

姓名 金超 性别
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金超 教师名称:金超 教师拼音名称:JINCHAO 出生日期:1980-04-21 性别:女 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:Room 212, Building 18, Tianjin University, P.R. China, 移动电话:13512285681 邮箱:jinchao@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 Biomass energy application Bio-engineering application in Environmental restoration 2016年天津大学青年教师讲课大赛二等奖 2014年获天津大学北洋学者-青年骨干教师 2016年天津市青年教师教学基本功竞赛(工科组)二等奖 25. Haifeng Liu, Ming-fa Yao, Chao Jin, Peng Zhang, Zhe-ming Li, Zunqing Zheng. Chemiluminescence Spectroscopic Analysis of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion Processes. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 30: 2611-2615, 2010..2019 24. Weidang Wu, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Qing Zhao, Chao Jin, Chunfeng Guan, Tchouopou Lontchi Josine. Overexpression of AtchyB in Eustoma grandiflorum Shinn enhances its tolerance to high-light via zeaxanthin accumulation. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30:1433-1443..2019 23. Expression of Cholera Toxin B-Lumbrokinase Fusion Protein in Pichia pastoris-The Use of Transmucosal Carriers in the Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins to Protect Rats Against Thrombosis. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 169:636-650, 2013..2019 22. Chunfeng Guan, Xiaozhou Li, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Josine, Tchouopou Lontchi..2019 21. Chunfeng Guan, Xingwang Liu, Xinyu Song, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin. Overexpression of a peroxiredoxin Q gene, SsPrxQ, in Eustoma grandiflorum Shinn enhances its tolerance to salt and high light intensity, Molecular Breeding, 33:657-667, 2014..2019 20. Biotechnology, 23: 190-198, 2014..2019 19. Qing Zhao, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Wu Weidang. Over-expression of Arabidopsis thaliana β-carotene hydroxylase (chyB) gene enhances drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and.2019 18. Chunfeng Guan, Xilong Du, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Xiaozhou Li. Expression of biologically active anti-thrombosis protein lumbrokinase in edible sunflower seed kernel. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 23:257-265, 2014..2019 17. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Wenzhu Guan, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Jing Li, Yurong Wang, Gang Wang. LcKRP, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor from Lycium chinense, is involved in an ABA-dependent drought stress-signaling pathway. Plant and Soil, 382:43-59, 2014..2019 16. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Gang Wang, Xiaozhou Li and Wenzhu Guan. Expression of Cholera Toxin B subunit-Lumbrokinase in edible sunflower seeds-the use of transmucosal carrier to enhance its fusion protein's effect on protection of rats and mice against thrombosis. Biotechnology Progress, 30: 1029-1039, 2014. .2019 15. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Wenzhu Guan, Yuanhang Feng, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Jing Li, Yurong Wang, Gang Wang. A Lycium chinense-derived P5CS-like gene is regulated by water deficit-induced endogenous abscisic acid and overexpression of this gene enhances tolerance to water deficit stress in Arabidopsis. Molecular Breeding,34:1109-1124,2014..2019 14. Chunfeng Guan, Xinyu Song, Jing Ji, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Wenzhu Guan, Jing Li, Gang Wang. Salicylic acid treatment enhances expression of chalcone isomerase gene and accumulation of corresponding flavonoids during fruit maturation of Lycium chinense. Euopean Food Research and Technology, 239:857-865, 2014..2019 13. Haifeng Liu, Zheng Chen, Ming Huo, Chao Jin. Production and Application of Petroleum Oil and Its Alternatives on Internal Combustion Engines. Journal of Chemistry, 2015..2019 12. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Xuqiang Zhang, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Wenzhu Guan, Gang Wang. Positive feedback regulation of a Lycium chinense-derived VDE gene by drought-induced endogenous ABA, and over-expression of this VDE gene improve drought-induced photo-damage in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2015, 175:26–36. .2019 11. Chunfeng Guan, Chao Jin, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Xiaozhou Li. LcBiP, a endoplasmic reticulum chaperone binding protein gene from Lycium chinense, confers cadmium tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Biotechnology Progress, 2015, 31 (2):358–368..2019 10. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Cuicui Jia, Wenzhu Guan, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Gang Wang. A GSHS-like gene from Lycium chinense maybe regulated by cadmium-induced endogenous salicylic acid and overexpression of this gene enhances tolerance to cadmium stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34: 871-884..2019 9. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Dianyun Wu, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Wenzhu Guan, Gang Wang. The glutathione synthesis may be regulated by cadmium-induced endogenous ethylene in Lycium chinense, and overexpression of an ethylene responsive transcription factor gene enhances tolerance to cadmium stress in tobacco. Molecular Breeding, 35:123-135, 2015..2019 8. Dianyun Wu, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Wenzhu Guan, Chunfeng Guan, Chao Jin, Xiaowei Tian. LcMKK, a novel group A mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase gene in Lycium chinense, confers dehydration and drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco via scavenging ROS and modulating expression of stress-responsive genes. Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, (76): 269-279..2019 7. Dianyun Wu, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Chunfeng Guan, Chao Jin. LchERF, a novel ethylene-responsive transcription factor from Lycium chinense, confers salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell Reports, 2014, 33:2033-2045..2019 6. Xiaowei Tian, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Chao Jin, Chunfeng Guan, Guangxia Wu. Molecular cloning and chara cterization of a nove l carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 1 from Lycium chinense. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2015, 62(6): 772–779..2019 5. Xiaowei Tian, Jing Ji, Gang Wang, Chao Jin, Chunfeng Guan, Dianyun Wu, Zhaodi Li. Cloning and Expression Analysis of 9-cisEpoxycarotenoid Dioxygenase Gene 1 Involved in Fruit Maturation and Abiotic Stress Response in Lycium chinense[J]. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2015, 34(3):465-474..2019 4. Chao Jin, Mingfa Yao, Haifeng Liu, Chiafon Lee , Jing Ji. Progress in the production and application of n-butanol as a biofuel. Renewable & Sustainbale Energy Reviews. 15: 4080-4106, 2011.2019 3. Chao Jin, Zunqing Zheng. A Review on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition and Low Temperature Combustion by Optical Diagnostics. Journal of Chemistry, 2015..2019 2. Yu Liu , Jun Li , Chao Jin*. Fuel spray and combustion characteristics of butanol blends in a constant volume combustion chamber. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 105: 1059–1069 , .2019 1. Chao Jin, Jing Ji, Chunfeng Guan, Gang Wang. Characterization of Lycopene β-Cyclase gene from Lycium chinense conferring salt tolerance by increasing carotenoids synthesis and oxidative stress resistance in tobacco. Molecular Breeding, 2015, 35:228-246,..2019 教育经历 2006.9-2011.6 Tianjin University   Biochemical engineering   博士 工作经历 2012.1 -2017.12 |Tianjin University

