

姓名 方程冉 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 土木工程学院
学位 博士 学历 土木工程学院
职称 教授 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人简介         博士,教授,博士生导师。2000.6毕业于浙江大学环境科学系获学士学位;2003.6毕业于浙江大学环境工程系获硕士学位,同期进入浙江科技学院建筑工程学院市政与环境工程系执教。2010.3毕业于浙江大学环境工程系获博士学位。2013.2~2014.2于美国旧金山州立大学访学交流;2012.12和2017.7分别赴德国奥登堡应用科学大学和比利时根特大学短期工作交流。2013.12入选浙江省“151人才工程第三层次”;2017.12入选浙江省中青年学科带头人。2020.6至今就职于浙江工业大学土木工程学院市政工程系。 教学与课程         本科生课程:                水力学;水资源利用与保护         研究生课程:                水处理生物技术         教学成果:               《水力学实验》,浙江大学出版社,2022,主编               《工程流体力学》,清华大学出版社,2021,第一副主编 科研项目 2019.1~2022.12:垃圾填埋场抗生素和抗性基因的赋存特征及其去除优化机制研究(51878617),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持;2017.1~2020.12:填埋场渗滤液处理系统邻苯二甲酸酯归趋与生物降解优化机制(51678531),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持;2014.1~2016.12:畜禽养殖废弃物抗生素污染与生态风险削控技术(2013TD12),浙江省科技计划项目,主持;2014.1~2015.12:填埋场中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯的迁移、转化及其归趋研究(20130310),浙江省重中之重学科基金,主持;2012.1~2014.12:生物反应器填埋场中邻苯二甲酸酯的生物降解机制研究(51108419),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持;2010.1~2011.12:生物反应器填埋场中邻苯二甲酸酯的迁移转化及其快速生物降解机制研究(Y5090073),浙江省自然科学基金,主持;2009.10~2011.9:新型农村污水脱氮除磷集成技术中试研究及工程示范(20091633F07),杭州市科技局,主持;2009.1~2010.12:生活垃圾填埋场中酞酸酯快速生物降解研究(Y200804271),浙江省教育厅,主持;2018.1~2020.12:氮掺杂污泥炭载纳米Fe3O4耦合厌氧共代谢去除难降解有机物的强化机理(51708505),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,第2;2017.1~2019.12:污泥基炭负载纳米Fe3O4强化厌氧生物降解偶氮染料废水的效能与机理(LQ17E080008),浙江省自然科学基金,第2;2016.1~2018.12:超滤膜处理地表水过程中四环素类抗生素的归趋及影响研究(LY16E080007),浙江省自然科学基金,第2;2011.1~2013.12:填埋场覆盖土层中甲烷氧化微生物的功能表达及其环境响应机理(41001148),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,第2;2011.1~2013.12:厌氧铁氧化菌对填埋场脱氮的影响及机理研究(41071310),国家自然科学基金面上项目,第5;2009.1~2010.12:填埋场恶臭气体的垃圾生物覆盖土净化作用及其机制研究(Y5080154),浙江省自然科学基金,第3;2008.10~2012.9:危险废物焚烧残渣及飞灰利用与处理关键技术研究与示范(2008C13024-2),浙江省科技厅重大科技专项,第5;2005.1~2009.12:交错流A/O法膜生物反应器处理含油废水的应用机理研究(z504107),浙江省自然科学基金重点项目,第5。 科研成果 近年论文Hongyuan Liu, Hong Li, Libo Qiu, Binhui Chen, Hua Wang, Chengran Fang*, Yuyang Long, Lifang Hu. The panorama of antibiotics and the related antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in landfill leachate. Waste Management, 2022, 144: 19-28.Xiangdong Xue, Shuchen Hong, Ruotong Cheng, Hong Li, Libo Qiu, Chengran Fang*. Adsorption characteristics of antibiotics on microplastics: The effect of surface contamination with an anionic surfactant. Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 136195.Hong Li, Libo Qiu, Binhui Chen, Hua Wang, Hongyuan Liu, Yuyang Long, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang*. Vertical distribution of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in a representative municipal solid waste landfill, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 242: 113919.Libo Qiu, Hong Li, Xiangdong Xue, Yuyang Long, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang*. Distribution and removal of antibiotic resistance genes in a landfill leachate treatment process. Chemistry and Ecology, 2022, 38: 935-948.Pingping Sun, Hongzhi Mao, Chengran Fang*, Yuyang Long. Effect of hydraulic parameters of leachate treatment process on di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate removal from aged leachate. Environmental Technology, 2022, 2029951.Hongyuan Liu, Hong Li, Chengran Fang*, Hongzhi Mao, Xiangdong Xue, Qun Wang.Removal of Di-n-butyl phthalate from aged leachate under optimal hydraulic condition of leachate treatment process and in the presence of its dominant bacterial strains.