姓名 | 胡一可 |
教师编号 | 19030 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 |
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职称 | 副教授 |
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胡一可 教师名称:胡一可 教师拼音名称:Hu Yi Ke 出生日期:1978-09-05 性别:男 职务:Digital Construction Laboratory Director 学科:Landscape Architecture 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:92 Weijin Road, Nankai District Tianjin 300072, P. R.China 邮箱:563537280@qq.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Professor Yike Hu earned his PHD of Engineering in Landscape Architecture design from School of Architecture Tsing University Peking China in 2010. After graduation,he came to Tianjing University to work as a teacher,in 2014, he became associate professor and Master supervisor of Tianjin University.He holds academic positions such as Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture(CHSLA),Digital Construction Laboratory Director, School of Architecture,Tianjin University,IIAS (International Institute of Asia) visiting scholar (2015 Holland, Leiden University),UKNA(Urban Knowledge Network Asia),affiliated fellow. He leads research in the National Natural Science Foundation of Youth Project‘border demarcation and management of quantitative research city-scenic area’,Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education Youth Project‘ border management quantification of urban scenic area’,and The General Program (Key Program, Major Research Plan) of National Natural Science Foundation of China‘Research on Urban Space Prototypes near the Boundary of Urban National Parks Using Crowd Behavior Analysis.With the experience in landscape andarchitecture design and theoretical teaching ,he pursues research on Landscape Planning and Design,Scenic and Tourism Area Planning and Design, Landscape Architecture Design,Urban Public Space Design.He had published nealy40 papers in academic Journals. As researchers published, edited or co edited 7 books, translated 12 books. Mr. Hu has led undergraduates and graduate students on many occasions to participate in international and national academic competitions and achieved awards,such as D3 Housing Tomorrow Competition ,AIM(Architecture in Mission) International Architectural Design Competition, International VELUX Award,Aalborg Portland Architecture Competition, UIA HYP Cup International Student Architectural Design Competition, and China Architectural Education TSINGRUN Award Students’ Paper Competition and so on. Research on the Urban National Park Boundary Marking and Management, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education(Youth Project, Serial number:20120032120062) ,2013/01-2015/12, Funding Amount:RMB40,000, Role: Leader. Quantitative Research on the Urban National Park Boundary Marking and Management, Programme of National Natural Science Foundation(Youth Project, Serial number:51208347), 2013/01-2015/12, Funding Amount:RMB250,000, Role: Leader Research on Urban Space Prototypes near the Boundary of Urban National Parks Using Crowd Behavior Analysis,Programme of National Natural Science Foundation(Youth Project, Serial number:51678394), 2017/01-2020/12, Funding Amount: RMB 620,000, Role: Leader Urban Public Space Design UA Creation Amard·International Ideas Competition,Excellent Instructors.(2015) 2014 National College Architecture Ixcellent Lesson Plans , (Yuan SiNan, Tan Lifeng, co-authored)(2014) Advanced Rank of teaching, Tianjin University(2014) City Farm International Architectural Design Competition,Excellent Instructors.(2013-2014) ‘BADI CUP’2013 International Green Bulidings Design Competitions,Excellent Instructors.