姓名 | 杜希文 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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杜希文 教师名称:杜希文 教师拼音名称:Du Xiwen 出生日期:1970-04-15 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27406796 邮箱:xwdu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Teaching1.Modern Techniques on Materials Analysis;2.Introduction to Functional Materiasl;3.Functional Materials;4.Introduction to Innovative Research in Materials ScienceHonors and awards1.Professor Xi-Wen Du got his PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 2001, after that, he worked in Motorola company as a senior engineer for 1 year, and then entered National Institute of Materials Science, Japan for his postdoctoral research. In 2003, he became an associate professor in Tianjin University, and was promoted to full professor with exceptive admission in 2007. He was awarded the title of new century excellent talent in university, and famous teacher of Tianjin University. He won Tianjin Youth Science and Technology Award, the second prize in National Teaching Award, the first prize in Tianjin Natural Science Award, outstanding contribution award on combination of production, study and research, Baogang Excellent Teaching Award. As a chief editor, his book was awarded as the national level excellent textbook.2.Professor Du is now a chair professor in functional materials of Tianjin University, and visiting professor of University of Queensland. He is a committee member of Chinese Crystal Society, Chinese Society of Physics, and Tianjin Society of Vacuum. Moreover, He is the director of national level excellent course.3.Professor Du developed a theory on the luminescence from organic/inorganic hybrid materials, and achieved an unprecedented luminescent efficiency in ZnO quantum dots. He proposed a novel model on quantum dots solar cells, the related paper was selected as a cover paper and a research highlight by J. Mater. Chem. He set up a theory on controllable synthesis of nanostructures by long-pulse-width laser, and produced various novel nanostructures, which was highlighted by Nature China. 4.Professor Du took charge of more than ten research projects, including national high-tech project (863 project), national natural science foundation, and key projects from the Ministry of Education or Tianjin City. He published more than one hundred peer-reviewed papers in decent international journals, including JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./Adv. Mater./Chem. Mater., J. Mater. Chem., Langmuir, APL, and the papers were cited more than 700 times.Research projects1.National high-tech (863) Project"Solar cells composed of hierarchical nanostructure sensitized by quantum dots sensitized"2.National natural science foundation " Controllable synthesis of nanostructures by millisecond pulsed laser"3.National natural science foundation "Study on luminescence originated from interface state of quantum dots/ligands composite"4.National natural science foundation "Self assembly of silicon quantum dots by magnetron sputtering" 5.National natural science foundation "the abnormal structure of silicon quantum dots and their high efficiency blue emission-fabrication, characterization, and electroluminescence."6.National high-tech (863) Project "Preparation of nontoxic quantum dots probe and their functionization"7.New century excellent talent in university project "Silicon-based high efficiency luminescent materials" 8.Key project of Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin City "Solar cells composed of ZnO hierarchical nanostructure sensitized by CdS quantum dots"9.Key project of Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin City "The synthesis of semiconductor quantum dots and their luminescent mechanism"Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)[1] Xi-Wen Du/Xu-Bo Yuan,,2006, Tianjin University Press.