姓名 | 罗震 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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罗震 教师名称:罗震 教师拼音名称:Luo Zhen 出生日期:1967-01-03 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27406602 邮箱:Lz@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestResistance Spot Welding (simulation, visualization and metallurgy); Welding Process Monitoring and Welding Quality Control; Welding Technology and EquipmentTeachingWelding Sensors and Data Processing; Microcontroller Principles and Applications of Material Processing EngineeringHonors and awardsNew century Excellent Talents in a University (Ministry of Education of China, 2008)Research projects2003-present: more than 30 research projects funded by China Ministry of Education, China Ministry of Science and Technology, China Tianjin municipality and companies. 1.Study on the key technology for on-line detection of laser welding quality in a production line of cold-rolled steel sheet, Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863 Program), (2008AA04Z136)2. Study of the basic theories and key technologies of the formation of nuggets in resistance spot welding, Key project of science and technology, Tianjin municipality (09JCZDJC24000)3.Study of imaging theory and key technology of nuggets in resistance spot welding based on electromagnetic radiation, National Nature Science Fund (50975197)Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)Luo Zhen, Ao Sansan, Li Hua,Yang Wei, Zhang Xiaodi. Study on Aluminum Foam Damage Using Acoustic Emission Signal. International packaging fair, 2010, In pressAo Sansan, Luo Zhen, Wang Rui. nugget Damage detection of spot welding AZ31 magnesium alloy based on fracture mechanics prediction. Transactions of the China Welding Institution ,2010, In pressWang Rui, Shan Ping, Luo Zhen, Bu Xianzheng, Yuan Shuxian. Study on sensors array technique for monitoring aluminum alloy spot welding. China Welding (English Edition),2010, In pressWang Rui,Shan Ping,Luo Zhen,Tang Xinxin. The Research on Sensors Array for Aluminum Alloy Spot Welding Quality Monitor System, Journal of Tianjin University,2010, In press.Xue, Zhiqing, Luo, Zhen, Shan, Ping, Liu Ying, Wang Rui. Inversion imaging of nugget cross-section in aluminum alloy resistance spot welding. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, Vol.31,No. 2, 2010: 87-90,EI: 20101712896695Luo Zhen , Wang Rui, Shan Ping, Dong An. Chaos analysis of acoustic emission signals in spot welding process. China Welding (English Edition), Vol.18,No.1, 2009:73-77, EI: 20091912077050Tang, Xinxin, Shan, Ping, Luo, Zhen, Luo, Baofa. Numerical and experimental study of phase transformation in resistance spot welding of 6082 aluminum alloy. China Welding (English Edition), Vol.18,No.1, 2009:29-34, EI: 20091912077041Tang, Xinxin, Shan Ping, Luo Zhen, Luo Baofa. Resistance spot welding microstructure proportion simulation and experiment analysis on two aluminium alloys. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, Vol.30,No.1, 2009: 96-100, EI: 20090911926744Bu, Xianzheng, Shan Ping , Luo Zhen , Tang Xinxin. Characteristic extraction of acoustic signals emitted from resistance spot welding process based on independent component analysis. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, Vol.30, No.2, 2009: 41-44, EI: 20091311983136Liu Pengfei, Shan Ping, Luo Zhen, Shen Junqi, Qin Hede. Detection method of spot welding based on multi-information fusion and fractal .Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) ,Vol.21,No. 6, 2008,76-81,EI: 20090311862641Social Appointments1. International Institute of Welding, Expert in commission III" Resistance Welding, Solid State Welding and Allied Joining Processes"; 2. Member, American Welding Society ; 3. Senior member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (02030370); 4. Board member, Committee of Computer Aided Welding Engineering, China Welding Association; 5. Editor, Machinery and Electronics; 6. International Welding Engineer (CNIWE00311/A01); 7. Microsoft Network Engineer (MCSE); Resistance Spot Welding (simulation, visualization and metallurgy);Welding Process Monitoring and Welding Quality Control;Welding Technology and Equipment 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1984.8-1988.6 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology School of Power Engineering 学士 1992.9-1995.3 Harbin Institute of Technology School of Mechatronics Engineering 硕士 2000.3-2003.3 Tianjin University School of Materials Science and Engineering 博士 工作经历 1995.7 -1997.8 |Daqing Oil Field of China National Petroleum Corporation|Engineer 1997.9 -2000.2 |Daqing Oil Field of China National Petroleum Corporation|Senior Engineer 1988.7 -1992.7 |Daqing Oil Field of China National Petroleum Corporation|Assistant Engineer 2003.3 -2008.6 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2008.6 -2019.12 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor 织梦好,好织梦