姓名 | 王保伟 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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王保伟 教师名称:王保伟 教师拼音名称:Wang Baowei 性别:男 学科:Chemical technology 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300350 通讯/办公地址:School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, No. 54-516 Building, Tianjin University 135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin , P.R.China 邮箱:wangbw@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Completed projects1. The national hi tech research and development plan (863 plan), the key technology of coal clean gas and wastewater control, is the key technology of sulfur tolerant methanation synthesis (2015AA050504) 2015/04-2018/03.2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, 21176175, gradient micro dielectric barrier discharge catalytic plasma reaction research, 2012.01-2015.12.3. The research project of Beijing low carbon clean energy research institute, CO2 enhanced sulfur tolerant methanation catalyst and process, 2011.09-2013.08.4. the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund projects, 20606023, electric field enhanced catalysis, enhanced methane and water activation research, 2007.01-2009.12.5. key projects of Tianjin science and technology support plan, 07ZCKFSH02200, waste plastics recycling and harmless technology, 2007.04.-2010.03.6. Major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 20490203, space time multi-scale structure and effect research of plasma enhanced catalytic reaction, 2004.11- 2009.02.7. Tianjin's special funds for science and technology innovation, 07FDIDSH02400, waste electrical and electronic products, green recovery, key technology development and integration application, 2007.10-2009.09.8. The national "11th Five-Year" science and technology support project, 2006BAE02, non oil route preparation of bulk chemicals, key technology development, CO catalytic coupling oxalate engineering technology development, 2006.01-2008.12.9. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, 20106013. The research of plasma technology on the surface modification of catalysts, 2002.01-2004.12.Partial publications(1) Baowei Wang#*, Chunmei Chi, Meng Xu, Chao Wang, Dajun Meng, Plasma-catalytic removal of toluene over CeO2-MnOx catalysts in an atmosphere dielectric barrier discharge, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 322: 679-692(2) Baowei Wang#*, Bo Dong, Meng Xu, Chunmei Chi, Chao Wang. Degradation of methylene blue using double-chamber dielectric barrier discharge reactor under different carrier gases, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 168: 90-100(3) Baowei Wang#*, Meng Xu, Chunmei Chi, Chao Wang, DajunMeng. Degradation of methyl orange using dielectric barrier discharge combined with ferrous – persulfate ions in water falling film reactor, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (JAOT), https://doi.org/10.1515/jaots-2017-0021(4) Baowei Wang#*, MENG Dajun, WANG Weihan, LI Zhenhua, Xin-Bin Ma*. Effect of citric acid addition on MoO3/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst for sulfur-resistant methanation, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2016, 44(12): 1479- 1484(5) Baowei Wang#*, YuQin Yao, SiHan Liu, ZongYuan Hu, ZhenHua Li, XinBin Ma*. Effects of MoO3 loading and calcination temperature on the catalytic performance of MoO3/CeO2 toward sulfur-resistant methanation, Fuel processing Technology, 2015,138:263-270(6) Baowei Wang#*, Liu Sihan, Hu Zongyuan, Li Zhenhua, Xin-Bin Ma*. Effect of H2S concentration on MoO3/Al2O3 and CoO-MoO3/Al2O3 catalysts for sulfur- resistant methanation, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 2015,31(3), 545-551(7) Baowei Wang#*,Sihan Liu,Zongyuan Hu,Zhenhua Li,Xinbin Ma*. Active phase of highly active Co3O4 catalyst for synthetic natural gas production, RSC Adv., 2014, 4 (100), 57185 – 5719(8) Baowei Wang#*, Zongyuan Hu, Sihan Liu, Minhong Jiang, Yuqin Yao, Zhenhua Li, Xinbin Ma*. Effect of sulphidation temperature on the performance of NiO- MoO3/Al2O3 catalysts towards sulphur-resistant methanation, RSC Adv., 2014, 4 (99):56174-56182(9) Baowei Wang#*,Yuqin Yao, Minhong Jiang, Zhenhua Li, Xinbin Ma*, Shaodong Qin, Qi Sun. Effect of cobalt and its adding sequences on the catalytic performance of MoO3/Al2O3 toward sulfur-resistant methanation, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2014, 23 (1): 35-42(10) Baowei Wang#*, Sun Qimei, Lv Yijun, Yang Meilin, Yan Wenjuan. Steam reforming of dimethyl ether by gliding arc gas discharge plasma