero-Landau level splitting in graphene on polar substrates, Superlattices and Microstructures , 104,178 (2017)..2019 21. Zi-Wu Wang, Wei-Ping Li, Yao Xiao, Run-Ze Li and Zhi-Qing Li, Influence of exciton-phonon coupling on the exciton binding energy in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 231603 (2017). .2019 22. Zi-Wu Wang, Yao Xiao, Run-Ze Li,Wei-Ping Li and Zhi-Qing Li,Self-energy effect and Coulomb potential modulation of the exciton inmonolayer MoS2 on polar substrate, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 475306 (2017)..2019 23. Yao Xiao, Zhi-Qing Li and Zi-Wu Wang*, Polaron effect on the bandgap modulation in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, accepted (2017)..2019 24. Wei-Ping Li, Jin-Wen Yin, and Zi-Wu Wang* spin-flip relaxation between the Landau levels in gapped graphene, (2017) under review.2019 25. Wei-Ping Li, Jin-Wen Yin, and Zi-Wu Wang* Temperature dependence of the excitonic spectroscopy in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, (2017) under review.2019 26. Zi-Wu Wang and Zhi-Qing Li ,Multiphonon resanance Raman scattering in Landau-quantized graphehe, (2017) under review.2019 27.Peng-Fei Li and Zi-Wu Wang*, Optical absorption of free polaron in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, (2017) under review.2019 教育经历 2009.9-2012.7 Institute of Semiconductor CAS and Tsinghua Univer   Condensed Matter Physics   Doctor 2000.9-2004.7 Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities   Physics   Bachelor 2004.9-2007.7 Inner Mongolia University for the Nationa   Theoretical Physics   Master 工作经历 2013.12 -2019.12 |Department of physics , Tianjin University 2007.7 -2009.9 |Department of physics and electronic information engineering , Chifeng University , Inner Mongolia
