姓名 | 师春生 |
教师编号 | 19756 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 |
部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 教授 |
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师春生 教师名称:师春生 教师拼音名称:Shi Chunsheng 出生日期:1970-02-04 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮箱:csshi@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestMetal Matrix Composites; Energy Materials; Computational Materials ScienceTeachingFundament of Materials Science; Computational Materials Science; Phase Diagrams and Design of Alloys.Research projectsSoftware for prediction of hot rolling microstructurePreparation and properties of CNTs reinforced Mg matrix compositesSelected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)[1] He, C.N., Zhao, N.Q., Shi, C.S., Song, S.Z., Mechanical properties and microstructure of carbon nanotubes-reinforced Al matrix composite fabricated by in situ chemical vapor deposition, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2009, 487(1-2), 258-262.[2] He, C.N., Zhao, N.Q., Shi, C.S., Song, S.Z., Fabrication of carbon nanomaterials by chemical vapor deposition, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2009, 484(1-2), 6-11.[3] Kang, J.L., Nash, P., Li, J.J., Shi, C.S., Zhao, N.Q., Gu, S.J., The effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber reinforced copper matrix composites, Journal of materials science, 2009, 44(20), 5602-5608.[4] Kang, J.L., Nash, P., Li, J.J., Shi, C.S., Zhao, N.Q., Achieving highly dispersed nanofibers at high loading in carbon nanofibre-metal composites, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20(23), 235607.[5] Wang, K.P., Shi, C.S., Zhao, N.Q., Du, X.W., Li, J.J., First-principles study of the B- or N-doping effects on chemical bonding characteristics between magnesium and single-walled carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters, 2009, 469, (1-3), 145-148.[6] Shi, C.S., Wang, G.Q., Zhao, N.Q., Du, X.W., Li, J.J., NiO nanotubes assembled in pores of porous anodic alumina and their optical absorption properties, Chemical Physics Letters, 2008, 454, (1-3), 75-79.[7] He, C.N., Zhao, N.Q., Shi, C.S., Du, X.W., Li, J.J., Li, H.P., Cui, Q.R., An approach to obtaining homogeneously dispersed carbon nanotubes in Al powders for preparing reinforced Al-matrix composites. Advanced Materials 2007, 19, (8), 1128-1132. Metal Matrix Composites; Energy Materials; Computational Materials Science 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1995.7-2002.9 Tianjin University Materials Science 博士 2002.9-2004.9 Nagoya university, Japan Postdoctoral research 工作经历 2004.9 -2012.9 |Tianjin Univeristy|Associate Professor 2012.9 -2019.12 |Tianjin Univeristy|Professor 2002.9 -2004.9 |Nagoya Univeristy, Japan|Postdoctor 1995.9 -2002.9 |Advanced Metallic Materials Institute|Tianjin Univeristy|Lecturer |