

姓名 王东坡 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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王东坡 教师名称:王东坡 教师拼音名称:Wang Dongpo 出生日期:1972-02-06 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27405889 邮箱:wangdp@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interest1)FEM analysis and controlling of welding stress and deformation; 2)Fracture, fatigue, creep behavior of welded structures and integrity assessment technology ;3)New techniques for stress corrosion analysis and protection of engineering structures ;4)New ultrasonic impact shaping and orthotics technology and equipment for large light metal structures; 5)Fatigue design and life extension technology for engineering structures ;6)Ultrasonic surface rolling technology and equipment for Mechanical parts ;7)Security assessment technology, welding technology and equipment for Marine processes construction installation and maintenance; 8)Manufacturing Process and equipment for lightweight welded structuresTeachingMaterial Processing Structural Design; Fatigue Design and Evaluation of Engineering Sstructures; Introduction to Material Processing; Applications of FEM in WeldingHonors and awardsAccording to International standards BS7448, the breakthroughs in key technique of welding joint CTOD testing was achieved and the application in dozens of Marine Project have generated about two billion economic benefits. Invited by State Committee for Standardization, Tianjin University was the first unit in charge of drafting the State standard "Test Method of Quasi-static fracture toughness for metal welded joints".The first ultrasonic impact device to improve the fatigue property of weld joints was invented, and the concept of half wavelength and oblique angle ultrasonic impact gun were put forward at the first time.The ultrasonic surface rolling device was invented which could make the surface into nanometer structure. All the Patented product have been used in Sany Heavy Industry, ALIGN, BHP Billiton, etc.Awards:2002 Second Prize Award of Chinese University Technology Invention (second contributor)2004 First Prize, Natural Science Award of Tianjin (second contributor)2007 New Century Excellent Talents, Ministry of EducationResearch projectsUp to now, the total research funding is about one thousand million.1)Fatigue behavior of welded joints under combined cycle fatigue with ultrasonic component,National Natural Science Foundation of China2)Investigation on processing theory and micromechanism of surface nanocrystallization of mechanical parts, National Natural Science Foundation of China3)Analysis system of welding residual stress and distortion in offshore engineering, China National Offshore Oil Corporation4)Welding technology of 9% nickel steel and aluminium alloy in LNG tank, Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.5)Ultrasonic impact device to improve fatigue strength of Armor Steel welding joint, Armored Force Engineering Institute6)CTOD testing to PWHT of high pressure large diameter girth welded ball valve, SNJ Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Dalian, Boteli Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Kvalve Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Xian7)Fatigue strength testing and life extension technology by ultrasonic impact treatment of Ti alloy TIG joint, Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute8)Stress, distortion and fatigue strength testing of Ti alloy ribbed wall, Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute9)Distortion testing and FEM simulation of X80 coated steel pipe with a large strain matrix, Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering10)Pitting resistance, phase ratio, CO2 stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and H2S stress corrosion of 12Cr super martensitic stainless steel, duplex stainless steel and X70/X80/X65 welding joints, Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co., Ltd., Bohai Oil Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., CNOOC Zhanjiang Branch11)CTOD testing for PL19-3I, PL19-3II, BZ25-1, BZ25-2, Panyu 30-1, Jinzhou 25-1 project, Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.12) Low temperature CTOD testing for J156,S254, Panyu45-2 project, Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co., Ltd., Offshore Engineering Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Penglai Jutal, CNPCSelected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)More than 60 articles were published in which 40 were EI indexed and 6 SCI indexed, the cited times is about 20. 15 National Invention Patent were applied and 9 were authorized.1.Investigations on the nanocrystallization of 40Cr using ultrasonic surface rolling processing,Applied Surface Science, 2008, 255(5):1824-1829 [SCI:377TS/EI:20084911766230]2.Discussion on fatigue design of welded joints enhanced by ultrasonic peening treatment (UPT), International Journal of Fatigue, 2008, 31(4): 644-650 [SCI:412FI/EI 20090411872657] 3.The effects of ultrasonic peening treatment on the ultra-long life fatigue behavior of welded joints, Materials and Design, 2010, 31(7):3299-3307 [SCI:606QK EI:20102212963230]4.Analysis of the S-N curves of welded joints enhanced by ultrasonic peening treatment,MATERIALS and DESIGN, 2011, 32(1): 88-965.Subsection method of fatigue design for welded joints treated by ultrasonic peening, China Welding, 2006, 15(2):25-30 EI:0638101234816.Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Performance of Welded Joints Treated by UPT, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2004,17(4):531-533 EI:050588222527.Metal surface nanocrystallization by ultrasonic processing,Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology,2007,40(2):228-233,[EI:071810576865]8.Improvement of ultrasonic peening treatment on tubular joints under high stress ratio loading, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 42, (5):144-148 EI:0629100139989.Influence of undercuts on fatigue property of welded joints by TIG dressing treatment,Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 2004, 37(7):570-574 EI:0448868717010.Effect of welding residual stress on fatigue performance of the welded joints treated by ultrasonic peening,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2004,40(5):150-154 EI:0436834496511.Improving fatigue behavior of the high-strength welded joints compound treated by TIG dressing and ultrasonic peening, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2003, 39(5):55-59 EI:0347774139812.Fatigue properties of welded joints of 16Mn steel in super long life region, Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2008, 29(3):117-120, EI:08161120687913.Fatigue behavior of welded joints under combined cycle fatigue with ultrasonic component, Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2009, 30(5):9-12 EI:2009271216406414.Ultrasonic peening for improving fatigue strength of titanium welded joints, Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2003, 13(6): 1456-1460 EI: 801093215.Investigation of the fatigue behaviour of the welded joints treated by TIG dressing and ultrasonic peening under variable-amplitude load, International Journal of Fatigue, 2005, 27(1) SCI:872AT, EI: 04468460816.Ultrasonic peening and low transformation temperature electrode used for improving the fatigue strength of welded joints, Welding in the World, 2004, 38(3,4):34-39 EI:0428825795917.Investigation on Improving Fatigue Properties of Welded Joints by Peening Method,Welding in the World, 2001, 45(3/4):12-1618.Influence of undercuts on fatigue property of welded joints with ultrasonic peening treatment, Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2001, 22(3):231-234 EI: 0153678505719.Fatigue properties improvement of welded joints for LF21 aluminum alloy by ultrasonic peening method, Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2001, 11(5):754-759 EI: 0147673893920.Ultrasonic peening equipment for improving fatigue strength of welded joints, Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2000, 21(2):31-35 EI: 0315743353121.Ultrasonic peening technology for improving fatigue strength of welded joints,Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 1999, 20(3):158-163 EI: 00045119774 FEM analysis and controlling of welding stress and deformation 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2019.12-1994.6 Tianjin University   Welding Technology and Engineering and Industrial Engineering   学士 1994.9-1997.6 Tianjin University   Material Processing Engineering   硕士 1997.9-2000.6 Tianjin University   Material Processing Engineering   博士 工作经历 2000.3 -2002.3 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Postdoctoral research appointment 2002.1 -2010.6 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2010.6 -2019.12 |Present School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor

