姓名 | 许运华 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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许运华 教师名称:许运华 教师拼音名称:Xu Yunhua 出生日期:1977-03-23 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27402307 邮箱:yunhua.xu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestRechargeable batteries, including Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, Li-S and Na-S batteries, Mg-ion batteries;Supercapacitors;Nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion;Fundamental electrochemistryHonors and awards1. May 2015 1000Plan Program for Young Talents, China 2. Nov. 2010 National Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award (Top 100), China 3. Mar. 2010 Ellen Williams Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, UMD - College Park, USA 4. Dec. 2009 Outstanding Ph.D. thesis Award of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China 5. Nov. 2009 Outstanding Ph.D. thesis Award of South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 6. Jan. 2009 Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China7. Oct. 2007 Outstanding Graduate student Award of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China 8. Dec. 2005 Doctorate Foundation Award of South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 9. Nov. 2005 First-class scholarship of the outstanding graduate students of SCUT, Guangzhou, China 10. Feb. 2002 Outstanding student award of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)1. Yunhua Xu, Yang Wen, Yujie Zhu, Gaskell Karen, Katie A. Cychosz, Bryan Eichhorn, Kang Xu, Chunsheng Wang, Sulphur confined in microporous carbon renders superior cycling stability in lithium-sulphur battery, Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 4313, 2015. 2. Chao Luo, Yujie Zhu, Oleg Borodin, Tao Gao, Xiulin Fan, Yunhua Xu, Kang Xu, Chunsheng Wang, Activation of oxygen-stabilized sulfur for Li and Na batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 745, 2016.3. Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, Fudong Han, Chao Luo, Chunsheng Wang, 3D Si/C Fiber Paper Electrodes Fabricated by a Combined Electrospray/Electrospinging Technology for Li-Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 5, 1400753, 2015. 4. Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, Chunsheng Wang, Mesoporous carbon/silicon composite anodes with enhancement performance for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 9751, 2014. 5. Yunhua Xu, Guoqiang Jian, Yihang Liu, Yujie Zhu, Michael R. Zachariah, Chunsheng Wang, Superior electrochemical performance and structure evolution of mesoporous Fe2O3 anodes for lithium-ion battereis, Nano Energy, 3, 26, 2014. 6. Guoqiang Jian, Yunhua Xu, Li-Chung Lai, Chunsheng Wang, Michael R. Zachariah, Mn3O4 Hollow Spheres for Lithium-ion Batteries with High Rate and Capacity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 4627, 2014. 7. Yang Wen, Kai He, Yujie Zhu, Fudong Han, Yunhua Xu, Isamu Matsuda, Yoshitaka Ishii, John Cumings, Chunsheng Wang, Superior Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes Based on Expanded Graphite and Atomic-Scale Investigation of Storage Mechanisms, Nature Communications, 5, 4033, 2014. 8. Ying Liu, Feifei, Fan, Jiangwei Wang, Yang Liu, Hailong Chen, Katherine Jungjohann, Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, David Biqio, Ting Zhu, Chunsheng Wang, In Situ TEM Study of Electrochemical Sodiation and Potassiation of Carbon Nanofibers, Nano Letters, 14, 3445, 2014. 9. Ying Liu, Jiangwei Wang, Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, Yihang Liu, David Bigio, Chunsheng Wang, Lithium-Tellurium Batteries Based on Tellurium/Porous Carbon Composite, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 12201, 2014. 10. Shiyou Zheng, Feng Yi, Zhipeng Li, Yujie Zhu, Yunhua Xu, Chao Luo, Junhe Yang and Chunsheng Wang, Copper-Stabilized Sulfur-Microporous Carbon Cathodes for Li-S Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 4156, 2014. 11. Chao Luo, Yujie Zhu, Tao Gao, Yunhua Xu, Yihang Liu, Jing Wang, Chunsheng Wang, Graphene Oxide Wrapped Croconic Acid Disodium Salt for Sodium Ion Battery Electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 250, 372, 2014. 