姓名 | 徐连勇 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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徐连勇 教师名称:徐连勇 教师拼音名称:Xu Lianyong 出生日期:1975-10-01 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:13920370051 邮箱:xulianyong@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestAdvanced Materials Joining Technology,Strength and Fracture of Welded Structures; Environmental Corrosion of Welded Joints; Processing and Reliability of High Temperature Electronics PackagingTeachingMaterials Fracture Behavior; Modern Materials Forming TechnologyHonors and awards[1] Ministry of Education of China 2010 Scientific and Technological Progress Award First Prize (Project Name:Integrity Evaluation Technology and its Applications to Large Welded Structures Based on the Local Approach;The second contributor)[2] 2007 Tianjin Scientific and Technological Progress Award Second Prize (Project Name:Integrity Assessments Methods and Applications to Pressure-bearing Structures Containing Defects in Power Systems;The second contributor)Research projects[1] Defects assessment and life prediction of weld joints containing cracks in high temperature based on a C*-Q two-parameter approach(50805103),National Nature Science Foundation, 2009.1~2011.12, 210,000.00RMB[2] Key technologies for integration and manufacturing of new high power IGBT module in electric vehicle inverter,Key Project in the Science & Technology Pillar Program of Tianjin, 2011.4~2014.3, 1,000,000.00RMB[3] Study on the interface fracture behavior and structural integrity assessment of thermal barrier coating(JCYBJC09100), Tianjin Nature Science Foundation , 2008.4~2011.3, 100,000.00RMB [4] Study on the interface fracture behavior and structural integrity assessment of thermal barrier coating/substrate system(20070056096), The Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China,2008.1~2010.12,36,000.00RMB[5] Effect of residual stress on the life prediction of P92 steel welded joints, Young Teacher's Foundation of Tianjin Univerisity (B), 2009.1~2011.12,50,000.00RMB [6] Advanced packaging technology of high power electronic module based on low temperature sintering technology, Young Teacher's Foundation of Tianjin Univerisity (A), 2010.1~2012.12,150,000.00RMB[7] Other 30 industrial projects supported by Research Institute of China Electricity Science, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd, China First Heavy Industries, Research Institute of Shenhua Guohua Power, Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute of China Guangdong Nuclear Powder Group, China South Railway Corporation Limited, Power Companies of Provinces under State GridSelected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)Journal Papers:[1] Lei Zhao, Hongyang Jing, Lianyong Xu* et al., Investigation on mechanism of Type IV cracking in P92 steel at 650 C, Journal of Materials Research, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2011.11[2] Guangchun Xiao, Hongyang Jing, Lianyong Xu* et al., Prediction of Temperature and Prestraining Effects on Fracture Toughness of High-strength Structural Steel by the Local Approach, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2011,528(7-8):3044-3048, [3] G.S. Zhang, H.Y. Jing, L.Y. Xu* et al., Creep behavior of eutectic 80Au/20Sn Solder alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 476: 138-141. [4] Xu Lianyong, Jing Hongyang, Huo Lixing. Young's modulus and stress intensity factor determination of high velocity electric arc sprayed metal-based ceramic coating. Surface and coatings technology, 2006, 201(6):2399-2406.[5]Zou jiquan, Jing Hongyang, Xu Lianyong*, Surface crack fracture toughness and HRR fields of ultra-high strength steel. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2007, 454-455: 467-471. [6] G. C. Xiao, H. Y. Jing, L. Y. Xu*, Prediction of prestraining effect on fracture toughness of high strength structural steel by local approach, Materials Science and Technology, 2011, 27(3): 637-641.[7] Junchao An, Hongyang Jing, Guangchun Xiao, Lei Zhao, Lianyong Xu*, Analysis of the Creep Behavior of P92 Steel Welded Joint, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-010-9779-x, [8]Lianyong Xu, Hongyang Jing, Yongdian Han. Evaluation on Interfacial Fracture Behavior of HVAS Coating/Substrate System Based on the Local Approach. Advanced Materials Research, 2008, 33-37: 301-306.[9]Lianyong Xu, Hongyang Jing, Jun Wei et al. Evaluation of Interfacial Fracture Behavior of HVAS Coating /Substrate System Using a Local Approach. Solid State Phenomena, 2008, 136: 125-132[10]Xu Lianyong, Jing Hongyang, An Junchao et al, Creep damage of P92 welded joint at elevated temperature, Welding in the World, 2009, 53(SPECIAL ISSUE):177-182Patents:[1] Stress Monitoring System used in support and hanger of main steam line of thermal power unit, Invention Patent, Application No.:201110024712.3[2] A flux-cored wire which can produce compressive stress in weld toe of stainless steel welded joints, Invention Patent, Application No.:201110026374.7[3] Device for specimen limiting displacement in reflow process, Invention Patent, Patent No.:CN101362241[4] Safety assessment expert system for pressure-bearing structure containing flaws, Software Copyright, Granted Authority No.:2010SR017807[5] Low temperature sintering method of high power die attach and thickness controlling device for nano-silver paste, Invention Patent, Patent No.:CN101593712[6] Design of two-sided cooling planer high temperature inverter in hybrid electric vehicle, Invention Patent, Patent No.:CN101594067Social AppointmentsMember and Secretary of the Welding Mechanics Commission, Structure, Design and Fabrication of China Welding Society;Member of Commission XV- Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Welded Structures of the International Institute of Welding; Reviewer of Electrochemistry Communications, Materials & Design, Journal of Electronic Packaging and Transactions of the China Welding Society Advanced Materials Joining Technology,Strength and Fracture of Welded Structures 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1994.9-1998.6 Lanzhou Railway University Rail Vehicle Engineering 学士 2001.9-2004.3 Tianjin University Materials Processing Engineering 硕士 2004.5-2007.5 Tianjin University Materials Processing Engineering 博士 工作经历 1998.7 -2001.8 |Tangshan Railway Vehicle Company|Assistant Engineer 2007.4 -2009.6 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Assistant Professor 2009.7 -2019.12 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor