

姓名 朱丽 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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朱丽 教师名称:朱丽 教师拼音名称:Zhu LI 出生日期:1977-03-07 性别:女 职务:APEC Sustainable Energy Center President 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 传真:27892383 通讯/办公地址:Tianjin University No. 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China, 300072 移动电话:27892383 邮箱:zly_tj@163.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 The research fields of the applicant are focused on the innovative technology research and application for the integration of solar energy and building. And there are series of innovative achievements in the studies on the low carbon building integration targeted new solar technology R&D, solar building design and integrated energy system demonstration, and energy planning for low carbon model town.   The applicant was selected as the New Century Talent of MOE in 2012 and Peiyang Young Scholar in 2016. And 108 papers were published by her in international and domestic journals (including 18 in the Top Journals,59 SCI/EI papers) and the SCI papers were cited 258 times by others. The applicant published one monograph and was granted 15 innovative patents. Research results were applied in 38 practical projects. And 4 architecture design competition awards were won under the applicant’s guidance. In 2014 APEC China year the applicant lead the foundation of APEC Sustainable Energy Center, the first international energy cooperation organization proposed by Chinese government, and was appointed as the first president by the National Energy Administration. The applicant organized international expert teams to provide consultancy for the low carbon development of over 20 towns   and compiled low carbon planning for 7 model towns. The achievements were written into Ministers’ Statement and Leaders’ Declaration. Great international impact was achieved. Currently the applicant is the Deputy director of the Tianjin Renewable Energy Society, and the Study Committee Member of the World Energy Council. Design of Innovative Building Skin and Indoor-Environment Low-carbon Building Design & Technology Integration Energy Planning of Low-carbon Town 暂无内容 Yiping Wang.The study of sea desalination and hot wind electric power integrated system by soalr chimney, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2006, 27(7): 731-736.2019 Yiping Wang.Study on the integrated utilization of seawater by solar chimney, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2006, 27(4): 382-387.2019 Yiping Wang.Influence of a building’s integratedphotovoltaics on heating and cooling loads, Applied Energy, 2006, 83(9): 989-1003.2019 Yiping Wang.Interactions between building integrated photovoltaics and microclimate in urban environments. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2006, 128(2): 168-172.2019 Li Zhu.Seawater Desalination and Waterpower Integrated System with Solar Chimney, Journal of Tianjin University, 2006, 39(5): 575-580.2019 Hongyan Liu.Experimental Research on Surface Temperature Distribution of Soft Gelatin-Capsules, Journal of Tianjin University, 2007, 40(4): 416-420.2019 Wei Tian.Effect of urban climate on building integrated photovoltaics performance, Energy Conversion and Management, 2007, 48(1): 1-8.2019 Wei Tian.Effect of building integrated photovoltaics on microclimate of urban canopy layer, Building and Environment, 2007, 2(5): 1891-1901.2019 Jianbo Ren.Interaction between solar PV roofs and loads of the building, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2008, 29(7): 849-855.2019 Zhenlei Fang.Property of airflow under collector of integrated solar chimney system, Journal of Tianjin University, 2008, 41(3): 368-372.2019 Yiping Wang.Study on Condensation Model Combined System of Seawater Desaliantion and Solar Chimney Technology, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2008, 29(4): 428-432.2019 Yiping Wang.Experiments on novel solar heating and cooling system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49(8): 2083-2089.2019 Yiping Wang.The theory study on a new design of radiation floor supplying cooling and heating system, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2008, 29(10): 1204-1210.2019 Li Zhu*.Advanced Evaporation Performance of Seawater under A Solar Chimney, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2008, 29(5): 592-596.2019 Li Zhu.Temperature rise performance in solar chimneys with different heat storages. Acta Energiae Solar Sinica, March 2008, 29(3):290-294.2019 Jianguo Kong.Heat dissipation performance of concentrating solar cell with direct liquid immersed, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2009,30(12):1592-1596.2019 Yiping Wang.The performance of silicon solar cells operated in liquids. Applied Energy 2009, 86(7/8): 1037-1042.2019 Li Zhu.Detailed Energy Saving Performance Analyses on Thermal Mass Walls Demonstrated in a Zero Energy House, Energy and Buildings, 2009, 41(3): 303-310.2019 Li Zhu.Comprehensive energy and economic analyses on a zero energy house versus a conventional hous, Energy, 2009, 34(9): 1043–1053.2019 Li Zhu.Stduy the weather-resistance of dimethylpolysiloxane used in liquid-immersing CPV receivers, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2010, 31(2): 191-196.2019 Yanhua Lu.Enhanced performance of heat recovery ventilator by airflowinduced film vibration (HRV performance enhanced by FIV), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2010, 49(10) 2037-2041.2019 Jianbo Ren.Very low temperature radiant heating/cooling indoor end system for efficient use of renewable energies, Solar Energy, 2010, 84(6): 10721083.2019 Li Zhu*, Yiping Wang, Zhenlei Fang, Yong Sun, Qunwu Huang, An effective heat dissipation method for densely packed solar cells under high concentrations, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2010, 94(2): 133140 .2019 Zhiyong Yang, Yiping Wang, Li Zhu*, Building space heating with a solar-assisted heat pump using roofintegrated solar collectors, Energies, 2011, 3(4): 504-516.2019 Yiping Wang.Research progress of concentrator photovoltaic cells and systems, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2011, 32(3): 433-438.2019 Reliability assessment of silicone coated silicon concentrator solar cells by accelerated aging tests for immersing in de-ionized water, Solar Energy, 2011, 85(11): 2781-2788.2019 Xinyue Han.Electrical and thermal performance of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in dielectric liquids, Applied Energy, 2011, 88(12): 4481-4489.2019 Heat dissipation performance of silicon solar cells by direct dielectric liquid immersion under intensified illuminations, Solar Energy, 2011, 85 (5): 922–930.2019 Christopher Halford, Yong Sun, Water Immersion Cooling of PV Cells in a High Concentration System, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2011, 95 (2): 538-545.2019 Feasibility study of decreasing parastic power consumption of CPV systems by using phase-change propelling force, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2012, 33(4): 630-634.2019 Mechanism study of the electrical performance change of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in de-ionized water. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 53(1): 1-10.2019 3D numerical simulation on heat transfer performance of acylindrical liquid immersion solar receiver, Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 64, 97-105.2019 Effect of dielectric liquids immersion on electrical characteristics of silicon concentrator solar cell, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2013, 34(5): 752-757.2019 Experimental study on indoor solar cooker integrated solar hot water system, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2013, 34(6): 1085-1089 11.2019 Cooling, heating and power performance of silicon-based film PV radiant panel modules, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2013, 34(6): 1028-1033.2019 Comparative analysis of electrical performance of various concentrator silicon solar cells, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2013, 34(2): 271-276.2019 Improving Silicon Concentrator Solar Cells Performance by Dielectric Liquids Immersion, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 291-294: 14-17.2019 The performance and long-term stability of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in dielectric liquids, Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 66: 189-198.2019 Direct liquid-immersion cooling of concentrator silicon solar cells in a linear concentrating photovoltaic receiver, Energy, 2014, 25: 264-271.2019 Photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance study of SOLWAT system for the degradation of Methylene Blue, Acid Red 26 and 4-Chlorophenol, Applied Energy, 2014, 120: 1-10.2019 Performance analysis on a building-integrated solar heating and cooling panel. Renewable Energy, 2015, 74: 627-632.2019 Experimental study of liquid-immersion III-V multijunction solar cells with dimethyl silicon oil under high concentrations. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015, 94(1): 169-177.2019 Comparison of photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance of non-concentrating and V-trough SOLWAT (solar water purification and renewable electricity generation) systems for water purification. Energy. 2015, 85: 251-260.2019 教育经历 2001.9-2005.4 Tianjin University    Chemical Process Equipment   PhD 1999.9-2001.4 Tianjin University    Chemical Engineering    M.S. 1995.9-1999.7 Central South University    Chemical Engineering    B.S 工作经历 2012.6 -2017.11 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Professor 2007.6 -2012.6 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2005.8 -2007.6 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University,|Lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 Liquid Immersing Photovoltaic Module