(2013) CCDI(China Construction Design International)Teaching Award(2013) Tianjin University Teachers Lecture Compitition,Third Prize(2012) National College Architecture excellent lesson plans,Lesson plan name - grade 1 to grade four teaching plan "behavior scale series"(2012) Xiong Ran,Hu Yike,Wei Rui.Analysis on Traditional Space Interface of Bouyei in the Southwest of Guizhou-An Analysis on Nanlong Ancient Village and Color Redisence. Architecture and Culture.2017(06),149-151..2017 Hu Yike, Ding Mengyue, Wu Dewen. Research on urban area spatial optimization design method of urban scenic area, South Architecture, 2016(04),55-59.2017 Hu Yike,Kong Yuhang.Four Points of Controversy-Thoughts Occured During the Judging Process.Urban Enviroment design.2016(2)99.2017 Wu Dewen,Hu Yike,Jiang Yanbing.Research on Building Height Control on the Border of Chinese Urban Famous Scenic Site:Taking the Second Phase of Changchun Jingyuefentuan as the Example. Chinese Landscape Architecture.2015(4).2017 HU Yike, Thinking about Accessibility.Landscape Architecture.2014(01).158.2017 Hu Yike,Tang Jingxian,Shao Di.Research on Urban Design Method of Scenic City—Wuyishan North City District Urban Design as an Example.Chinese Landscape Architecture.2014(9).96-100..2017 Hu Yike,Nan Yuchuan.Preliminary Study of Ecological Perspective Architectural Aesthetics in the Field of Vision of Low-carbon.Architecture and Culture.2014(2).20-23..2017 HU Yike, Wu DeWen.Scale Transformation Research on the Boundary of Urban National Park. South Architecture.2014(3).17-22..2017 HU Yike, Hu Hongrui, Shao Di, An Interactive Overlooking Parameter Model and Control of Buildings' Heights around Scenic Sites, Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2014(06),22-27..2017 HU Yike, WU Dewen. Scale Transformation Research on the Boundary of Urban National Park, South Architecture.2014(03),17-22.2017 Hu Yike.Song Ruiqi.Digital Technology VS Architectural Aesthetics. Architecture and Culture.2014(01).95-96..2017 Hu Yike.Landscape Reviews - Landscape Design Liaoyang Yanxiu Park, Chengdu Longmen Mountain tourist area planning, Shanghai Chen Shan Botanical Garden pit garden, Aoya Shenzhen CITIC Mangrove Bay.World Architecture. 2014(02).65、79、89、104.2017 Zhang Xinnan,Hu Yike,Shao Di.The Underdeveloped Areas Design in international Competitions-A Case Study on the Grand Award of Competition“D3 Housing Tomorrow”.Chinese Landscape Architecture..2013(12).31-34..2017 Hu Yike(translate).Global Vision and Local Experience: The Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage in China and its Protection and Management.Landscape Architecture.2011(2).102-113..2017 Hu Yike,Yang Rui.Study on Boundary Cognizance of Famous Scenic Sites.Chinese Landscape Architecture.2011(06).56-60...2017 Hu Yike,Liu Hailong.A Discussion of Landscape Urbanism Concept.Chinese Landscape Architecture.2009(10)64-68.2017 Hu Yike,Guo Yong,Wang Yinglin,Zhao Zhicong.Mobile Green VS Lingering Green-An Intergraton of Traffic and Green; A Transformaton from Bus Station to Garden.2009.05.31-32..2017 Li MengYing,Hu Yike. Amphibious-A Case Study of Coastal Lowland Enviroment Renovation.Chinese Landscape Architecture.2009(2)68-72.2017 Hu Yike,Kong Yuhang,To Analyse Charles Gwathmey’s house.Chinese&Overseas Architecture.2004(10).12-16..2017 HU Yike, Luan Tianhao, Shao Di. Based on the design of buildings in mining subsidence areas -- architectural design landscape conditions as an example. Journal of Landscape Research.2014.10.36-39..2017 HU Yike, Hu Hongrui, Shao Di, An Interactive Overlooking Parameter Model and Control of Buildings' Heights around Scenic SitesTomorrow's Landscape Architecture International Symposium Proceedings..2013.10.644-648.2013.10.20.2017 HU Yike, Luan Tianhao, SHAO Di. Based on the design of buildings in mining subsidence areas—architectural design landscape conditions as an example, Journal of Landscape Research, 2014(10), 3-6.2017 Zhang Xinnan,Hu Yike.Also said that all kinds of architectural design competitions.China Architectural Education.2014(8)..2017 Hu Yike.Keywords of Department of Architecture.China Architectural Education.2014(总第7期).102-104..2017 Hu Yike,Yang Rui,Wang Jingtao.Comprehensive Comparison between Chinese Classical Garden and English Scenery Garden.HuaZhong Architecture.2009(1)202-207.2017 HU Yike, Shao Di, Theory and Methods of Concurrent Engineering and Applied Research in the Field of Architecture, International Symposium on Digital Architectural Design Conference Proceedings, 2013,36-39.2017 HU Yike, Zhang Xinnan, SHAO Di, The Relationship between Concept and Site in Architectural Design, International Symposium on Architectural Education Conference Proceedings, 2013,27-30.2017 HU Yike, WU Dewen, Landscape Design Training Should Introduce the Concept of Life-cycle Management, Landscape Conference on Education Conference Proceedings,2012,99-102..2017 Hi Yike,Song Ruiqi.The Impact of Digital Technology on Architectural Aesthetics.2012 Symposium on International Symposium on Digital Architecture Design.2012.8.234-236..2017 Hu Yike, Yang Huifang.Planning Design of the Bouudary of Urban Chinese National Parks-Taking Changchun Jingyuetan as an Example.2013symposiuon of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture.(volume One).2012.10. 29-34..2017 Hu Yike,Yuan Yiqian,Xu Zhen.Tectonic of Architecture Training of First Grade 2012,Tianjin University, International Symposium on Architectural Education Conference Proceedings,2012(9) 516-521..2017 Hi Yike.A Preliminary Study of Urban Vertical Landscape Creation, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture Conference Proceedings,2012,263-268..2017 HU Yike, Zhao Di, A Preliminary Study of Urban Vertical Landscape Creation, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture Conference Proceedings.2011,264-269.2017 Liu Hegang,Hu Yike, Dai Wei.Ecological Perspective of Reservoirarea Planning-The Study of Songyuan Hada Mountain Reservoir Area of Area of Jilin Province.The 2011symposiuon of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture.2011.9.372-376..2017 Hu Yike.Research on the planning strategy of Boundary of Urban National Park.Symposiuon of Doctoral Forum in China (Architecture).2009(10).2017 Hu Yike,Song Ruiqi.The planning and city life of the Olympic Park in Munich.Architecture.2008(6)52-59.symposiuon WTO and China economy and the Eighth Annual Academic Conference,published in December 2009..2017 Hu Yike.The investigation of Chinese classical gardens and English Scenery Garden’s Essentially different.The second Beijing Forestry University landscape architecture graduate academic forum and the five school LA academic forum for graduate students.2006(11).2017 Hu Yike,Urban state of Guangzhou:implicit rule in ambiguity.Beijing City Planning&Construction Review.2006(02)15-19..2017 Hu Yike.Reflections on the construction of new socialist countryside in Tongliao.Tongliao daily./2006 /8 /28 / 002 edition.2017 教育经历 2005.9-2010.7 School of Architecture Tsinghua University Peking Landscape architecture 博士 2002.9-2005.7 Dalian University of Technology Architectural design and its theory 硕士 School of Architecture and Civil Engineering 1997.9-2002.7 Dalian University of Technology Architecture 学士 School of Architecture and Civil Engineering 工作经历 2014.9 -2019.12 |Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tianjin University 2014.9 -2019.12 |Master supervisor, School of Architecture, Tianjin University 2009.9 -2019.12 |Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture(CHSLA) 2010.9 -2019.12 |Present Vice Chairman of Tianjin City Planning Information Management Association 2014.7 -2019.12 |UKNA(Urban Knowledge Network Asia),affiliated fellow 2001.1 -2001.7 |GuangChou Urban Planning&Design Superey Research 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 The construction detailed planning of Buyi town in Guizhou Yilong .(2016) 2017 11 Conceptual master plan of Buyi city inGuizhou Yilong(2016) 2017 11 Planning and design of starting zone of Tourism Resort District in Sichuan Pingshan (2016) 2017 11 Item number: 2012GKF-0258 High School bilingual international school in Henan Normal University Construction Source: Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tianjin University, Tianjin - Nankai District has already been completed 科研项目 International Federation of Landscape Architects’Emblem Design,Third Place.(2010) School of Architecture Tsinghua University Peking China ,Academy of Architecture.(2009) CHSLA Students Design Competition,Second Prize.(2009) IFLA International Student Design Competition,Honorable Mention.(2008 ) Cross Strait Space Design International Competition, Excellence Award.(2008 ) UA Creation Amard·International Ideas Competition, Excellence Award.(2007) Vanke - World Architecture Possible Housing Competition,, Honorable Mention. 2004 TEAMZERO Award Architecture Student Design Competition,Third Place. National Student Competition of "New Thoughts on Urban Planning and Landscape Design",Third Place. UA Creation Amard·International Ideas Competition,Third Place. |