姓名 | 董娟 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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董娟 教师名称:董娟 教师拼音名称:Dong Juan 出生日期:1964-02-18 性别:女 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:Tianjin 移动电话:13920415232 邮箱:dj15232@126.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dong Juan, professor, doctoraland master tutor of Tianjin University School of Law. Executive director of theCriminal Law Research Center of Tianjin University Law School, head of criminallaw teaching and research group of Tianjin University School of Law.The main research areas: Realestate law, Criminal law, Science and Technology policy&law.In recent years as a chief expertto complete a number of national and provincial and ministerial level projects,mainly China Law Society major commissioned projects, Tianjin Science andTechnology Development Strategy Project, the National Soft Science Project,Sweden, Karl Valenberg Human Rights & the Humanitarian Law ResearchInstitute and the Norwegian Center for Human Rights Research Project, and alsopresided over the implementation of the modern system under the enterprise riskmanagement and prevention countermeasures research, judicial practice casestudies, real estate case studies commissioned by the practical project. In theChinese CSSCI journals and core journals published nearly 100 academic papers,and access to China Science and Technology Law Society, the Chinese CriminalLaw Society and many other scientific research and paper awards. In the fieldof real estate published monograph "real estate law","multidisciplinary perspective of the land levy system research".Served as executive director ofTianjin Branch of China Criminal Law Society, executive director of TianjinBranch of China Criminal Law Society, director of Tianjin Branch of ChinaScience and Technology Law Society, director of Tianjin law Education Branch,member of Tianjin Branch of China Society of Economic Law, director of Tianjin Branchof Chinese Procedural Law Society. Served as part-time researcher of TianjinInstitute of Educational Science. Science and Technology policy&law Criminal law Real estate law 暂无内容 DongJuan:To Build China's Biomass Quality Contract Management Model of Legal Thinking.Science and Technology Management Science,2014 (20).2017 DongJuan:Biomass Energy Domestic Carbon Sink Market Construction of Legal Thinking.Science and Technology Management Research,2015 (18).2017 DongJuan:Housing Demolition Right to Exercise the Legitimacy of the Study.[J] Journal of Tianjin University,2006.2017 DongJuan:The Concept of Tolerance Value Pursuit and Reality in Criminal Proceedings. [J] Journal of Tianjin University ,2005.2017 DongJuan:Japanese Science and Technology Personnel Training Policy and Business Practice. China's Human Resources Development, 2008 (9) 74-78.2017 DongJuan:Science and Technology Policy Guidance in the Field of Humanistic Spirit.Future and Development ,2006 (8) 6-9.2017 DongJuan:American Science and Technology Innovation Policy Legal System.Science and Technology Management Research ,2007 (7) 60-62.2017 DongJuan:Japanese Science and Technology Personnel Training Policy and Business Practice.China human Resources Development, 2008 (9).2017 DongJuan:Sino-US New Technology Innovation Policy Comparison Study. Scientific Management Research, 2008 (2).2017 DongJuan:Innovative Countries, Small and Medium Enterprises Scientific and Technological Innovation of the Legal System Comparison.China Science and Technology Forum,2008.2017 DongJuan:Crisis Response and Innovation and Development - Obama's Science and Technology Policy and the Practice and Choice.Journal of Tianjin University (Social Science Edition), 2010 (5).2017 DongJuan:To Build China's Biomass Energy Contract Management Model of Legal Thinking.Science and Technology Management Science,2014(20).2019 教育经历 2005.9-2008.7 Tianjin University Management Doctor of Management 1982.9-1986.7 Nankai University Law Bachelor of Law 工作经历 1996.10 -2019.12 |Law School|Tianjin University 1986.7 -1996.10 |Law School|Tianjin University of Commerce|Lecturer 团队成员 Criminal law teaching and research group of Tianjin University School of Law 团队名称:Criminal law teaching and research group of Tianjin University School of Law Huangtaiyun Sun Hao Wang Ran Yang Ning Hangyunbo Li Qian Yu Yang Huangtaiyun Sun Hao Wang Ran Yang Ning Hangyunbo Li Qian Criminal Law Research Center of Tianjin University Law School 团队名称:Criminal Law Research Center of Tianjin University Law School Sun Hao Wang Ran Yang Ning Li Qian Hangyunbo Yu Yang Hangtaiyun 织梦好,好织梦