(National excellent textbook)[2] J Mao, JJ Li, T Ling, H Liu, J Yang, XW Du*. One-pot synthesis of zinc hydroxide carbonate flowers on zinc oxide nanorods with attractive luminescent and optochemical performances, Nanotechnology, 2011, in press.[3] KY Niu, HM Zheng, ZQ Li, J Yang, J Sun, XW Du*. Laser dispersion of detonation nanodiamods, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., DOI: 10.1002/ange.201007731,2011.[4] T Ling, MK Wu, KY Niu, J Yang, ZM Gao, J Sun, XW Du*. Spongy Structure of CdS Nanocrystals Docorated with Dye Molecules for Semiconductor Sensitized Solar Cells J. Mater. Chem., 21, 2883, 2011. (inside front cover and hot paper)[5] KY Niu, J Yang, SA Kulinich, J Sun, XW Du*. Hollow Nanoparticles of Metal Oxides and Sulfides: Fast Preparation via Laser Ablation in Liquid, Langmuir, 26, 13755, 2010.[6] J Mao, XL Li, W J Qin, KY Niu, J Yang T Ling, XW Du*. Control of the Morphology and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures via Hot Mixing of Reverse Micelles, Langmuir, 26, 13755, 2010.[7] KY Niu, J Yang, J Sun, XW Du*. One-step synthesis of MgO hollow nanospheres with blue emission, Nanotechnology, 21, 295604, 2010.[8] KY Niu, J Yang, SA Kulinich, J Sun, H Li, XW Du*. Morphology control of nanostructures via surface reaction of metal nanodroplets, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 9814, 2010. (highlighted by Nature China)[9] XL Yu , HM Ji, HL Wang, J Sun, XW Du*. Synthesis and sensing properties of ZnO/ZnS nanocages, Nanoscale Research Letters, 5, 644, 2010. [10] X L Yu , JG Song , YS Fu , YXie , X Song , J Sun, XW Du*. ZnS/ZnO heteronanostructure as photoanode to enhance the conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells,J. Phys. Chem. C , 114,2380, 2010.[11] F Lin , J Yang ,SH Lu , KY Niu ,Y Liu , J Chang , J Sun, XW Du*. Laser synthesis of gold/oxide nanocomposites, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 1103, 2010.[12] XR Wang, X Zhao, J Yang, CH LuXW Du*. The production of carbon-microtube rings by a template mechanism, Carbon, 47, 1877, 2009.[13] SL Hu, KY Niu, J Sun, NQ Zhao and XW Du*. One-step synthesis of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles by laser irradiation, J. Mater. Chem., 19, 484, 2009.[14] Qin WJ, Kulinich SA, Yang XB, Sun J, XW Du*. Preparation of semiconductor nanospheres by laser-induced phase separation, J. Appl. Phys., 106, 114318,2009.[15] WJ Qin, X B Yang, YW Lu, J Sun, S. A. Culinich, XW Du*. Silicon nanodisks via chemical route, Chem. Mater. 20, 3892,2008. [16] F Tian, J Sun, SL Hu, XW Du*. Growth dynamics of nanodiamonds synthesized by pulsed-laser ablation, J. Appl. Phys., 104, 096102, 2008.[17] SL Hu, J Sun, XW Du*, F Tian, L Jiang. The formation of multiply twinning structure and photoluminescence of well-dispersed nanodiamonds produced by pulsed-laser irradiation, Diam. Relat. Mat. 17, 142, 2008.[18] YS Fu, XW Du*, SA Kulinich, JSQiu, WJ Qin, R Li, J Sun, J Liu. Stable aqueous dispersion of ZnO Quantum dots with strong blue emission via simple solution route, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 16029, 2007.[19] YW Lu, XW Du*, J Sun, SL Hu, X Han, H Li. Formation and luminescent properties of face-centered-cubic Si nanocrystals in silica matrix by magnetron sputtering with substrate bias, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 241910, 2007.[20] YS Fu, XW Du*, J Sun, YF Song, J Liu. Single-crystal ZnO cup based on hydrothermal decomposition route, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 3863, 2007.[21] XW Du*, WJ Qin, SL Hu, YW Lu, X Han, YS Fu. Face-centered-cubic Si nanocrystals prepared by microsecond pulsed laser ablation, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 013518, 2007.[22] NQ Zhao, Y Jin, XW Du*, YS Fu. The effect of low-energy-ion irradiation on photoluminescence of porous silicon, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 026101, 2007.[23] X. W. Du*, Y. Fu, J. Sun, P. Yao and L. Cui. Intensive light emission from SiCN films by reactive RF magnetron sputtering, Mater. Chem. Phys., 103, 456, 2007.[24] XW Du*, X Zhao, SL Jia, JJ Li, NQ Zhao. Direct synthesis of SiC nanowires by multiple reaction VS growth, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 136, 72, 2007.[25] J Sun, SL Hu, XW Du*, YW Lei, L Jiang. Ultra-fine diamond synthesized by long-pulse-width laser, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 183115, 2006.[26] XW Du*, LY Liu. Intrinsic ultraviolet light-emission from Si nanocrystals prepared by reactive sputtering,J. Appl. Phys. 100, 076102, 2006.[27] YW Lu, XW Du*, J Sun, X Han. Influence of surface Si-Ag bonds on photoluminescence of porous silicon,J. Appl. Phys. 100, 063512, 2006.[28] XW Du*, Y Fu, J Sun, P Yao. The evolution of microstructure and photoluminescence of SiCN films with annealing temperature,J. Appl. Phys. 99, 093503, 2006.[29] XW Du*, YS Fu, J Sun, J Liu. Complete UV emission of ZnO nanoparticles in a PMMA matrix, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 21, 1202, 2006.[30] XW Du*, YW Lu, JP Liu, J Sun. Improvement on the photoluminescence properties of porous silicon by silica passivation, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 4161, 2006.[31] CN He, NQ Zhao, XW Du*, CS Shi, JJ Li, L Cui. Amorphous carbon nanotubes fabricated by low-temperature chemical vapor deposition. Carbon, 44, 1859,2006.[32] J Sun, YW Lu, XW Du*, SA Kulinich. Improved visible phiotoluminescence from porous silicon with surface Si-Ag bonds, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 171905, 2005.[33] XW Du*, B Wang, NQ Zhao, K Furuya. Structure evolution of silicon nanocrystals under electron irradiation, Scr. Mater. 53, 899, 2005.[34] XW Du*, M Takeguchi, M Tanaka, K Furuya. Formation of crystalline Si nanodots in SiO2 films by electron irradiation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1108, 2003.[35] XW Du*, B Wang, J Zhu, X Zhang. Creep-induced phase transformations in a Ti-Al alloy, Philo. Mag. A, 82, 39,2002.[36] XW Du, JN Wang, J Zhu*. The influence of Si alloying on the crept microstructure and property of a TiAl alloy prepared by powder metallurgy, Intermetallics 9, 745, 2001.[37] XW Du, J Zhu*, ZY Cheng and YW Kim. Microstructural characterization of creep cavitation in a fully-lamellar TiAl alloy, Intermetallics 9, 137, 2001.[38] XW Du, J Zhu*, X Zhang, ZY Cheng, YW Kim. Formation of the creep-induced beta2 phase and its influence on deformation in a fully-lamellar TiAl alloy, Intermetallics 9, 181, 2001.[39] XW Du, JN Wang, J Zhu*. Segregation of alloying elements in a fully lamellar TiA1 alloy, Scr. Mater. 45, 19, 2001.[40] XW Du, J Zhu*, X Zhang, ZY Cheng, YW Kim. Creep induced alpha2->beta2 phase transformation in a fully-lamellar TiAl alloy, Scr. Mater. 43, 597, 2000.[41] XW Du, J Zhu*, X Zhang, ZY Cheng. YW Kim,Composition change during creep in colonies oriented for easy-slip of Ti-46.5Al-2Cr-3Nb-0.2W, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 291, 131, 2000.Social Appointments1.Committee member of Chinese Crystal Society; 2.Committee member of Chinese Society of Physics;3.Committee member of Tianjin Society of Vacuum;4.Committee member of Tianjin Society of Biomedical Engineering;5.Reviewer for more than 20 international scientific journals, including JACS, Langmuir, JPCC, APL, Carbon. 3.Quantum dots sensitized solar cells 2.Synthesis of quantum dots by laser ablation; 1.Quantum dots/ ligands composite luminescent materials; 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1990.9-1994.7 Shenyang Polytechnic University 学士 1994.9-1997.3 Tianjin University 硕士 1997.3-2001.3 Tsinghua University 博士 工作经历 1997.3 -2001.3 |Electron Microscope Laboratory|Tsinghua University 2001.4 -2002.4 |MOS17, Motorola|Senior Engineer 2002.4 -2003.4 |National Institute of Materials Science, Japan 2007.6 -2019.12 |Tianjin University 2010.9 -2010.10 |University of Queensland, Australia