姓名 | 朱胜利 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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朱胜利 教师名称:朱胜利 教师拼音名称:Zhu Shengli 出生日期:1975-05-19 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27402494 邮箱:slzhu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestNanoprous Materials Amorphous alloys and bulk metallic glasses Electrocatalytic and photocatalytic Materials Ti alloysTeachingTheory of Metal Corrosion; Metal Science; Functional Materials Electrochemistry Research MethodsHonors and awardsTianjin Natural Science Award, 2007Research projectsNatural Science Foundation of Tianjin (08JCYBJC08900)National Natural Science Foundation of China (50901051)Key Projects in the Tianjin Science & Technology Pillar Program (09ZCKFGX29100)State Key Laboratory Opening Fund of Engine Combustion (K2010-13)Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)1. Liqin Ma, Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Anatase TiO2 hierarchical nanospheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity for degrading methyl orange, Mater. Chem. Phy., 170(2016) 186-192 2. Hongtao Ren, Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Synthesis and properties of nanoporous Ag2S/CuS catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, Electrochim. Acta, 190(20016) 221-228 3. Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Yanqin Liang, Zhaoyang Li, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Synthesis of rutile-brookite TiO2 by dealloying Ti-Cu amorphous alloy, Mater. Res. Bull., 73(2016) 290-295 4. Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Yanqin Liang, Zhaoyang Li, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Nanoporous CuS with excellent photocatalytic property, Sci. Rep., 5(2015) 18125 5. Zuli Mao, Xianjin Yang, Shengli Zhu*, Zhenduo Cui, Zhaoyang Li, Formation, characterization, and properties of radiopaque TaC-C/C and ZrO2-C/C composites, Mater. Expr., 5(2015) 518-526 6. Peili Guo, Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Preparation and electrocatalytic performance of the Pt supported on the alkali-treated nanoporous TiO2 material, Ionics, 21(2015) 2863-2869 7. Jing Jiang, Shengli Zhu*, Wence Xu, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Synthesis and photocatlytic performance of nano-sized TiO2 materials prepared by dealloying Ti-Cu-Pd amorphous alloys, Mater. Res. Bull., 65(2015) 302-306 8. Zuli Mao, Xianjin Yang, Shengli Zhu*,Zhenduo Cui, Zhaoyang Li, Effect of Na+ and NaOH concentrations on the surface morphology and dissolution behavior of hydroxyapatite, Cera. Inter., 41(2015) 3461-3468 9. Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Zhaoyang Li, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Evolution of palladium/copper oxide-titanium dioxide nanostructures by dealloying and their catalytic performance for methanol electro-oxidation, 274(2015) 1034-1342 10. Ruixue Chen, Shengli Zhu*,Jing Mao, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Yanqin Liang, Zhaoyang Li, Synthesis of CuO/Co3O4 Coaxial Heterostructures for Efficient and Recycling Photodegradation, Inter. J. Photoenergy, 2015, 183468 11. Ruifeng Dong, Zhenduo Cui, Shengli Zhu*, Xu Xu, Xianjin Yang, Preparation, Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Sn Alloy/Graphite Composites, Metal. Mater. Tran. A, 45A(2014) 5194-5200 12. Zuli Mao, Xianjin Yang, Shengli Zhu*, Zhenduo Cui, Yun Lu, Pack cementation processing parameters for SiC coatings on C/C for optimum tribological properties, Surf. Coat. Techn., 254(2014) 54-60 13. M. Zhang, Z.D. Cui, X.B. Zhang, S.L. Zhu*, X.J. Yang, Effect of SO42- on microstructure, phase and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanomaterials prepared from Ti-Cu amorphous alloy, Mater. Res. Innov., 18(2014) 724-728 14. Xu Xu, Zhenduo Cui, Shengli Zhu*,Yanqin Liang, Xianjin Yang, Preparation of nickel-coated graphite by electroless plating under mechanical or ultrasonic agitation, Surf. Coat. Techn., 240(2014) 425-431 15. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiang Xie, Hao Wang, Xianjin Yang, Zhenduo Cui, Akihisa Inoue, Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with in situ precipitated nanocrystals, J. Alloy. Compd., 586(2014) 155-168 16. Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*,Zhaoyang Li, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Preparation of Nanoporous Pd/CuO by Dealloying and Their Electrocatalysis for Methanol in Alkaline Condition, J. Electrochem. Soc., 161(2014) F1474-F1480 17. Wence Xu, Shengli Zhu*, Zhaoyang Li, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Synthesis and catalytic properties of Pd nanoparticles loaded nanoporous TiO2 material, Electrochim. Acta, 114(2013) 36-41 18. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiangxie, Fengxiang Qin, Xinmin Wang, T. Hanawa, Ti Particles Dispersed Ti-Based Metallic Glass Matrix Composite Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering, Mater. Tran. 54(2013) 1335-1338 19. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiang Xie, Hao Wang, Fengxiang Qin, Periodic Corrugation on Fracture Surface of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composite with in situ Precipitated Nanocrystalloids, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1518(2013) 668-671 20. Shengli Zhu, Lele Pi, Guoqiang Xie, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Akihisa Inoue, Effects of pulse voltage on the formation of nanoporous Ti oxides by dealloying amorphous TiCu alloy, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 417 (2013) 012022 (15th International Conferenceon Thin Films (ICTF-15), Kyoto, Nov. 2011) 21. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiang Xie, Xianjin Yang, Zhenduo Cui, A thick hierarchical rutile TiO2 nanomaterial with multilayered structure, Mater. Res. Bull. 48 (2013) 1961-1966 22. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiang Xie, Fengxiang Qin, Xinmin Wang, Akihisa Inoue, Ni- and Be-free Zr-based bulk metallic glasses with high glass-forming ability and unusual plasticity, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 13 (2012) 166-173 23. Shengli Zhu, Guoqiang Xie, Fengxiang Qin, Xinmin Wang, Akihisa Inoue, Effect of Minor Sn Additions on the Formation and Properties of TiCuZrPd Bulk Glassy Alloy, Mater. Trans., 53(2012) 500-503 24. Meng Zhang, Zhenduo Cui, Xianjin Yang, Qiang Wei, Shengli Zhu*, CdS sensitized nanoporous TiO2/CuO layer prepared by dealloying of Ti-Cu amorphous alloy, Mater. Lett. 80 (2012) 131-134 25. S.L. Zhu, X.J. Yang, Z.D. Cui, Effect of hydroxyapatite content on the microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of Ti-based glassy alloy/hydroxyapatite composite prepared by spark plasma sintering, Intermetallics 19 (2011) 572-576 26. Cuijie Chen, Shengli Zhu*, Xianjin Yang, Lele Pi, Zhenduo Cui, Electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol on nanoporous Ti-Cu amorphous alloy, Electrochim. Acta 56 (2011) 10253-10258 27. S.M. Liu, X.J. Yang, Z.D. Cui, S.L. Zhu*, Q. Wei, One-step synthesis of petal-like apatite titania composite coating on a titanium by micro-arc oxidation, Mater. Lett., 65(2011) 1041-1044 28. S.L. Zhu, J.L. He, X.J. Yang , Z.D. Cui, L.L. Pi, Ti oxide nano-porous surface structure prepared by dealloying of Ti-Cu amorphous alloy, Electrochem. Commu. 13(2011) 250-253 29. S.L. Zhu, L. Tang, Z.D. Cui, Q. Wei, X.J. Yang, Preparation of copper-coated -SiC nanoparticles by electroless plating, Sur. Coat. Techn. 205 (2011) 2985-2988 30. Yanqin Liang, Xianjin Yang, Zhenduo Cui, Shengli Zhu*, Effect of TiO2 nanotube morphology on the formation of apatite layer in simulated body fluid. Curr. Nanosci., 6(2010) 256-261 31. S.L. Zhu, X.J. Yang, Z.D. Cui, Formation of Ca-P layer on the Ti-based bulk glassy alloy by chemical treatment, J Alloys Compd. 