姓名 | 李永合 | 性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 化学工程学院,化学工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 化学工程学院,化学工程学院 |
职称 | 副研究员 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 基本情况:李永合,男,德国洪堡学者,博士生导师。2018年1月于北京工业大学固体微结构与性能研究所获工学博士学位。2018年4月-2021年6月,在德国精英高校卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (KIT)电子显微研究室从事博士后工作,目前任职浙江工业大学电子显微镜中心/化工学院。主要从事发展原位电子显微技术方法揭示材料物化反应机理的基础科学问题。发表相关SCI期刊论文30余篇,谷歌学术引用2000余次,H因子20.课程教学:参与授课《电子显微学概论》、《现代催化剂表征方法》以及《纳米科学与技术》课程。科研项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持,2023.01-2025.12)科技部重点研发专项子课题(负责,2023.11-2025.10)浙江省自然基金探索青年项目(主持,2023.01-2025.12)省属高校基本科研业务费 (主持,2023.10-2024.11)校科研启动经费(主持,2021.09-2026.08)DFG-德国精英大学重大专项(参与,DFG-Excellence Cluster, 7000万欧元)社会服务:中国微米纳米技术学会 高级会员 (2022.12-2027.11)Molecules期刊专刊主编Nano Energy、Ultramicroscopy、Journal of Electron Microscopy等期刊审稿人代表文章:1. Li, Y et al. (2024) Visualizing Structure, Growth, and Dynamics of Li Dendrite in Batteries: From Atomic to Device Scales. Advanced Functional Materials. 240136.2. Li, Y. * et al. (2021). Highly Selective Cu Staining of Sulfur-Containing Polymers Facilitates 3D Nanomorphology Reconstruction of Polymer:Fullerene Blends in Organic Solar Cells by FIB-SEM Tomography. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13, 53252–53261.3. Cheng, X., Li, Y., et al. (2021) Real-time observation of chemomechanical breakdown in a layered nickel-rich oxide cathode realized by in situ scanning electron microscopy. ACS Energy Letters. 2021, 6, 1703-1710. 共同一作4. Li, Y.,* et al. (2020) Imaging of polymer:fullerene bulk-heterojunctions in a scanning electron microscope: methodology aspects and nanomorphology by correlative SEM and STEM. Advanced Structural Chemical Imaging, 6, 2.5. Li, Y., et al. (2019): Recent advance in understanding the electro-chemo-mechanical behavior of lithium-ion batteries by electron microscopy. Materials Today Nano, 7, 100040. 6. Li, Y., et al. (2018): Interfacial lithiation induced leapfrog phase transformation in carbon coated Se cathode observed by in-situ TEM. Nano Energy, 48, 441-447. 7. Li, Y., et al. (2017): Assembled graphene nanotubes decorated by hierarchical MoS2 Structures: enhanced lithium storage and in situ TEM lithiation study for Li-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 9, 188-194. 8. Li, Y., et al.(2016): In situ TEM experiments and first-principles studies on electrochemical and mechanical behaviors of α-MoO3 in Li-ion batteries. Nano Energy, 27, 95-102. 9. Sun, D., Li, Y., et al. (2016): Understanding the mechanism of hydrogenated NiCo2O4 nanograss supported on Ni foam for enhanced-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 4, 5198-5204. 共同一作10. Li, Y., et al. (2014): Unveiling the dynamic capacitive storage mechanism of Co3O4@NiCo2O4 hybrid nanoelectrodes for supercapacitor applications. Electrochemica Acta, 2014,145, 177-184. 11. Li, Y., et al. (2014): Kirkendall effect induced one-step fabrication of tubular Ag/MnOx nanocomposites for supercapacitor application. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 6604-6611. 欢迎具有化学化工、材料科学学科背景的学生报考,一起实时探索动态微观世界奥秘! 教学与课程 参与授课电子显微学导论和现代催化表征技术课程 育人成果 科研项目 社会服务 copyright dedecms