姓名 | 贾艳敏 | 性别 | 主要任职 : 金华市政协委员、金华市青年联合会委员 |
学校 | 浙江师范大学 | 部门 | 性别 : 男 |
学位 | 性别 : 男 | 学历 | 曾获荣誉 : 校“双龙学者”特聘教授、省151人才第三层次 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
软件产品登记测试 | 软件著作权666元代写全部资料 | 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料 集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台 微信客服在线:543646 急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳 |
贾艳敏 64 教授 主要任职 : 金华市政协委员、金华市青年联合会委员 其他任职 : 民革金华市委会委员、民革浙师大基层委员会主委 曾获荣誉 : 校“双龙学者”特聘教授、省151人才第三层次 性别 : 男 毕业院校 : 中科院上海硅酸盐研究所 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士学位 在职信息 : 在岗 所在单位 : 物理与电子信息工程学院 入职时间 : 2009-12-30 办公地点 : 29-527 联系方式 : ymjia@zjnu.edu.cn Email : ymjia@zjnu.edu.cn 访问量 : 0000013065 最后更新时间 : 2022.1.12 个人简介 男,1980年10月,河南三门峡人,博士、教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师。 Email:ymjia@zjnu.edu.cn 金华市第七届政协委员、金华市青年联合会委员、民革金华市委会委员、民革浙江师范大学基层委员会委员、主委。 Office:科技楼29#5272010.1-今浙江师范大学 物理系 教授2008.7-2010.1:博士后, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft) (合作导师:荷兰皇家科学院院士、清华大学 Prof. Sybrand van der Zwaag)2005.2~2006.8: 助理研究员, 香港理工大学 应用物理系(合作导师:Prof. Helen Lai Wa Chan)2003.9-2008.7: 博士, 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 (保送硕博连读) 1999.9-2003.7 学士, 材料科学与工程 郑州大学 研究方向为铁电材料物理及应用。发表论文80余篇。第一/通讯作者SCI论文70余篇,包括Nature Communications、Energy & Enviromental Science、Advanced Materials、Nano Energy、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Nanoscale 、Applied Physics letters十篇、Electrochemistry Communications 、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Composites Science and Technology、Journal Applied Physics五篇等。其中IF>3.0以上40余篇。单篇最高被引150余次,总的他引一千余次。十项发明专利(三项授权、七项为公开阶段)。曾为Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; Applied Physics letters, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Materials chemistry, Compos. Sci. Technol., J.Phys.D-Appl.Phys., Phys.-Condes.Matter; Smart Mater. Struct., J.Lumines., Mater.Chem.Phys.,J.Alloy.Compd.等四十余个国际杂志审稿。主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省科技厅钱江人才计划项目等。指导本科生承担省大学生新苗人才计划项目7项和承担国家大学生创新创业项目4项。指导一名硕士研究生获浙江省优秀硕士学位论文;多名获校优秀硕士学位论文。 教学: 来华留学英语授课品牌课程建设-----大学物理D(工科)代表性论文 (2006-2018)http://physics.zjnu.edu.cn/2016/0303/c2480a118258/page.htm ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9657-0806Scopus Author ID: 14018034200Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanmin_Jia部分新闻报道:1. 2017.06:贾艳敏指导本科生钱伟琦论文在SCI一区TOP杂志《Electrochemistry Communications》发表2. 2017.10:贾艳敏入选浙江省151人才工程第三层次培养人员3. 2017.12:贾艳敏:搭起力与光之间的桥梁--浙江省自然科学基金委4. 2018.06:贾艳敏课题组在国际顶级学术期刊《Nano Energy》发表研究论文5. 2018.06:贾艳敏指导物理学专业本科生洪元婷同学第一作者《物理学报》论文被选为“编辑推荐hot!”6. 2018.06:贾艳敏课题组在国际顶级学术期刊《Energy & Environmental Science》发表研究成果7. 2018.07: 贾艳敏荣获第十四届金华市青年科技奖8. 2018.08: 贾艳敏课题组在Nature子刊《Nature Communications》发表学术成果9. 2018.08:贾艳敏教授通讯作者论文成果在国际顶级学术期刊《Nano Energy》发表10. 2018.08:贾艳敏指导材料专业17级(大一)本科生夏建超第一作者成果SCI二区TOP期刊《Ceramics International》发表11 2018.10:贾艳敏指导材料专业16级本科生王朗同学第一作者成果在SCI二区TOP期刊《Ceram. Int.》发表12. 2018.12:贾艳敏教授荣获“2018中国新锐科技人物突出成就奖”13. 2019.03:金华日报:(贾艳敏) 致力科研创新及应用携手青年学子砥砺前行14. 2019.04:贾艳敏教授指导外籍留学研究生Muhammd Ismail第一作者在凝聚态物理期刊EPL发表论文15. 2019.05:光和振动降解染料废水!贾艳敏教授通讯作者论文在顶级期刊 Nano Energy 发表16. 2019.06:贾艳敏教授通讯作者在顶级期刊 Nano Energy发表摩擦催化降解染料废水成果17. 2019.06:贾艳敏教授通讯作者在顶级期刊《Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.》