

姓名 李荣金 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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李荣金 教师名称:李荣金 教师拼音名称:Li Rongjin 出生日期:1979-05-04 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 通讯/办公地址:http://www.ligrp.net 邮箱:lirj@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 I received my Ph.D. in chemistry from Institute of Chemistry, CAS in 2009 under the supervision of Prof. Wenping Hu. After postdoctoral work in Shanghai Institute of Organic chemistry, CAS and Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, I joined Tianjin University as a full professor in 2015.I focused on the charge transport properties of organic materials under electrical, optical and/or magnetic fields by using organic single crystals with reduced density of structural defects. 有机自旋器件 有机光电材料与器件 暂无内容 Zhang, Xiaotao.2D Mica Crystal as Electret in Organic Field-Effect Transistors for Multistate Memory.Adv. Mater..2016,28 :3755-3760 Li, Rongjin.Gibbs-Curie-Wulff Theorem in Organic Materials: A Case Study on the Relationship between Surface Energy and Crystal Growth.Adv. Mater..2016,28 :1697-1702 Li, Rongjin.Bioinspired Wafer-Scale Production of Highly Stretchable Carbon Films for Transparent Conductive Electrodes.Angew. Chem. Int.....2013,52 :5535-8 Li, Rongjin.Micro- and Nanocrystals of Organic Semiconductors.Acc. Chem. Res..2011,43 :529-540 Li, Rongjin.Micrometer-Sized Organic Single Crystals, Anisotropic Transport, and Field-Effect Transistors of a Fused-Ring Thienoacene.Adv. Mater..2009,21 :4492-4495 Li, Rongjin.Micrometer- and Nanometer-sized, Single-Crystalline Ribbons of a Cyclic Triphenylamine Dimer and Their Application in Organic Transistors.Adv. Mater..2009,21 :1605-1608 教育经历 2004.9-2009.7 中科院化学所   物理化学   博士 2000.9-2004.7 北京师范大学   应用化学   学士 工作经历 2015.6 -2019.12 |天津大学|研究员 2011.7 -2015.7 |马普高分子所(德国)|博士后 2009.7 -2011.7 |中科院上海有机所|博士后