504S (2010) S168-S171 32. Yanqin Liang, XianjinYang, Zhenduo Cui, Shengli Zhu*, Self-organized nanotubular layer on Ti-4Zr-22Nb-2Sn alloys formed in organic electrolytes, J Mat. Res. 24(2009) 3647-3652 33. S.L. Zhu, X.J. Yang, M.F. Chen, C.Y. Li, Z.D. Cui, Effect of porous NiTi alloy on bone formation: A comparative investigation with bulk NiTi alloy for 15 weeks in vivo, Mater. Sci. Eng. C 28 (2008) 1271-1275 34. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, M. Yoshimura, A. Inoue, Effects of Si addition on the glass-forming ability, glass transition and crystallization behaviors of Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk glassy alloy, Intermetallics 16 (2008) 609-614 35. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, A. Inoue, Glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Ti-based bulk glassy alloys with large diameters of up to 1 cm, Intermetallics 16 (2008) 1031-1035 36. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, G.Q. Xie, F.X. Qin, M. Yoshimura, A. Inoue, Formation of Ti-based bulk glassy alloy/hydroxyapatite composite, Script Materialia, 58 (2008) 287-290 37. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, M. Yoshimura, A. Inoue, Synthesis of Ti-Based Glassy Alloy/Hydroxyapatite Composite by Spark Plasma, Mater. Trans. 49 (2008) 502-505 38. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, M. Yoshimura, A. Inoue, Effects of Si addition on the glass-forming ability, glass transition and crystallization behavior of Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk glassy alloy, Intermetallics, 16 (2008) 609-614 39. Shengli Zhu, Xinmin Wang, Fengxiang Qin, Akihisa Inoue, Glass-forming ability and thermal stability of Ti-Zr-Cu-Pd-Si bulk glassy alloys for biomedical applications, Mater. Trans., 48 (2007)163-166 40. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, A. Inoue, A new Ti-based bulk glassy alloy with potential for biomedical application, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 459 (2007) 233-237 41. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, A. Inoue, Influence of temperature on viscous flow deformation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk glassy alloy in supercooled liquid region, Intermetallics, 15 (2007) 885-890 42. Shengli Zhu, Xinmin Wang, Fengxiang Qin, Akihisa Inoue, The influence of viscous flow deformation on the thermal stability and hardness of ZrCuNiAl bulk glassy alloy, Mater. Trans. 48 (2007) 1748-51 43. S.L. Zhu, X.M. Wang, F.X. Qin, M. Yoshimura, A. Inoue, New TiZrCuPd quaternary bulk glassy alloys with potential of biomedical applications, Mater. Trans. 48 (2007) 2445-48 44. Shengli Zhu, Xinmin Wang, Fengxiang Qin, Katsuhiro Abe, Hisamichi Kimura and Akihisa Inoue, Temperature-Time-Transformation Curve and Viscous Flow Deformation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 Bulk Glassy Alloy, Materials Transactions, 47 (2006) 2308-2311 45. S.L. Zhu, X.J. Yang, D.H. Fub, L.Y. Zhang, C.Y Li , Z.D. Cui, Stress-strain behavior of porous NiTi alloys prepared, by powders sintering, Materials Science and Engineering A 408 (2005) 264-268 46. S.L. Zhu, X.J. Yang, F. Hu, S.H. Deng, Z.D. Cui, Processing of porous TiNi shape memory alloy from elemental powders by Ar-sintering, Materials Letters 58 (2004) 2369-2373 Nanostructure Mateials 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1996.9-1999.4 Tianjin University materials Science and Engineering 硕士 2002.3-2005.3 Tianjin University materials Science and Engineering 博士 1992.9-1996.7 Tianjin University Materials Science and Engineering 学士 工作经历 2013.7 -2019.12 |School of Materials and Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor 2008.6 -2013.6 |School of Materials and Engineering|Tianjin University|Asso. Prof 2005.10 -2008.3 |Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan|Postdoctoral Fellow 1999.7 -2005.9 |School of Materials and Engineering|Tianjin University