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 222: 112532.Xiangdong Xue, Binhui Chen, Hua Wang, Chengran Fang*, Yuyang Long, Lifang Hu.Antibiotics in the municipal solid waste incineration plant leachate treatment process.Chemistry and Ecology, 2021, 37: 633-645.Chengran Fang*, Binhui Chen, Haifeng Zhuang, Hongzhi Mao. Antibiotics in Leachates from Landfills in Northern Zhejiang Province, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 105: 36-40.Qun Wang, Lanhui Jiang, Chengran Fang*, Liang Chen. Effects of di-n-butyl phthalate and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate on pollutant removal and microbial community during wastewater treatment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 198: 10665.Qun Wang, Xiaogang Wu, Lanhui Jiang, Chengran Fang*, Hua Wang, Liang Chen, Effective degradation of Di-n-butyl phthalate by reusable, magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticle-immobilized Pseudomonas sp. W1 and its application in simulation. Chemosphere, 2020, 250: 126339.Chengran Fang*, Hongzhi Mao, Lanhui Jiang,Yuyang Long. Transformation of di-n-butyl phthalate in an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic leachate treatment process. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2020, 22: 221-227.Qun Wang, Lanhui Jiang, Chengran Fang*, Hongzhi Mao, Haifeng Zhuang. Transformation of phthalic acid diesters in an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic leachate treatment process. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, 28: 249-253.Lifang Hu, Dongchen Zhang, Yating Qian, Zhiyuan Nie, Yuyang Long, Dongsheng Shen, Chengran Fang, Jun Yao. Microbes drive changes in arsenic species distribution during the landfill process. Environmental Pollution 2022, 292: 118322.Wenyi Yang, Manting Ci, Lifang Hu, Zhen Shen, Chengran Fang, Yuyang Long. Sulfate-reduction behavior in waste-leachate transition zones of landfill sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 428: 128199.Manting Ci, Wenyi Yang, Haihong Jin, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang, Dongsheng Shen, Yuyang Long. Evolution of sulfate reduction behavior in leachate saturated zones in landfills. Waste Management, 2022, 141: 52-62.Hua Wang, Cheng Qiu, Yali Song, Shaochen Bian, Qun Wang, Yongmin Chen, Chengran Fang. Adsorption of tetracycline and Cd(II) on polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate microplastics with ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide aging treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 157109.Xiangdong Xue, Chengran Fang, Haifeng Zhuang. Adsorption behaviors of the pristine and aged thermoplastic polyurethane microplastics in Cu(II)-OTC coexisting system. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 407: 124835.Zhiyuan Nie, Lifang Hu, Dongchen Zhang, Yating Qian, Yuyang Long, Dongsheng Shen, Chengran Fang, Jun Yao, Jinbao Liu. Drivers and ecological consequences of arsenite detoxification in aged semi-aerobic landfill. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 420: 126597.Lifang Hu, Zhiyuan Nie, Wenjie Wang, Dongchen Zhang, Yuyang Long, Chengran Fang. Arsenic transformation behavior mediated by arsenic functional genes in landfills. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403: 123687.Dongyun Liu, Jing Xu, Yuan Fang, Yao Du, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang, Dongsheng Shen, Yuyang Long. Effect of air and water on the release of chlorine from semi-aerobic landfill. Environmental Technology, 2021, 1869838.Zhiyuan Jin, Siyuan Zhang, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang, Dongsheng Shen, Yuyang Long. Effect of substrate sulfur state on MM and DMS emissions in landfill. Waste Management, 2020, 116: 112-119.Haifeng Zhuang, Qiaona Xie, Shengdao Shan, Chengran Fang, Lifeng Ping, Changai Zhang, Zhirong Wang. Performance, mechanism and stability of nitrogen-doped sewage sludge based activated carbon supported magnetite in anaerobic degradation of coal gasification wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 737: 140285.Haifeng Zhuang, Hao Zhu, Jin Zhang, Shengdao Shan, Chengran Fang, Haojie Tang, Qiaona Xie. Enhanced 2,4,6-trichlorophenol anaerobic degradation by Fe3O4 supported on water hyacinth biochar for triggering direct interspecies electron transfer and its use in coal gasification wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296: 122306.Zhiyuan Jin, Manting Ci, Wenyi Yang, Dongsheng Shen, Lifang Hu, Chengran Fang, Yuyang Long. Sulfate reduction behavior in the leachate saturated zone of landfill sites. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 730: 138946. 织梦好,好织梦



