

姓名 季民 性别
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季民 教师名称:季民 教师拼音名称:Ji min 性别:男 职称:教授 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 JI Min, was born in Januray, 1957in Shan Xi province, China. He is a professor of EnvironmentalEngineering, and the directori of Tianjin Engineering Research Center of Urban RiverEco-Purification Technology. His research interests include: theory andtechnology in wastewater treatment, management, planning and control of urbanwater environment and urban runoff pollution, design of sewage and industrialwastewater treatment plants, anaerobic sludge digestion and bioenergytechnology, etc. He has been in charge of many national or local researchprojects, involving the key technology in pretreatment of wastewater fromchemical industry park, research and application of the optimization methodsfor sewage treatment plant, developing new packing material in upgradingwastewater treatment plant, control technology in urban runoff pollution, studyon microorganism in inhibition of bio-nitrification, Ferric-Carbonmicroeletrolusis material treating recalcitrant pollutant in industrialwastewater, catalytical Fenton technology, enhanced anaerobic sludge digestion,sediment microbial fuel cell, ect. He has published more than 200 domestic andinternational papers, and conducted the design of more than 10 municipal sewagetreatment plants and industrial wastewater treatment plants.  季民, 教授,博导,1957年生人。1981年天津大学环境工程硕士毕业留校工作至今。现任天津市城市河道水质生态净化技术工程中心主任,天津大学秦皇岛环保研究院院长。。主要从事废水处理方面的教学和科研工作。研究方向:水污染治理理论与技术、城市水环境管理规划与径流污染控制、城市与工业污水处理厂设计、污泥厌氧消化与生物能技术等。近年来负责的国家水专项课题、国家支撑计划课题、国家重点研发计划课题和省部级课题10多项,涉及的研究内容有:海河干流水环境质量改善与综合示范,化工园区企业污水预处理关键技术,城市污水处理能力优化配置技术研究与应用,污水处理厂升级改造的新型填料开发,城市地表径流污染控制技术,生物硝化抑制的微生物学机理,难降解工业废水的铁碳微电解材料,催化FENTON处理技术,污泥厌氧消化强化技术、河道底泥微生物燃料电池技术等。在国内外发表论文200多篇,主持设计城市污水处理厂和工业废水处理厂10余座,曾获国家教学成果二等奖,天津市高等教育教学成果一等奖。天津市科技进步一、二、三等奖各1项,宝钢优秀教师基金奖、桑德优秀教师奖,天津市师德先进个人,天津市教工先锋岗,天津大学“我心目中的好导师”等多项奖励。 design of municipal and industrail wastewater treatment plant Plan of urban water system, non-point pollution control  anaerobic bio-energy technology from sludge treatment, sedimentation microbial fuel cell theory and technology of water pollution control 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1978.9-1981.4 Tianjin University   硕士 工作经历 1981.4 -2019.12 |Department of environmental engineering|tianjin university|assistant professor,associate professor, professor 团队成员 Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group 团队名称:Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group 团队介绍:Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group focuses on biological technologies for wastewater, sludge and waste gas treatment. The group has undertaken more than 80 research projects from national, provincial and ministerial and university-enterprise cooperation, while published more than 200 papers in recent years. At present, there are six faculties, including one professor, four associate professors, one assistant professor, one postdoctoral and three full-time researching assistants, as well as more than forty doctoral and master candidates.Research fields:    Treatment and Recycling Utilization of Sewage and Sludge    New technology, Equipment and Material in Water and Wastewater Treatment   Treatment and Ecological Restoration of Urban river   LID Technology    Environmental Biolelectrochemical System    Control Technology of Industrial VOCsRepresentative major projects:National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Science and Technology Major Project “Key technology and comprehensive demonstration for improving Haihe River environment quality" (2014-2017)National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Science and Technology Major Project "Stock recessive pollution sources and high potential risk of pollution control technology" (2015-2017)National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Science and Technology Major Project "Anaerobic digestion with high concentrations sludge and heat energy utilization system" (2015-2018)National 863 Project "Technologies and equipment for anaerobic sludge digestion and safe operation in the southern city" (2012-2016)National Science and Technology Support Project "Development of key technology and demonstration in green campus construction and management" (2013-2016)National Key Research and Development Project "Techniques and equipment for removal of trace refractory organics from reclaimed water" (2016-2020)Tianjin Science and Technology Project "Advanced rainwater pretreatment technology and engineering demonstration for sponge city" (2016-2019) 内容来自dedecms