发表压电催化分解水制氢成果论文:201987. Hua Li, Huanhuan Zhang, Yan Zou, Xiaoping Dong, Yanmin Jia*, Feifei Wang, Synergetic photocatalysis/piezocatalysis of bismuth oxybromide for degradation of organic pollutants, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 809, 151840, (2019)86H. You, Z. Wu, L. Zhang, Y. Ying, Y. Liu, L. Fei, X. Chen, Yanmin Jia*, Y.J. Wang, F.F. Wang, S. Ju, J. Qiao, Chi-Hang Lam, H. Huang, et al. Harvesting the Vibration Energy of BiFeO3 Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Doi:10.1002/anie.201906181 (2019) 85P. Li, J. Wu, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, J. Ma, W. Chen, L. Zhang, J. Yang, Y. Liu, Strong tribocatalytic dye decomposition through utilizing triboelectric energy of barium strontium titanate nanoparticles, Nano Energy Doi: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.06.028 (2019)84J. Ma, L. Chen, Z. Wu, J. Chen, Yanmin Jia*, Y.M. Hu, Pyroelectric Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 polarized ceramic with strong pyro-driven-catalysis for dye wastewater decomposition, Ceram. Int. 45(9), 11934-11938 (2019)83 Muhammad Ismail, Z. Wu, H. You, Yanmin Jia*, J. Xia, Y.J. Wang, Photovoltaic effect of Ferroelectric bananas, EPL (EuroPhysics Letters) 125 (4) 47001 (2019) (IF=1.834 SCI三区)82J. Ma, J. Ren, Yanmin Jia*, Z. Wu, L. Chen, Neale O. Haugen, H. Huang, Y. Liu, High efficiency bi-harvesting light/vibration energy using piezoelectric zinc oxide nanorods for dye decomposition, Nano Energy 62,376-383 (2019)81Muhammad Ismail, Z. Wu, L. Zhang, J. Ma, Yanmin Jia*, Y. Hu, Y. Wang, High-efficient synergy of piezocatalysis and photocatalysis in bismuth oxychloride nanomaterial for dye decomposition, Chemosphere, 228, 212-218 (2019)80S. Wang, Z. Wu, J. Chen, J. Ma, J. Ying, S. Cui, S. Yu, Y. Hu, J. Zhao, Yanmin Jia*, Lead-free sodium niobate nanowires with strong piezo-catalysis for dye wastewater degradation, Ceram. Int. 45(9), 11703-11708 (2019)79L. Wang, N. O. Haugen, Z. Wu, X. Shu, Yanmin Jia*, J. Ma, S. Yu, H. Li, Q. Chai, Ferroelectric BaTiO3@ZnO heterostructure nanofibers with enhanced pyroelectrically-driven-catalysis. Ceram. Int. 45, 90-95 (2019)78D. Wang, X. Chen, G. Yuan, Yanmin Jia, Y. Wang, Arif Mumtaz, Y. Wang*, J.-M. Liu. Toward artificial intelligent self-cooling electronic skins: Large electrocaloric effect in all-inorganic flexible thin films at room temperature. Journal of Materiomics,5(1):66-72, (2019). 77X. Chen, L. Wang, Yanmin Jia, Y. Li, X. Li, W. Dong, B. Wang, X. Wang, Strongly enhanced ferroelectric performance in Ca-doped barium titanate coatings produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Ceram. Int. 45(10), 13024-13029 (2019)201876 H. You, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, Jun Zou, Photoluminescence and stress-luminescence of non-piezoelectric ZnS: Cu amorphous materials, Mater Lett. 213, 266-268, (2018) 75J. Xia, H. Li, H. You, Z. Wu, J. Chen. Z. Lu, L. Chen, M. Wang, Yanmin Jia*, Effects of Fe doping on photoluminescent and magnetic properties of CaTiO3:Eu3+. Ceram. Int. 44(17), 21530-21532 (2018) 74H. You, Yanmin Jia*, Z. Wu, F. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Wang, Room-temperature pyrocatalytic hydrogen generation of 2D few-layer black phosphorene under cold-hot alternation, Nature Communications, 9, 2889 (2018)73X. Xu, L.Xiao, Yanmin Jia*, Z. Wu, et al., Pyro-catalytic hydrogen evolution by Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 nanoparticles: harvesting cold–hot alternation energy near room-temperature. Energy & Environmental Science 11, 2198-2207 (2018) (IF=30.067 SCI一区)72J. Ma, Z. Wu, W. Luo, Y. Zheng, Yanmin Jia*, L. Wang, H. Huang, High pyrocatalytic properties of pyroelectric BaTiO3 nanofibers loaded by noble metal under room-temperature thermal cycling, Ceram. Int. 44(17), 21835-21841(2018) 71H. You, X. Ma, Z. Wu, L. Fei, X. Chen, Y. Yang, Y. Liu, Yanmin Jia*, H. Li, F. Wang, H. Huang, Piezoelectrically/pyroelectrically-driven vibration/cold-hot energy harvesting for mechano-/pyro- bi-catalytic dye decomposition of NaNbO3 nanofibers, Nano Energy, 52, 351-359 (2018) 70X. Xu, S. Chen, Zheng Wu, Yanmin Jia*, L. Xiao, et al., Strong pyro-electro-chemical coupling of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3@Ag pyroelectric nanoparticles. Nano Energy 50, 581-588 (2018) (SCI一区 IF=13.120)69X. Xu, Yanmin Jia*, L. Xiao, Z. Wu, Strong vibration-catalysis of ZnO nanorods for dye wastewater degradation via piezo-electro-chemical coupling, Chemosphere 193, 1143-1148, (2018)68Huilin You, Zheng Wu, Yanmin Jia*, Jun Zou, Highly efficient pyrocatalysis of pyro-electric NaNbO3 shape-controllable nanoparticles for room-temperature dye decomposition, Chemosphere 199, 513-537 (2018)67X. Xu, L. Xiao, N. O. Haugen, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, W. Zhong, J. Zou, High humidity response property of sol-gel synthesized ZnFe2O4 films, Mater Lett. 213, 266-268, (2018) 66 Yanmin Jia, J. Ma, X. Xu, Z. Han, Z. Wu, Muhammad Ismail, Neal O. Haugen, L. Wang, S.G. Yu, Z.Y. Xu, S. Li, J. Zou, H.S. Luo, Abnormal magnetocapacitance of multiferroic perovskite oxide Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)1-xTixO3 (x=0.48) crystal, J. Alloy. Compd. 743, 597-602 (2018) (IF=3.779 SCI二区TOP)65S. Gong, Z. Wu, J. Zou, F. Wang, Y. Tang, Yanmin Jia*, et al., Strong strain modulation on magneto-resistance of La1-xSrxMnO3 film via converse piezoelectric effect, J. Alloy. Compd. 752, 402-406 (2018)64X. Xu. Z. Wu, L. Xiao. Yanmin Jia*, et al. Strong pieo-electro-chemical effect of piezoelectric BaTiO3 nanofibers for vibration-catalysis, J. Alloy. Compd. 762, 915-921 (2018)63 Xiaoli Xu, Lingbo Xiao, Yanmin Jia*, Yuanting Hong, Jiangping Ma, Zheng Wu, Strong visible-light photocatalytic activity of magnetically recyclable sol-gel-synthesized ZnFe2O4 for rhodamine B degradation, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(1), 536-541 (2018) (IF=1.579 SCI三区)62Y.T. Hong, J.P. Ma, Z. Wu*, J.S. Ying, H.L. You, Yanmin Jia*, Piezo-electrochemical coupeling of AgNbO3 piezoelectric nanomaterials, Acta Physica Sinica 67(10), 107702 (2018) .61Y. Mao, J. Yan, L. Wang, W. Dong, Yanmin Jia, X. Hu, X. Wang, Formation and properties of bioactive barium titanate coatings produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Ceram. Int. 44(11), 12978-12986 (2018)60贾艳敏, 马江平, 