

姓名 金樟峰 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 经济学院
学位 博士 学历 经济学院
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个人简介 金樟峰,中共党员,浙江义乌人,现为浙江工业大学经济学院国际经济与贸易系青年教师。2018年10月至2024年3月以学科博士后(特别资助)身份在浙江大学经济学院从事研究工作,期间曾受浙江大学组织部委派赴浙江省人民政府驻北京办事处挂职锻炼,出站考核优秀。先后获浙江财经大学统计学学士(2011)、浙江大学劳动经济学硕士(2013)、诺丁汉大学经济学博士(2018)积极参与国际学术网络。2014年12月作为Workshop Alumni加入罗纳德·科斯研究院(The Ronald Coase Institute),2019年12月作为GLO Fellow加入全球劳动组织(Global Labor Organization),2023年5月入选美国劳动经济学家协会(Society of Labor Economists)导师计划,项目导师为Fabian Lange(现为Journal of Labor Economics共同主编)和Uta Schoenberg (现为American Economic Review共同主编)。近5年,围绕中国人口问题,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Comparative Economics、Canadian Journal of Economics等国际高水平经济学期刊发表多篇学术论文。研究成果曾多次在美国经济学年会、世界计量经济学大会等国际主流经济学会议上汇报,近期受美国国家经济研究局(NBER)邀请将赴现场作关于中国生育问题研究的大会报告。担任Journal of Population Economics、Social Science & Medicine等国际知名期刊的匿名审稿人。积极参与国家社会科学基金重大项目、中国工程院重大战略研究与咨询项目等重要课题。 教学与课程 育人成果 科研项目 1.国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国人口老龄化对经济增长的影响路径与政策选择(20ZD076)”(参与者,未结题)2.中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目“医学卫生健康事业投入的经济价值研究(2022-XBZD-14)”(参与者,已结题)3.国家发改委国际司国家“十四五”规划中期评估课题(参与者,未结题)4.浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题重大项目“在转型发展中优化收入分配结构——浙江省居民收入分配结构调整的对策研究(12WT02ZD)”(参与者,已结题)5.浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题重点项目“中国的代际流动性及机理研究(14JDLB01Z)”(参与者,已结题) 科研成果 已发表论文:1. Simiao Chen; Zhangfeng Jin*;  Klaus Prettner. Can I live with you after I retire? Retirement, old age support, and internal migration in a developing country, Canadian Journal of Economics (CJE)/Revue canadienne d’économique., 2023, 56 (3), 964–988.2. Zhangfeng Jin; Junsen Zhang*. Access to local citizenship and internal migration in a developing country: evidence from a hukou reform in China, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2023, 51 (1), 181-215. 3. M.R. Barassi; M.G. Ercolani*; M. J. Hetterias; Zhangfeng Jin. Climate Anomalies and Migration Between Chinese Provinces: 1987-2015, The Energy Journal, 2018, 39(S1), 123-14.4. Liming Zhou; Zhangfeng Jin; Zheng Wang*. Who Gets Caught for Corruption When Corruption is Pervasive? Evidence from China’s Anti-bribery Blacklist, Applied Economics Letters, 2016, 24 (4)258-263.5. 王辰,王超,曹仲,焦荔蕊,金樟峰,薛澜,陈思邈:我国医学卫生健康投入现状、问题与对策,中国工程科学,2024,第26卷第2期。6. 周明海,金樟峰:长期居住意愿对流动人口消费行为的影响,中国人口科学,2017,第5期。(该论文被2018年发布的《中国流动人口及家庭发展报告》收录)7. 姚先国,王同益,金樟峰:市民化与个人劳动收入:外部性视角,浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2016,第5期。工作论文:1. The Legacies of the Soviet Influence in the 1950s: China’s 156 Major Industrial Projects, 2023.2. Act Early to Prevent Infection and Save Lives: Causal Impact of Diagnostic Efficiency on the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2023 (Coauthors: Simiao Chen, Till Bärnighausen and David E. Bloom).3. The Unintended Consequences of Relaxing Birth Quotas: Theory and Evidence,GLO Discussion Paper, 2021 (Coauthors: Shiyuan Pan and Zhijie Zhen).4. Do Migration Barriers Make Firms More Productive in the Long Run?Evidence from China, GLO Discussion Paper, 2021 (Coauthor: Shiyuan Pan).5. What Drives Policy Makers to Reduce Migration Barriers?Evidence from China’s Hukou Reform, Working Paper, 2021 (Coauthor: Paolo Epifani).6. 劳动力供给减少会促进企业创新吗?基于户籍制度的经验分析,工作论文,2021 (合作者:潘士远)。 社会服务 1. 挂职锻炼:2022年受浙江大学组织部委派赴浙江省人民政府驻北京办事处(正厅级单位)挂职锻炼,先后任职于省政府驻京办联络处、合作促进处,重点协助办领导开展“两站”(央企联络服务站、院士联络服务站)招商引才智慧平台迭代升级工作,通过数字化手段提高跨区域资源要素配置效率,推动我省数字化改革成果向北京延伸,助力浙江“两个先行”。挂职期间荣获全国各省市区驻京办事处信息协会2022年度信息工作先进个人。2. 期刊审稿:Journal of Population Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Economic Modelling, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Frontiers in Public Health, China Economic Review, China & World Economy, Review of Development Economics, China Economic Journal 学术会议 2024 Chinese Economists Society (CES) China Annual Conference (forthcoming)2024 Sixth Annual Conference of Government and Economics (forthcoming)2024 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (forthcoming)2024 China India Insights Program Conference (forthcoming)2024 Fertility and Declining Population Growth in High-Income Countries (forthcoming)2024 The Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference (forthcoming)2024 Forum on Asian Development2024 ASSA Annual Meeting2023 6th RUC-GLO 2023 Conference on the Chinese Labor Market2023 The Ronald Coase Institute  Alumni Conference2023 27th Annual SIOE Conference 2023 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and Southeast Asia2023 57th Canadian Economics Association Conference2023 Nanjing University Adam Smith Forum2022 Impact Evaluation Conference for KDI School’s 25th Anniversary2022 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society2022 Royal Economic Society Conference2022 Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference2022 Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg (Seminar)2022 ASSA Annual Meeting2021 Asia Impact Evaluation Conference2021 Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics Conference2021 China Meeting of the Econometric Society2021 Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference2021 Royal Economic Society Conference2021 ASSA Annual Meeting2020 Brookings-Jinan Microeconomic Policy Forum2020 Econometric Society & Bocconi University Virtual World Congress2019 Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics Conference2019 Second GLO-Renmin University Labor Economics Conference2019 ASSA Annual Meeting2018 The 10th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets2018 American Economic Association Meetings2017 GEP Conference on Migration and the Reshaping of Consumption Patterns2017 Asian Meeting of Econometric Society2016 Third Winter School on the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration (taught by Dr. Oded Stark, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar)2014 Workshop on Institutional Analysis by the Ronald Coase Institute2013  International Conference on China’s Labor Market in an Era of Economic Transitions & Development2012 CHARLS Users’ Training 织梦好,好织梦



