

姓名 许华 性别
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许华 教师名称:许华 教师拼音名称:Xu Hua 出生日期:1985-05-31 性别:女 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27409157 邮箱:xuhua@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestTiO2 based photocatalysis; Plasmonic photocatalysis; MOFs based photocatalysis.Honors and awardsXu Hua "Synthesis of Hierarchical Transition Metal Oxides via a Soft Interface Platform Method". The excellent bachelor thesis in Hubei Province, China, 2007.  2. Xu Hua "Low Temperature Soft Chemical Methods to Nanostructured TiO2 and Their Photocatalytic Activity". The excellent master thesis in Hubei Province, China, 2010.Research projectsUndertaken Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (15JCQNJC03500), Modulation of alloy@TiO2 composite materials towards efficient CO2 photoreduction, 04/2015-03/2018. 2. Undertaken National Natural Science Foundation of China (51502198), Synthesis of Au/brookite TiO2 composite materials and their visible-light-driven photocatalytic properties, 01/2016-12/2018. 3. Participated National Natural Science Foundation of China (21573158), Synergistic effect of surface alkalinization and co-catalyst to enhance CO2 photoreduction, 01/2016-12/2018.Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)1. Zhao Ming; Xu Hua*; Ouyang Shuxin; Li Dewang; Meng Xianguang; Ye Jinhua*. "Effect of Band Structure on the hot-electron transfer over Au photosensitized brookite TiO2", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 3409-3412. 2. Li Ying; Xu Hua*; Ouyang Shuxin; Ye Jinhua*. "Metal-Organic Frameworks for Photocatalysis". Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 7563-7572. (feature article) 3. Zhao Ming; Xu Hua*; Chen Hungru; Ouyang Shuxin; Umezawa Naoto; Wang Defa; Ye Jinhua*. "Photocatalytic Reactivity of {121} and {211} Facets of Brookite TiO2 Crystals". J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3, 2331-2337. 4. Xu Hua; Ouyang Shuxin; Liu Lequan; Reunchan Pakpoom; Umezawa Naoto; Ye Jinhua*. "Recent Advances in TiO2-based Photocatalysis". J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 12642-12661. (feature article) 5. Xu Hua; Ouyang Shuxin*; Liu Lequan; Wang Defa; Kako Tetsuya; Ye Jinhua*. "Porous-Structured Cu2O/TiO2 Nanojunction Material toward Efficient CO2 Photoreduction". Nanotechnology 2014, 25, 165402. 6. Xu Hua; Reunchan Pakpoom; Ouyang Shuxin*; Tong Hua; Umezawa Naoto; Kako Tetsuya; Ye Jinhua*. "Anatase TiO2 Single Crystals Exposed with High-Reactive {111} Facets Toward Efficient H2 Evolution". Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 405-411. 7. Xu Hua; Chen Xiaoqing; Ouyang Shuxin; Kako Tetsuya; Ye Jinhua*. "Size-Dependent Mie's Scattering Effect on TiO2 Spheres for the Superior Photoactivity of H2 Evolution". J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 3833-3839. 8. Xu Hua; Zhang Lizhi*. "Selective Nonaqueous Synthesis of C-Cl-Codoped TiO2 with Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity". J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 11534-11541.  9. Xu Hua; Zhang Lizhi*. "Controllable One-Pot Synthesis and Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of Tunable C-Cl-Codoped TiO2 Nanocrystals with High Surface Area". J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 940-946.  10. Xu Hua; Zhang Lizhi*. "Controllable One-Pot Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Mixed-Phase TiO2 Nanocrystals with Tunable Brookite/Rutile Ratios". J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 1785-1790.  11. Xu Hua; Hu Xianluo; Zhang Lizhi*. "Generalized Low-Temperature Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Rare-Earth Orthoferrites LnFeO3 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd)". Cryst. Growth Des. 2008, 8, 2061-2065. 12. Xu Hua; Jia Falong; Ai Zhihui; Zhang Lizhi*. "A General Soft Interface Platform for the Growth and Assembly of Hierarchical Rutile TiO2 Nanorods Spheres". Cryst. Growth Des. 2007, 7, 1216-1219. Nanomaterials in energy and environmental applications; Semiconductor based photocatalytic materials. 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2007.9-2010.6 Huazhong Normal University   College of Chemistry   硕士    College of Chemistry, Huazhong Normal University, China M. S. in Physical Chemistry, Advisor: Prof. Lizhi ZHANG 2003.9-2007.6 Huazhong Normal University   College of Chemistry   学士   College of Chemistry, Huazhong Normal University, China B. S. in Chemistry, Advisor: Prof. Lizhi ZHANG 2010.10-2013.9 Hokkaido University   Chemical Science and Engineering   博士   Graduate School of Chemical Science and Engineering 工作经历 2009.1 -2009.12 |National Nanotechnology Laboratory(NNL)|Research Assistant 2010.10 -2013.9 |National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)|Junior Researcher 2013.11 -2019.12 |TU-NIMS Joint Research Center|Tianjin University