for hydrogen production, Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2014, 22 (1): 104-112(11) Baowei Wang#*, Qimei Sun, Yanping Li, Sihan Liu. Synergetic catalysis of CuO and graphene additives on TiO2 for photocatalytic water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2013,38:7232-7240(12) Baowei Wang#*, Wenjuan Yan,Wenjie Ge, Xiaofei Duan. Kinetic model of the methane conversion into higher hydrocarbons with a dielectric barrier discharge microplasma reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,234:354-360(13) Baowei Wang#*, Wenjuan Yan,Wenjie Ge,Xiaofei Duan. Methane conversion into higher hydrocarbons with dielectric barrier discharge micro-plasma reactor, Journal of Energy Chemistry,2013, 22 (6): 876-882(14) Baowei Wang#*, Wenjie Ge, Yijun LÜ, Wenjuan Yan. H2 production by ethanol decomposition with a gliding arc discharge plasma reactor, Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2013, 7(2): 145-153(15) Baowei Wang#*, Guozhong Ding, Yuguang Shang, Jing Lv, Haiyang Wang, Erdong Wang, Zhenhua Li, Xinbin Ma*, Shaodong Qin, Qi Sun,Effects of MoO3 loading and calcination temperature on the activity of the sulphur-resistant methanation catalyst MoO3/g-Al2O3, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012,431-432: 144-150(16) Baowei Wang#*, Yuguang Shang, Guozhong Ding, Jing Lv, Haiyang Wang, Erdong Wang, Zhenhua Li, Xinbin Ma*, Shaodong Qin, Qi Sun, Effect of the ceria-alumina composite support on the Mo-based catalyst's sulfur-resistant activity for the synthetic natural gas process, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2012, 106(2): 496-506(17) Baowei Wang#*, Yijun Lv, Xu Zhang, Shuanghui Hu. Hydrogen generation from steam reforming of ethanol in dielectric barrier discharge, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 2011,20(2):151-154(18) Baowei Wang#*, Xu Zhang, Haiying Bai, Yijun Lv, Shuanghui Hu, Hydrogen production from methanol through dielectric barrier discharge, Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2011,5(2):209-214(19) Baowei Wang#*, Xu Zhang, Yongwei Liu, Genhui XU. Conversion of CH4, steam and O2 to syngas and hydrocarbons via dielectric barrier discharge, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 2009, 18(1): 94-97(20) Baowei Wang#*, Xiaolei Cao, Yigang Yan, Genhui Xu. Effects of additive gases on dimethyl ether conversion through dielectric barrier discharge, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 2009, 18(4): 441-444 (21) Baowei Wang#*, YANG Kuanhui, XU Genhui,Effect of cooling methods on methane conversion via dielectric-barrier discharges, Plasma Science and Technology, 2008.10(5):575-580(22) Baowei Wang#*, Xiaolei CAO, Kuanhui YANG, Genhui XU. Conversion of methane through dielectric-barrier discharge plasma, Front. Chem. Eng. China 2008, 2(4): 373-378(23) Baowei Wang#*, Encui Yang, Genhui Xu, Jinku Hao. Theoretical study of reaction paths and transition states on conversion methane into C2 Hydrocarbons through plasma, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007,15(1):44-50(24) Baowei Wang#*, Genhui Xu, Hongwei Sun. Distribution of electrical field energy for conversion of methane to C2 hydrocarbons via dissymmetrical electric field enhanced plasma,Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 2006, 15(2): 115-121(25) Baowei Wang#*, Xu Genhui, Sun Hongwei. Kinetics of methane conversion with electric field-enhanced plasma. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2004,12(1):131-133(26) Baowei Wang#, Genhui Xu. Direct synthesis of oxygenates from water and methane via dielectric-barrier discharge, Chinese Chemical Letters,2004,15(7): 779-780(27) Baowei Wang#, XU Genhui. Catalysis conversion methane into C2 hydrocarbons via electric field enhanced plasma,Chinese Chemical Letters, 2003,14(12): 1236-1238(28) Baowei Wang#, Genhui Xu. Conversion of methane to C2 hydrocarbons via cold plasma reaction, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry,2003,12(3):178-182 Circular economics Environmental and energy chemical industry C1 technology Plasma chemistry 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1998.8-2001.3 Tianjin University Chemical technology 博士 1996.8-1998.7 Tianjin University Organic chemical industry 硕士 1992.8-1996.7 Technology University of Central South Non-ferrous Metallurgy and Extraction of Metal 学士 工作经历 2001.3 -2019.12 |Department of Chemical Technology;Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of the Ministry of Education|School of Chemical Engineering and Technology|associate professor