

姓名 李桓 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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李桓 教师名称:李桓 教师拼音名称:Li Huan 出生日期:1955-07-03 性别:男 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:13920426800 邮箱:lihuan@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestWelding Equipment and Technology; ;Physics of Welding Arcs;TeachingUndergraduate courses:Electric Arc Welding and Electric Welding;Material Molding Process Slag.Graduate course: Physics of Welding Arcs.Honors and awards1.Successively participated in four national natural science foundation projects, hosted two Tianjin natural science foundation projects and over 10 private enterprise projects.2.Won the National Commission for Science and Technology Progress prize (1989, XiDaoYan, LiHuan, ChengGuoGuang, ZhengHao, JiangWenYuan, WangRongLi, Hf welded spiral pipe water to further the compression of air plasma in wire-cutting technology and equipment. Certificates Numbers 8901702)3. Won third prize (1992, LiJunYue, SongYongLun, WeiFuShui, LiHuan, LiuGang, The diagnosis of arc welding Hydrogen. Certificates Numbers92-29104)4.Won third prize in a natural science project (2002, LiJunYue LiHuan, SongYongLun, LiuGang, YangYunJiang, Welding arc spectrum information and its application in process measurement and control. Certificate Number ZR2001-3-016-R2)5. Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Prize (2008 YangLiJun, yanhong, SunGongZheng, LiHuan, LiZhiJiang, SunDong , Rf coaxial cable line new technology development. Certificates Numbers2008JB -3-126 - R4) Research projects1."High-power laser pulse arc physical properties of composite materials being heated " project Numbers 09JCYBJC050002."New self-protection flux-core wire research" project Numbers 913110101 3."Secondary vocational school teachers' quality improvement plan" project Numbers LBZDD24 4."Technical reformation of Shanghai boiler plant boiler membrane water wall welding line "Selected publications(Journal articles, patents and books)Books:LiHuan. Joining Techniques. Higher education press, 2010Journal articals:1.T. Xiang, H. Li, H.L. Wei, Y. Gao. Effects of filling status of cold wire on the welding process stability in twin-arc integrated cold wire hybrid welding[J], International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015.8.18, 77(5-8): 1019-1028.2.Xiang Ting, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Wei Huiliang, Gao Ying. Alternate Arcing Characteristics of the Triple-wire MIG Welding [J]. Chinese Journal of mechanical engineering, 51 2015.2.20 (4) 85-89.3.Liu Yongqiang, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Zheng Kai, Gao Ying. Arc Spectrum Diagnostic and Heat Coupling Mechanism Analusis of Double Wire Pluse MIG Welding[J] spectroscopy and spectral analysis,2015.1,35(1):5-9.4.H. L. Wei, H. Li, L. J. Yang, Y. Gao,X. P. Ding. Arc characteristics and metal transfer process of hybrid laser double GMA welding[J], International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015.3, 77(5-8): 1019-1028.5.H. L. Wei,H. Li,Y. Gao,X. P. Ding,L. J. Yang,Welding process of consumable double electrode with a single arc GMAW, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology[J], 2015.1, 76(1-4): 435-446.6.Xiaoyu Cai, Huan Li, Huiliang Wei, Yang Lijun, Gao Ying. Effect of Laser on the Welding Process of Short Circuiting Transfer MIG Welding of Aluminum Alloys, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology[J], 2014.12, 75 (9-12): 1829-1836.7.Ding Xueping,LI Huan,YANG Lijun,GAO Ying,Wei Huiliang.Numerical analysis of arc characteristics in two-electrode GTAW[J].International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014.2,70(9-12): 1867-1874.8.Wei HL, Li H, Yang LJ, Gao Y. Consumable double electrode with a single arc GMAW.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology[J], 2013, 68(5-8): 1539-1550.9.Ding Xueping, LI Huan, YANG Lijun,GAO Ying.Simulation of Metal Transfer in GMAW Based on FLUENT[J].Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters),2013, 26(3):265-270.10.Ding Xueping, LI Huan, YANG Lijun, GAO Ying.Numerical simulation of metal transfer process in tandem GMAW[J].International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 69(1-4): 107-112.11.Xiaoyan Gu, Huan Li, Lijun Yang, Ying Gao. Coupling mechanism of laser and arcs of laser-twin-arc hybrid welding and its effect on welding process[J]. Optics & laser technology, 2013, 48:246-253.12.Gu Xiaoyan, Li Huan, Gao Ying. Spectroscopic analysis of the plasma in laser welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 341-342: 296-300.13.Zhu Yanli, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Gao Ying. Effect of laser power on metal transfer in laser-double arcs P-MAG hybrid welding with single power source[J]. China Welding, 2012,21(3):73-77.14.Gu Xiaoyan, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Gao Ying. Influence of laser on arcs in alternate arcing during laser-twin-arc hybrid welding process[J]. China Welding, 2012, 21(3):55-60.15.Ding Xueping, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Gao Ying. Welding Stability in Laser+Twin-electrode Pulsed MAG Hybrid Welding[J]. Chinese Journal of mechanical engineering, 2012,48 (22): 52-56.16.Li Huan, Wang Junhong, Ai Danfeng, Gao Ying. In the process of arc welding information synchronization acquisition system[J]. Journal of Tianjin University, 2012,45 (2): 184-189.17.Wang Lvyuan, Li Huan, Huang Jun, Xu Yuelan,GaoYing. Design of Intelligent Electrode Design System. (2011 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE2011),collected papers PartV) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 130-134:3416-3420.18.Lou Liyan, Li Huan, Wang Xuyou, Wang Wei,Gao Ying. Effect of laser beam on double wire pulsed MIG welding process. (2011 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE2011),collected papers PartVI) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 130-134:4169-4173, 2012.19.Ding Xueping, Li Huan, Yang Lijun, Gao Ying. A twin-electrode alternating current to direct current synergetic pulsed arc welding control method[J], China Welding. 2011, 20(4): 12-16.20.Wei Huiliang, Li Huan, Wang Xuyou, Wang Wei, Gao Ying. Hybrid interaction of laser and pulsed MIG arc and its influence on metal transfer[J].Welding Journal. 2011,32 (11): 41-44.21.Li huan, gaoying, LingLiGong, XuZhenLong, wang ying. Melting extremely pulse welding equipment and its application prospects of welded tube production [J]. hanguan, 2010,33 (2)22.GaoYing LiHuan, HuangZongRen, YangXinXin. Ac/dc double wire, submerged arc arc interference analysis and control strategy [J].journal of welding. 2009.30 (2) : 17-20 23.LuXinYu LiHuan, CaoJun, MiaoJunAn, The identity of the tube X70 flux-cored gas shielded welding process [J].journal of welding technology, 2009,38 (11) : 27-2824.LiHuan GaoYing, ZhangXiaoJiang, LiJunZuo, HuangZongRen, Dong jun, YangXinXin. Pulse submerged arc welding technology in the application of the steel welding X80 [J]. welders, 2009,1:54-57 25.GaoYing, LiHuan, SunBo, Yang zhansheng. Pulse parameters on the pulse submerged arc welding process the application in petroleum tank welding [J]. Journal of welding, 2008,29 (3) : 149-152Patents:1.Patents (Chinese):Patent 200910067856 li hua, YangXinXin,YangLiJun, GaoYing,An anti-interference double wire ac/dc submerged arc welding meet method2.Patent 200710150174.6 li huan,gaoyingYangLiJun,Qu Dan, LuQuansen Liupeng,SunZhansheng,Sunbo. Double wire narrow interval pay - dc pulsed coordinated electric arc welding method3.Patent 97105157.7 LiHuan, ZhangBaoGong, GuBaoFeng, YangJie, WangZongCheng, LiJunYue. Detection of shrinking neck of melt drops in short-circuit transition process4.Patent 03130011.1 LiHuan, GuoHaiYun, TianPeng, DuNaiCheng. Pulse submerged arc welding welding method5.Patent 201110036348.2 LiHuan, WangJunGong, ZhuYanLi, WeiHuiLiang, LouLiYan. A compound laser double arc welding system6.Patent 201110036380.0 LiHuan, GuXiaoYan, DingXuePing, LiuDeShen, WangLvYuan. Laser - double arc compound welding systemSocial AppointmentsDeputy Director of the Chinese Welding Society: Welding Technology and Equipment Professional Committee;Member of the Chinese Welding Society: Environment, Health and Safety Professional Committee; Deputy Director of the Chinese Mechanical Industry Education Association, Material Processing and Controlling Engineering Committee, Welding Branch Committee;Member of the China electrotechnical society welding technology professional committee;,,magazine editors Welding Equipment and Technology; Physics of Welding Arcs 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1978.2-1982.1 Tianjin University   Dept. of welding   学士 1983.9-1986.5 Tianjin University   Dept. of welding   硕士 1994.2-1997.12 Tianjin University   Dept. of welding   博士 工作经历 1988.1 -1994.1 |Tianjin University|Lecturer 1994.1 -2002.1 |Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2002.1 -2019.12 |Tianjin University|Professor 织梦内容管理系统