王朗, 王梦双, 罗雯姝,磁致伸缩/压阻块状复合材料的磁阻性能研究,DOI: 10.16218/j.issn.1001-5051.2018.03.004 《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》, 2018(3):263-267 201759Yuntao Xia, Yanmin Jia*, Weiqi Qian, Xiaoli Xu, Zheng Wu, Zichen Han, Yuanting Hong, Huilin You, Muhammad Ismail, Ge Bai, Liwei Wang, Pyroelectrically induced pyro-electro-chemical catalytic activity of BaTiO3 nanofibers under room-temperature cold–hot cycle excitations, Metals, 7, 122 (2017)(IF=1.984 SCI三区)58 H. You, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, et al., High-efficiency and mechano-/ photo- bi-catalysis of piezoelectric-ZnO@ photoelectric-TiO2 core-shell nanofibers for dye decomposition, 183, 528-535, Chemosphere (2017)(IF=4.427 SCI二区TOP)57Weiqi Qian, Yanmin Jia*, Zheng Wu, et al., Thermo-electrochemical effect for room-temperature hermos-catalysis in pyroelectric ZnO nanorods, Electrochem. Commun.81,124-127, (2017) (IF=4.660, SCI一区)56H. You, Yanmin Jia*, Z. Wu, X. Xu, W. Qian, Y. Xia, M. Ismail, Strong piezo-electrochemical effect of multiferroic BiFeO3 square micro-sheets for mechanocatalysis, Electrochem. Commun.79, 55-58 (2017)201655J. Wu, W.J. Mao, Z. Wu, X.L. Xu, H.L. You, A’X. Xue, Yanmin Jia*, Strong pyro-catalysis of pyroelectric BiFeO3 nanoparticles under a room-temperature cold-hot alternation, Nanoscale, 8, 7343-7350 (2016)54W. Mao, Yanmin Jia*, J. Wu, Yunlong Xie*, Zheng Wu*, J. Han, M. He, Optical temperature sensing of piezoelectric Er3+-doped (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Sn0.06Ti0.94)O3 ceramic, Funct. Mater. Lett., 09(05) 1650060 (2016). (IF=1.084 SCI 三区)53J. Wu, W.J. Mao, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, The photoluminescence indicating the Curie transition of Er3+-doped (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Sn0.06Ti0.94)O3 ferroelectric ceramic, Mater Lett. 166, 75-77 (2016) (IF=2.687, SCI二区TOP)52J. Wu, Z. Wu, W.Q. Qian, Yanmin Jia*, Yu Wang, Haosu Luo, Electric-field-treatment-induced enhancement of photoluminescence in Er3+-doped (Ba0.95Sr0.05)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 piezoelectric ceramic, Mater Lett. 184: 131 ~133 (2016)51J. Wu, W. Mao, Z. Wu, Y. Wang, Yanmin Jia*, Piezoelectric Er3+-doped (Ba1-xCax)(Sn0.06Ti0.94)O3 ceramic: photoluminescence sensitive to morphotropic phase boundary, J. Alloy. Compd. 684(5), 342-345 (2016)201550 J. Wu, Z. Wu, W.J. Mao, Yanmin Jia*, The photoluminescence indicating compositional changes of Er3+-doped (Ba1-xCax)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 piezoelectric ceramics, Mater. Lett. 149: 74 ~76 (2015)49Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, Y.S. Liu, Piezoelectrically-induced stress-luminescence phenomenon in CaAl2O4:Eu3+, J. Alloy. Compd. 646:86~89(2015)48A’X. Xue, C. Fang, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, Y.S. Liu, H.S. Luo, Uniaxial stress-induced ferroelectric depolarization in <001>-oriented 0.72Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.28PbTiO3 single crystal, J. Alloy. Compd. 647:14~17 (2015)47X.Y. Xu, Z. Wu*, Yanmin Jia*, W.J. Li, Y.S. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, A’X. Xue, Multiferroic properties of nanopowder-synthesized ferroelectric-ferromagnetic 0.6BaTiO3-0.4NiFe2O4 ceramic, J. Nanomater., 2015: 613565, (2015). (IF=1.871 SCI三区)46Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, et al., ChemInform Abstract: piezoelectrically-induced stress-luminescence phenomenon in CaAl2 O4 :Eu 3+, ChemInform 46(43), Doi: 10.1002/chin.201543006 (2015)45Yanmin Jia* , W. Zhou, K. Ma, et al., Enhanced magnetoelectric Effect in Permendur/ Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Laminated Magnetostrictive/Piezoelectric Composite, Appl. Sci. 5, 587-594 (2015) (IF=1.679 SCI三区)44贾艳敏* 吴江,毛武剑, 徐佳鹏, 贺妙, 蓝双红, (1-x)K0.5 Na0.5NbO3-xLiNbO3∶Pr 铁电陶瓷相变区光流明性能研究, DOI: 10.16218/j.issn.1001-5051.2015.03.010《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》, 2015(3):299-302 201443 Z. Wu, Y.H. Zhang, C. Fang, K. Ma, H. Lin, Yanmin Jia*, J.R. Chen, et al., Magnetostriction-strain-induced enhancement and modulation of photovoltaic performance in Si-p-n/TbxDy1-xFe2 composite, Phys. Status Solidi A, 211(3):641~644 (2014) (IF=1.775 SCI三区)42Yanmin Jia, Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, Z.H. Zhou, J.R. Chen, Y.K. Jia, Y.H. Zhang, J.Y. Zhou, H.H. Wang, Effects of compositional changes on luminescence of lead-free Eu3+-doped K1-xNaxNbO3 piezoelectric ceramics, J. Alloy. Compd. 586:66 ~68 (2014)41Z. Wu, Y.H. Zhang, K. Ma, Y. Cao, H. Lin, Yanmin Jia*, J.R. Chen, H.M. Li, Strong visible-light photovoltaic effect in multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2V1/2)O3 bulk ceramics, Phys. Status Solidi-R. 8(1): 36~39 (2014)40 H. Lin, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, W.J. Li, R.K. Zheng, H.S. Luo, Piezoelectrically induced mechano-catalytic effect for degradation of dye wastewater through vibrating Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 fibers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104(16):162907 (2014)39Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, J. Wu, Y.C. Shen, H.S. Luo, Dual-enhancement of ferro-/piezoelectric and photoluminescent performance in Pr3+ doped (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 lead-free ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(4):042902 (2014)38 Zheng Wu, Jiayi Zhou, Yi Cao, Ke Ma, Yanmin Jia*, Yihe Zhang, Electrophoresis-assisted fabrication of pseudo 1-3 ceramic/polymer piezoelectric composites, Acta Physica Sinica,63(2): 027701, (2014)37Z.J. Zuo, D. Pan, Yanmin Jia, J.J. Tian, S.G. Zhang, L.J. Qiao, Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminates through adopting magnetic warm compaction Terfenol-D, J. Alloy. Compd. 587:287~289 (2014)36贾艳敏*,陈志强,周琚,王灵灵, PZT/Surlyn 0-3复合材料的热机械与介电及压电性能, Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5051.2014.02.003 《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》, 2014 (2):126-130 201335Yanmin Jia*, Z.Z. Zhou, Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, J.R. Chen, Y.H. Zhang, Y.S. Liu, Magnetization-induced enhancement of photoluminescence in core-shell CoFe2O4@YVO4:Eu3+ composite, J. Appl. Phys., 114(21):213903, (2013)34 Yanmin Jia, Z.H. Zhou, Y.B. Wei, Z. Wu, H.H. Wang, et al, Enhanced photoluminescence of core-shell CoFe2O4/SiO2/Y2O3:Eu3+ composite by remanent magnetization, Smart Mater. Struct. 