姓名 | 薛松 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 浙江师范大学 | 部门 | 博士学位 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
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薛松 34 性别 : 男 毕业院校 : 英国邓迪大学 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士学位 在职信息 : 在岗 所在单位 : 教育学院 入职时间 : 2023-05-09 Email : xuesong@zjnu.edu.cn 访问量 : 0000002086 最后更新时间 : 2024.3.27 个人简介 研究兴趣:模型与建模,教学教法(中学化学,科学),科学教育国际热点议题教授课程本科:《微格教学诊断》、《化学教学论》研究生:《化学基础与前沿专题》(联合授课)、《化学教育研究设计与论文写作》、《化学教学设计与实施》 教育经历2013.09- 2017.06,上海师范大学(本科)生命与环境科学学院,化学工程与工艺专业2017.09-2019.06, 浙江师范大学(硕士研究生)教师教育学院,学科教学(化学)2019.09-2023.03 英国邓迪大学 (博士研究生)人类社会科学和法律学院,科学教育国际交流2018.02-2018.06 高雄师范大学 科学教育研究所2018.12-2019.03 美国俄亥俄州立大学 (访问学者)2022.02-2022.04 英国杜伦大学 教育学院2022.04-2022.06 德国IPN研究中心(访问学者)论文发表张伟选,薛松,邓文杰.基于化学前沿知识的高中化学教学策略研究[J/OL].浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版),1-10[2024-03-27]邓文杰,张伟选,薛松等.基于STEAM理念的项目式教学——制备生物柴油[J].化学教育(中英文),2023,44(23):59-66.Zhu, L., Sun, D., Luo, M.,Liu, W., & Xue, S. (2023) Investigating Pre-Service Science Teachers' Design Performance in Laboratory Class: The Inquiry-Based Design Thinking Approach. Journal of Science Education and Technology . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-023-10050-3Xue, S. (2023). Developing Modelling Competence of Pre-service Science Teachers: :Meta-modelling knowledge, Modelling practice, and Modelling product. [unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Universtity of Dundee. Xue, S., Sun, D., Zhu, L., Huang, H.-W., & Topping, K. (2022). Comparing the Effects of Modelling and Analogy on High School Students’ Content Understanding and Transferability: The Case of Atomic Structure. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(2), 325-341. https://doi.org/10.33225/jbse/22.21.325Xue, S., & Sun, D. (2022). Integrating Analogy into Scientific Modelling for Students' Active Learning in Chemistry Education, In Active Learning - Research and Practice. London: IntechOpen.El Islami, RAZ., Xue, S., Sari, IJ., Ngan, LHM., Khwaengmake, V., Khan, S., Bien, NV., Faikhamta, C., To Khuyen, NT., Prasoplarb, T. (2022). A Comparison of School Science Curricula of Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 22(2), pp.63-82杨婷婷,薛松,赵雷洪.基于计算机探究性建模的高中化学“反应速率”教学设计[J].化学教育(中英文),2022,43(21):8592.DOI:10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090211.胡博凯,胡宝川,薛松,赵雷洪.基于PhET虚拟仿真实验的中学化学教学设计——以“饱和溶液”为例[J].化学教育(中英文),2022,43(17):114-118.DOI:10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080156.赵雷洪,薛松,竺丽英.基于建模导向的科学教学实证研究——以高中化学“原子结构”的学习为例[J].浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,43(02):228-235.DOI:10.16218/j.issn.1001-5051.2020.02.017.国际论文汇报Xue, S., Topping, K., & Lakin, L. (2022). Knowledge, Practice and Product: Developing Preservice Science Teachers’ Modelling Competence. Paper presented at National Association Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, Canada.Xue, S., Huang, C. F., & Zhang, J., (2021, May) Drawing an Atomic Model: Students' Mental Model Development in Modelling-based Learning. ESERA online Conference, Braga, Portugal. https://www.esera.org/.Zhang, J. & Xue, S., (2021, May) Factors Affecting the Assessment Quality of Students’Scientific Argumentation Competence. ESERA online Conference, Braga, Portugal. https://www.esera.org/.Xue, S., Huang, C. F., & Khan, S (2020, August 25-28) Exploring the Effect of Embedding Modeling Instruction on Students’ Conceptual and Reasoning Abilities: A study of an atomic structure unit [Conference session]. EERA Conference, Glasgow, United, Kingdom. https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2020-glasgow/(Conference cancelled).国际学术服务Conference reviewer: National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) (March 27, 2022) Teacher Education Theme: Pre-service Teacher Education Coursework: Curriculum and Pedagogy to Improve Teacher Knowledge and InstructionConference Reviewer: American Educational Research Association (April 9, 2021) Conference Themes: Learning and Instruction/Teacher and Teacher EducationConference Reviewer: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) (March 5, 2020) Conference Themes:Learning Sciences & Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Early Years Education,Research in Science Education