姓名 | 刘永长 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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刘永长 教师名称:刘永长 教师拼音名称:Liu Yongchang 出生日期:1971-10-04 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:13512214280 邮箱:ycliu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interest1. Interfaced-controlled materials; 2. High-temperature structural steels; 3. Electronic materials (superconductors, electronic packaging)TeachingPhysical Metallurgy; Introduction of Materials; Cast alloys and FoudaryHonors and awards1. National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China (2002)2. Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, the first award (2006).Research projects1. Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanghai Baosteel Group Company (Alloy design and its welding properties of 650 Ferritic heat-resistance steel, No. 50834011),RMB 1800000, principal investigator.2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Low-temperature accelerated preparation of the MgB2 superconductor with high critical current density and its microstructural design, Grant No. 51077099), RMB 380000, principal investigator.3. Research funds of Composite and Functional Materials, RMB 5000000, principal investigator.Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)Books (in Chinese):1. Liu Zongchang,Yuan Zexi,Liu Yongchang. Solid-state phase transformations, Chinese Mechanical Press, 2010.2. Yan Zesheng, Liu Yongchang, Ning Baoqun. Phase transformations and strengthening of high-Cr ferritic heat-resistant steels, Science Press, 2008.3. Liu Yongchang, Ma Zongqing. Phase formation and doping mechanisms of MgB2 supercoductors. Science Press, 2008.4. Liu Yongchang, Wei Chen. Microstructure and Properties of Sn-Ag-Zn lead-free solders, Science Press, 2009.Selected papers:A0 Liu YC, Sommer F, Mittemeijer EJ. Kinetics of austenitization under uniaxial compressive stress in Fe-2.96 at.% Ni alloy, Acta materialia 58(2010)753-763.A1. Liu YC, Sommer F, Mittemeijer EJ. Austenite-ferrite transformation kinetics under uniaxial compressive stress in Fe-2.96 at.% Ni alloy, Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 2858-2868.A2. Zhang YH, Liu YC, Gao ZM, Wang DJ. Study on crystallization of nanocrystalline /amorphous Al-based alloy, J Alloys Compd 469 (2009) 565-570.A3. Liu YC, Wang DJ, Sommer F, Mittemeijer EJ. Isothermal Austenite-Ferrite Transformation and Kinetic Analysis of Fe-0.04at.%C Alloy, Acta materialia 56 (2008) 3833-3842.A4. Wang DJ, Liu YC, Zhang YH. Improved analytical model for isochronal transformation kinetics, J Mater Sci 43(2008)4876-4885.A5. Wang DJ, Liu YC, Zhang YH, Gao ZM. A multi-peak transformation kinetics model and its application to the isothermal crystallization of Mg65Cu25Y10 amorphous alloy, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 354(2008)3990-3999.A6. Liu YC, Sommer F, Mittemeijer EJ. Abnormal Austenite-Ferrite Transformation Kinetics of Ultra-Low-Nitrogen Fe-N Alloy, Mater Trans A 39(2008)2306-2318.A7. Wang DJ, Liu YC, Han YJ, Zhang YH, Gao ZM. Kinetic consideration for the incubation of the phase transformation and its application to the crystallization of amorphous alloy, Applied Phys A 92(2008)703-707.A8. Chen H, Liu YC, Yan ZS, Li YL, Zhang LF. Considerations for growth mode in isochronal austenite-ferrite transformation of ultra-low-carbon Fe-C alloy, Applied Physics A 98(2010)211-217.A9. Liu YC, Sommer F, Mittemeijer EJ. Kinetics of austenitization under uniaxial compressive stress in Fe-2.96 at.% Ni alloy, Acta materialia 58(2010)753-763.B1. Qiao ZX, Liu YC, Yu LM, Gao ZM, Formation Mechanism of granular bainite in an 30CrNi3MoV steel, J Alloys Compd 475(2009)560-564.B2. Ning BQ, Shi QZ, Yan ZS, Fu JC, Liu YC, Bie LJ. Variation of martensite phase transformation mechanism in minor-stressed T91 ferritic steel, J Nuclear Mater 393(2009)54-60.B3. Qiao ZX, Liu YC*, Yu LM, Gao ZM, Incompleted bainitic transformation characteristics in an isochronally annealed 30CrNi3MoV steel, J Alloys Compd 478(2009)334-340.C1 Ma ZQ, Liu YC*, Huo J, Gao ZM. MgB2 superconductors with abnormally-improved Jc sintered after autoxidation of milled original powders, Journal of Applied Physics 106(2009)113911.C2. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Hu WP, Gao ZM, Yu LM, Dong ZZ. The enhancement of Jc in the nano SiC-doped MgB2 superconductors rapidly synthesized by activated sintering at low-temperature activated sintering, Scripta materialia 61(2009)836-839.C3. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Shi QZ, Zhao Q, Gao ZM. The accelerated formation of MgB2 bulks with high critical current density by low-temperature Cu-doping sintering, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21(2008)065004.C4. Zhao Q, Liu YC, Penner S, Yu LM, Dong ZZ, Gao ZM. Characterization and the mechanism of formation of the ternary compound MgNi2.5B2 in Ni-doped MgB2 bulk, Supercond Sci Technol 22(2009)075024.C5. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Zhao Q, Dong ZZ, Yu LM, Mechanism analysis for the enhanced electromagnetic properties in Nano-SiC-doped MgB2 based on the discussion of sintering process, Supercond Sci Technol 22(2009)085015.C6. Shi QZ, Liu YC, Zhao Q, Ma ZQ. Phase formation process of bulk MgB2 analyzed by Differential Thermal Analysis during sintering, J Alloys Compd 458(2008)553-557.C7. Shi QZ, Liu YC, Gao ZM, Zhao Q, Ma ZQ. In-situ formation process and mechanism of bulk MgB2 before Mg melting, J Mater Res 23(2008)1840-1848.C8. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Han YJ, Zhao Q, Gao ZM. Variation of the enhancement mechanism in the critical current density of Cu-doped MgB2 samples sintered at different temperatures, Journal of Applied Physics 104(2008)063917.C9. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Yu LM, Zhao Q. The accelerated formation of MgB2 phase with high critical current density by Cu and SiC multi-doping during the low-temperature sintering process, Journal of Applied Physics 104(2008)113917.C10. Ma ZQ, Liu YC, Huo J, Gao ZM. MgB2 superconductors with abnormally-improved Jc sintered after autoxidation of milled original powders, Journal of Applied Physics 106(2009)113911.C11. Ma ZQ, Jiang H, Liu YC, The accelerated low-temperature sintering of mgb2 bulks with high critical density by minor Sn-doping, Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (2010) 025005.D1. Wei C, Liu YC, Han YJ, Wan JB, Yang K. Microstructures of Eutectic Sn-Ag-Zn Solder Solidified with Different Cooling Rates, J Alloys Compd, 464 (2008) 301-305.D2. Xu RL, Liu YC, Wei C, Wang X, Gao ZM. Evolution of intermetallic compounds layers in the Soldered Sn-3.7Ag-1.0In-0.9Zn/Cu Interface, J Alloys Compd 468 (2009) 203-208.D3. Wang X, Liu YC, Wei C, Yu LM, Gao ZM, Dong ZZ. Effect of composition and cooling rate on the microstructure of Sn-3.7Ag-0.9Zn-Bi solders, Applied Physics A 96 (2009) 969-973.D4. Wei C, Liu YC*, Gao ZM, Wan JB, Ma CS, Effects of thermal aging on microstructure and microhardness of Sn-3.7Ag-0.9Zn-1In solder, J Electron Mater 38 (2009) 345-350.D5. Wan JB, Liu YC, Wei C, Gao ZM. Effect of the addition of In on the microstructural formation of Sn-Ag-Zn lead-free solder, J Alloys Compd 463 (2008) 230-237.'' E1. Zhang YH, Liu YC, Li YX. Synthesis and characteristics of Y-zeolite/MCM-48 biporous molecular, Applied Catalysis A: General 345(2008)73-79.'' E2. Jiang H, Yang XJ, Cui ZD, Liu YC, Li HX, Hu WP. Micro Organic Single Crystalline Phototransistors of 7, 7, 8, 8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) and Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF), Applied Physics Letters 94(2009)123308.'' E3. Zhang YH, Liu YC, Han YJ, Wei C, Gao ZM. The role of cooling rate in the microstructure of Al-Fe-Si alloy with high Fe and Si contents, J Alloys Compd 473 (2009) 442-445.'' E4. Liu YC, Chen H, Gao ZM, Zhang YH, Shi QZ. Evolution of cellular spacing during directional solid-state alpha-gamma transformation of Fe-Mn-Al alloy, J Crystal Growth 311(2009)3761-3764.Social AppointmentsGuest Professor, Max Planck Institute for Metals Research; Guest Editor, Journal of Metallurgy; Driector, Engineering Research Center of Composite and Functional Materials; Department of Education, P R China 暂无内容 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1997.3-2000.3 Northwestern Polytechnical University 博士 1994.9-1997.2 Northwestern Polytechnical University 硕士 工作经历 2003.2 -2019.12 |Tianjin University|Professor 2000.9 -2003.2 |Max Planck Institute for Metals Research|post doc 内容来自dedecms