12. Bo Liang, Yanping Liu, Yunhua Xu, Silicon-based Composite Materials as High Capacity Anodes for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 267, 469, 2014. 13. Yunhua Xu, Guoqiang Jian, Michael R. Zachariah, Chunsheng Wang, Nano-structured Carbon-Coated Hollow CuO Spheres as High Rate Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1, 15486, 2013. 14. Yunhua Xu, Qing Liu, Yujie Zhu, Yihang Liu, Alex Langrock, Michael R. Zachariah, Chunsheng Wang, Uniform Nano-Sn/C Composite Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Nano Letters 13, 470, 2013. 15. Shiyou Zheng, Yvonne Chen, Yunhua Xu, Feng Yi, Yujie Zhu, Yihang Liu, Junhe Yang, Chunsheng Wang, Superior Electrochemical Performance of Insitu Formed Lithium Sulfide/Microporous Carbon Cathodes for Lithium-ion Batteries, ACS Nano, 7, 10995, 2013. 16. Yujie Zhu, Jiangwei Wang, Yang Liu, Xiaohua Liu, Akihiro Kushima, Yihang Liu, Yunhua Xu, Scott X. Mao, Ju Li, Chunsheng Wang, Jianyu Huang, In-situ atomic-scale imaging of phase boundary migration in FePO4 microparticles during electrochemical lithiation, Advanced Materials, 25, 5461, 2013. 17. Yujie Zhu, Xiaogang Han, Yunhua Xu, Yihang Liu, Shiyou Zheng, Kang Xu, Liangbing Hu, Chunsheng Wang, Electrospun Sb/C Fibers for A Stable and Fast Sodium Ion Battery Anode, ACS Nano, 7, 6378, 2013. 18. Yihang Liu, Wei Zhang, Yujie Zhu, Yanting Luo, Yunhua Xu, Adam Brown, James N. Culver, Cynthia A. Lundgren, Kang Xu, Yuan Wang, Chunsheng Wang, Architecturing Hierarchical Function Layers on Self-Assembled Viral Templates as 3D Nano-Array Electrodes for Integrated Li-ion Microbatteries, Nano Letters 13, 293, 2013. 19. Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, Yihang Liu, Chunsheng Wang, Electrochemical Performance of Porous Carbon/Tin Composite Anodes for Sodium-Ion and Lithium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 3, 128, 2013. 20. Chao Luo, Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, Yihang Liu, Shiyou Zheng, Ying Liu, Alex Langrock, Chunsheng Wang, Selenium@Mesoporous carbon composite with superior lithium and sodium storage capacity, ACS Nano, 7, 8003, 2013. 21. Xiaogang Han, Yunhua Xu, Xinyi Chen, Yu-Chen Chen, Nicholas Weadock, Jiayu Wan, Hongli Zhu, Yonglin Liu, Heqin Li, Gary Rubloff, Chunsheng Wang, Liangbing Hu, Reactivation of Dissolved Polysulfides in Li-S Batteries Based on Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 in Porous Carbon Cloth, Nano Energy, 2, 1197, 2013. 22. Yihang Liu, Yunhua Xu, Yujie Zhu, James N. Culver, Cynthia A. Lundgren, Kang Xu, Chunsheng Wang, Tin Coated Viral-Nanoforests as Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes, ACS Nano 7, 3627, 2013. 23. Yujie Zhu, Yunhua Xu, Yihang Liu, Chao Luo, Chunsheng Wang, Comparison of Electrochemical Performances of Olivine NaFePO4 in Sodium-Ion Batteries and Olivine LiFePO4 in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Nanoscale 5, 780, 2013. 24. Alex Langrock, Yunhua Xu, Yihang Liu, Sheryl Ehrman, Ayyakkannu Manivannan, Cunsheng Wang, Carbon coated hollow Na2FePO4F spheres for Na-ion battery cathodes, Journal of Power Sources 223, 62, 2013. 25. Yunhua Xu, Juchen Guo, Chunsheng Wang, Sponge-like porous carbon/tin composite anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 9562, 2012. 26. Yonglin Liu, Yunhua Xu, Xiaogang Han, Chris Pellegrinelli, Yujie zhu, Hongli zhu, Jiayu Wan, Alex Chong Chung, Oeyvind Vaaland, Chunsheng Wang, Liangbing Hu, Porous Amorphous FePO4 Nanoparticles Connected by Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Sodium Ion Battery Cathodes, Nano Letters 12, 5664, 2012. 27. Juchen Guo, Yunhua Xu, Chunsheng Wang, Sulfur Impregnated Disordered Carbon Nanotubes Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Nano Letters 11, 4288, 2011.28. Zhao Chen, Xuan-Dung Dang, Andrea Gutacker, Andrew Garcia, Huaping Li, Yunhua Xu, Lei Ying, Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Guillermo C. Bazan, Reconstruction of Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte Electron Injection Layers, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 12160, 2010. 29. Yunhua Xu, Reqiang Yang, Junbiao Peng, Alexander A. Mikhailovsky, Yong Cao, Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, and Guillermo C. Bazan, Solvent Effects on the Architecture and Performance of WhiteEmitting Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes with Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte Electron Transport Layers, Advanced Materials 21, 584, 2009. 30. Huaping Li, Yuhua Xu, Jung Hwa Seo, Corey V. Hoven, Chunzeng Li, Guillermo C. Bazan, Zwitterionic Electron Injection Layers: Molecular Design, Device Function and Surface Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 8903, 2009. 31. Rong Guan, Yunhua Xu, Lei Ying, Wei Yang, Hongbin Wu, Qiliang Chen and Yong Cao, Novel green-light-emitting hyperbranched polymers with iridium complex as core and 3,6-carbazoleco-2,6-pyridine unit as branch, Journal of Materials Chemistry 19, 531, 2009. 32. Lei Ying, Yunhua Xu, Wei Yang, Lei Wang, Hongbin Wu, Yong Cao, Efficient red-lightemitting diodes based on novel amino-alkyl containing electrophosphorescent polyfluorenes with Al or Au as cathode, Organic Electronics 10, 42, 2009. 33. Yunhua Xu, Rong Guan, Jiaxing Jiang, Wei Yang, Hongyu Zhen, Junbiao Peng, and Yong Cao, Molecular Design of Efficient White-Light-Emitting Fluorene-Based Copolymers by Mixing Singlet and Triplet Emission, Journal of Polymer Science Part A 46, 453, 2008. 34. Renqiang Yang, Yunhua Xu, Dung Dang, Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Yong Cao, and Guillermo C. Bazan, Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte Electron Transport/Injection Layers for Organic Optoelectronic Devices, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 3282, 2008. 35. Jeffrey Peet, Erin Brocker, Yunhua Xu, and Guillermo C. Bazan, Controlled -phase Formation in Poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene) by Processing with Alkyl Additives, Advanced Materials 20, 1882, 2008. 36. Yunhua Xu, Bo Liang, Junbiao Peng, Qiaoli Niu, Wenbo Huang and Jian Wang, Efficient Red phosphorescence polymer light-emitting diodes with aluminum cathode, Organic Electronics 8, 535, 2007. 37. Yong Zhang, Yunhua Xu, Qiaoli Niu, Wei Yang, Junbiao Peng, Xuhui Zhu, and Yong Cao, Synthesis and Optoelectronic Characterization of Conjugated Phosphorescent Polyelectrolytes with Neutral Ir Complex Incorporated into Polymer backbone and Their Neutral Precursors, Journal of Materials Chemistry 17, 992, 2007. 38. Bo Liang, Lei Wang, Yunhua Xu, and Yong Cao, High-Efficiency Red Phosphorescent Iridium Dendrimers with Charge-Transporting Dendrons: Synthesis and Electroluminescent Properties, Advanced Functional Materials 17, 3580, 2007. 39. Yunhua Xu, Xiuju Zhang, Junbiao Peng, Qiaoli Niu, and Yong Cao, Efficient polymer white light-emitting diodes with a phosphorescent dopant, Semiconductor Science and Technology 21, 1373, 2006. 40. Yunhua Xu, Junbiao Peng, and Yong Cao, Progress of white organic light-emitting diodes, Progress in Chemistry 18, 389, 2006. 41. Jiaxing Jiang, Yunhua Xu, Wei Yang, Zhenqin Liu, Hongyu Zhen, and Yong Cao, HighEfficiency White Light Single Polymer by Mixing Singlet and Triplet Light-Emitting, Advanced Materials 18, 1769, 2006. 42. Yunhua Xu, Junbiao Peng, Jiaxing Jiang, Wei Xu, Wei Yang, and Yong Cao, Efficient whitelight-emitting diodes based on polymer co-doped with two phosphorescent dyes, Applied Physics Letters 87, 193502, 2005. 43. Yunhua Xu, Junbiao Peng, Yueqi Mo, Qiong Hou, and Yong Cao, Efficient polymer white-lightemitting diodes, Applied Physics Letters 86, 163502, 2005. 44. Xiuju Zhang, Changyun Jiang, Yueqi Mo, Yunhua Xu, Huahong Shi, and Yong Cao, Highefficiency Blue Light-Emitting Electrophosphorescent Device with polymer host, Applied Physics Letters 86, 051116, 2005. Electrochemical energy storage 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1998.9-2008.6 Zhengzhou University Applied Physics 学士 2002.9-2008.6 South China University of Technology Material Physics and Chemistry 博士 工作经历 2015.7 -2019.12 |Tianjin University|Professor 2014.2 -2014.7 |Iowa State University|Research Associate 2009.9 -2015.5 |University of Maryland|Visiting scholar, Research Associate, Assistant Research Scientist 2006.12 -2009.7 |University of California at Santa Barbara|Visiting Scholar,Postdoctoral Research Fellow copyright dedecms