22:125014 (2013) (IF=2.963 SCI二区)3319) Z. Wu, K. Ma, Y. Cao, Yanmin Jia*, A'X. Xie, J.R. Chen, Y.H. Zhang, H.M. Li, et al, Strong secondary piezoelectric effect in ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103(11):112904 (2013)32X.L. Tian, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, J.R. Chen, R.K. Zheng, Y.H. Zhang, H.S. Luo, Remanent-polarization-induced enhancement of photoluminescence in Pr3+-doped lead-free ferroelectric (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 ceramic, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102(4):042907 (2013)31Z.J. Zuo, D. Pan; Yanmin Jia, S.G. Zhang; L.J. Qiao, Peak divergence in the curve of magnetoelectric coefficient versus dc bias magnetic field at resonance region for bi-layer magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites AIP Advances, 3, 122114, (2013) 30Z.H. Zhang, J.W. Kan, G.M. Cheng, Yanmin Jia, H.Y. Wang, Influence of multiple piezoelectric effects on sensors and actuators, Mech. Syst. Signal Pr. 35, 95-107, (2013)29Yanmin Jia, A'X. Xue, Z.Z. Zhou, Z. Wu, J.R. Chen, K. Ma, Y.H. Zhang, J.Y. Zhou, et al., Magnetostrictive/piezoelectric drum magnetoelectric transducer for H2 detection, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 38(34): 14915~14919 (2013) ( IF=4.229 SCI一区)28J. Zhang, Z. Wu, Yanmin Jia*, J.W. Kan, G.M. Cheng, Piezoelectric bimorph cantilever for vibration-producing-hydrogen, Sensors, 13(1):367-374 (2013) (IF=2.677 SCI三区)201227Yanmin Jia*, C. Zheng, Z. Wu, R.K. Zheng, Y.Z. Fang, Y.H. Zhang, H.M. Li, Enhanced magneto-impedance in Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 ribbons from laminating with magnetostrictive Terfenol-D alloy plate, Appl. Phys. Lett.,101, 251914 (2012)26 Z. Wu, Z.H. Xiang, Yanmin Jia*, Y.H. Zhang, H.S. Luo, Electrical impedance dependence on the direct and converse magnetoelectric resonances in magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated composites, J. Appl. Phys., 112, 106102 (2012) 25Z. Wu, J. Zhang, K. Ma, Y. Cao, Yanmin Jia*, H.S. Luo, Y.H. Zhang, A magnetoelectric laminate based passive micro-displacement sensor, Phys. Status Solidi- R. 6(12):469~471 (2012) (IF=3.032 SCI二区)201124Yanmin Jia*, X.L. Tian, Z. Wu, X.J. Tian, J.Y. Zhou, Y.Z. Fang, C.C. Zhu, Novel mechano-luminescent sensors based on piezoelectric/electroluminescent composites, Sensors, 11(4): 3962-3969 (2011)23Yanmin Jia*, X.L.Tian, J.X. Si, S.H. Huang, Z. Wu, C.C. Zhu, Modulation of strain, resistance, and capacitance of tantalum oxide film by converse piezoelectric effect, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 011905 (2011)22Z. Wu, X.L. Tian, Yanmin Jia*, X.J. Tian, A’X. Xie, Y.H. Zhang, H.S. Luo, Giant magneto-light output in three-phase magnetostrictive, piezoelectric and electroluminescent composites, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 212503 (2011)200921Yanmin Jia*, S.W. Or, H.L.W. Chan, J. Jiao, H.S. Luo, S. Zwaag, Current/voltage bidirectional converter based on piezoelectric/magnetostrictive composites, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 263504 (2009)20Yanmin Jia*, H.S. Luo, S.W.Or, Y. 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