

姓名 杨新岐 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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杨新岐 教师名称:杨新岐 教师拼音名称:Yang Xinqi 出生日期:1962-08-27 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮箱:xqyang@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestMaterials Processing Engineering; Safety Assessment and Fatigue and Fracture for Welded Structures; Friction Stir Welding and Processing, High-energy Density Processing Theory and TechnologyTeachingTeaching courses for undergraduate students: ; Advanced Joining Methods for Materials; Application of the Finite Element Method in engineering;; Teaching courses for postgraduate students:; Fundamentals of Materials Processing Control Engineering; Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials (English); Numerical Simulation of Material Forming Process using ANSYS; Mechanical Properties of Engineering MaterialsSelected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)[1] Yang Xinqi, Qin Hongshan, Trends and problems for current study of aluminum FSW technology, Welding & Joining (in Chinese), No.7(2009), p23-33[2] Wu Hailiang, Yang Xinqi, Chen Jiahua, Qiao Wenguang, Investigation of fatigue crack growth rate of friction stir welding for aerial aluminum alloy, Electric Welding Machine (in Chinese), Vol.39, No.7(2009), p37-40[3] Di, Shusheng, Yang, Xinqi, Fang, Dapeng, Luan, Guohong, The influence of zigzag-curve defect on the fatigue properties of friction stir welds in 7075-T6 Al alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 104(2-3) (2007), p244-248.[EI, SCI][4] Yang Xinqi, Fang Dapeng, Luan Guohong, Jian Bo, Fatigue properties of friction stir welds in Al-Cu alloys, Chinese Journal of Materials Research (in Chinese), Vol. 21, No. Suppl. (2007), p308-313. [EI][5] Chen Hejing, Yang Xinqi, Research progress on the residual stress of friction stir welding (in Chinese), Nonferrous Metals Processing, Vol.36, No.4(2007), p34-38[6] Xinqi Yang, Dapeng Fang, Guohong Luan, Bo Jian, Experimental investigation on fatigue properties of FSW in aircraft Al alloys, 6th International Symposium on FSW, Sanint-Sauveur, Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2006[7] Yang Xinqi, Luan Guohong, Xu Haisheng, Chai Peng, Experimental comparison of fatigue properties for 5A06 aluminum alloy friction stir and metal inert-gas welded joints, Transactions of the China Welding Institution (in Chinese), Vol.27, No.4(2006), p1-4[8] Shusheng Di, Xinqi Yang, Guohong Luan, Bo Jian, Comparative study on fatigue properties between AA2024 -T4 friction stir welds and base materials, Materials Science and Engineering A 435-436(2006), p389-395[9] Zhou Caizhi, Yang Xinqi, Luan Guohong, Research progress on the fatigue behavior of friction stir welded joints, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering (in Chinese), Vol.35, No.7(2006), p1172-1176[10] Zhou Caizhi, Yang Xinqi, Luan Guohong, Effect of root flaws on the fatigue property of friction stir welds in 2024-T3 aluminum alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 418(1-2) (2006), p155-160[11] Zhou Caizhi, Yang Xinqi, Luan Guohong, Effect of oxide array on the fatigue property of friction stir welds, Scripta Materialia, 54 (8) (2006), p1515-1520[12] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, Guohong Luan, Effect of the kissing bond on the fatigue behavior of friction stir welds in Al 5083 alloy, Journal of Materials Science, 41(2006) p2771-2777[13] Xu Haisheng, Yang Xinqi, Geng Liyan, Huo Lixing, Experimental investigation on the fatigue resistance of aluminum alloy welded joints, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol.28, No.3(2006), p442-447[14] Qin Hongshan, Yang Xinqi, Friction stir spot welding technology and its application in automobile industry, Automobile Technology (in Chinese), No.1(2006), p1-5[15] Qin Hongshan, Yang Xinqi, A new innovative joining technology to replace conventional resistance spot welding-friction stir spot welding, Electric Welding Machine (in Chinese), Vol.36, No.7 (2006), p27-30[16] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, Guohong Luan, Fatigue properties of friction stir welds in Al 5083 alloy, Script Materialia, 53 (2005) P1187-1191.[EI][17] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, Guohong Luan, Comparative study on fatigue properties of friction stir and MIG-pulse welded joints in 5083 Al-Mg alloy, Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China (English Edition), Vol.15, No.4, (2005).p789-194[18] Yang Xinqi, Xu Haisheng, Fatigue assessment of aluminum alloy 3A21 gusset welded joint by local approach, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol. 27, No.6, (2005).p830-834[19] Geng Liyan, Yang Xinqi, Fatigue assessment of aluminum welded joints by the stress averaging approach, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol. 27, No.5, (2005).p266-270[20] Zhang Jing, Yang Xinqi, Investigation on sherardizing process by using nano zinc powder and nano rare earth, China Surface Engineering (in Chinese), Vol.18, No.3, 2005.p31-33[21] Li Tielong, Yang Xinqi, Influence of the features of different zinc-dusts on mechanical plated coatings, Materials Protection (in Chinese), Vol.38, No.11, 2005.p14-16[22] Wu Bing, Yang Xinqi, Fatigue assessment of dual-phase stainless steel welded joints by the volume approach, Transactions of the China welding institution (in Chinese), Vol.25, No.6, (2004).p7-10[23] Wu Bing, Yang Xinqi, Experimental investigation on the fatigue resistance of stainless steel welded joints, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol.26, No.3, (2004),p321-325[24] Zhang Yanxin, Yang Xinqi, Fatigue assessment of welded joints by the method of equivalent stress intensity factor, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol.26, No.1(2004) [EI].p92-96[25] Yang Xinqi, Huo Lixing, Zhang Yufeng, Yan Junxia, Predictive analysis of buckling distortion of thin-plate welded structures, Welding Research Abroad, Vol.49, No.10(2003), p10-14. [EI][26] Wu Bing, Yang Xinqi, Fatigue assessment of welded joints using local approach, Transactions of the China welding institution (in Chinese), Vol.24, No.6, (2003).p51-54[27] Yang xinqi, Zhang Yanxin, Review of the fatigue assessment of welded joints by local approach, Journal of Mechanical Strength (in Chinese), Vol.25, No.6, (2003).[EI].,p675-681 Materials Processing Engineering; Safety Assessment and Fatigue and Fracture for Welded Structures; Friction Stir Welding and Processing, High-energy Density Processing Theory and Technology 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1979.9-1983.7 National Defense Science and Technology University   学士 1983.9-1986.3 Northwest Polytechnic University   硕士 1992.9-1996.5 Tianjin University   博士 1996.6-1998.3 Tianjin University   Postdoctoral Researcher 工作经历 1986.4 -1988.7 |Welding Technology|Northwest Polytechnic University|Assistant Lecturer 1989.1 -1992.7 |Welding Technology|Northwest Polytechnic University|Lecturer 1998.3 -2004.5 |Welding Technology|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2004.6 -2019.12 |Materials Processing Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor

