

姓名 魏强 性别
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魏强 教师名称:魏强 教师拼音名称:Wei Qiang 出生日期:1978-09-11 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:13212077725 邮箱:weiqiang@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestEnvironment effect and protect of space materials, Biomaterials, Surface engineeringTeachingEngineering materials, Corrosion Resistant MaterialsResearch projects1. The damage effect and mechanism of optical materials and device under space radiation environment. National Natural Science Foundation of China (10705021)2. The preparation of Nanoporous Titanium Used for Immuisolation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20060400700) 3.   National Natural Science Foundation of China (41274191)Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)1. Q. Wei, H. Liu, S.Y. He. Study about the Coloration of Quartz Glass Induced by Proton Radiation with 80keV. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. March 2004, 159(3): 195-201 (SCI:819CW,EI: 05499531495)2. Qiang Wei, Shiyu He, Hai Liu, Dezhuang Yang. Kinetics of Radiation Damage of Quartz Glass by Low-Energy Protons. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. May/June 2006, 43(3): 514-517 (SCI:055SM, EI:06289997951)3. Wei Qiang, Liu Hai, He Shi-Yu, Hao Xiao-Peng, Wei Long. Slow positron annihilation study of Al film Reflector after proton irradiation, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, October 2006, 55(10): 5525-5530(SCI: 094BW, EI: 064910290074)4. Wei Qiang* Liu Hai, Wang Dan, Liu Shengxian. Degradation in Optical Reflectance of Al film Mirror Induced by Proton Radiation, Thin Solid Films.(SCI), DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.01.0065. WEI Qiang, CUI Zhen-duo, YANG Xian-jin, SHI Jie. Improving the bioactivity of NiTi shape memory alloy by heat and alkali treatment,Applied Surface Science, 2008.12, 255(2): 462-465(SCI: 366VD, EI:084411668409)6. , zhong nan University Press,Chapter 1, 5, 87. HE Shi-yu, WEI Qiang, LIU Hai, YANG De-zhuang. Photoluminescence film and preparation method by radiation modification, China invention patent, Application No. 200510010052.8, Published No. CN 16962421. Q. Wei, H. Liu, S.Y. He. Study about the Coloration of Quartz Glass Induced by Proton Radiation with 80keV. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. March 2004, 159(3): 195-201 (SCI:819CW,EI: 05499531495)2. Qiang Wei, Shiyu He, Hai Liu, Dezhuang Yang. Kinetics of Radiation Damage of Quartz Glass by Low-Energy Protons. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. May/June 2006, 43(3): 514-517 (SCI:055SM, EI:06289997951)3. Wei Qiang, Liu Hai, He Shi-Yu, Hao Xiao-Peng, Wei Long. Slow positron annihilation study of Al film Reflector after proton irradiation, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, October 2006, 55(10): 5525-5530(SCI: 094BW, EI: 064910290074)4. Wei Qiang* Liu Hai, Wang Dan, Liu Shengxian. Degradation in Optical Reflectance of Al film Mirror Induced by Proton Radiation, Thin Solid Films.(SCI), DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.01.0065. WEI Qiang, CUI Zhen-duo, YANG Xian-jin, SHI Jie. Improving the bioactivity of NiTi shape memory alloy by heat and alkali treatment,Applied Surface Science, 2008.12, 255(2): 462-465(SCI: 366VD, EI:084411668409)6. , zhong nan University Press,Chapter 1, 5, 87. HE Shi-yu, WEI Qiang, LIU Hai, YANG De-zhuang. Photoluminescence film and preparation method by radiation modification, China invention patent, Application No. 200510010052.8, Published No. CN 1696242 Environment effect and protect of space materials, Biomaterials, Surface engineering 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2000.11-2002.11 Harbin Institute of Technology   硕士 1996.11-2000.11 Hebei Science and Technology University   学士 工作经历 2005.11 -2019.12 |Tianjin University 内容来自dedecms
