

姓名 刘祖明 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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刘祖明 教师名称:刘祖明 教师拼音名称:Liu Zuming 出生日期:1984-10-04 性别:男 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 移动电话:13502089943 邮箱:zuming.liu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestAdvanced Manufaturing Processes,Keyhole Welding Processes, Process Monitoring and intelligent control, Manufacturing Process SimulationTeachingWelding processes simulation (CFD) (Master)Welding processesHonors and awards2013 Excellent student cadre of Shandong University2014        Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award (Excellent Work)2015        Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award (Shandong Province)Research projects1. "Control mechanism of the arc heat-force property and keyhole stability in the magnetic-enhanced K-TIG", National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 51505329, 2016/01-2018/12.2. "Vision observation and control of the weld pool and keyhole dynamic behavior in K-TIG welding process", Tianjin Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology, No. 15JCQNJC03400, 2015/01-2018/12.3. "Control of the dynamic keyhole behavior in pulse K-TIG welding process", State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining Program. 2017/1-2018/12.4. "High efficiency high quality welding manufacture equipment for LNG ship tank and its industrialization", Factory Program. 2014/6-2016/12.5, "Dynamic Weld Pool Heat Transfer in the Controlled-Pulse Plasma Arc Welding", National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.50936003, 2010/01-2013/12.6, "Research on Influence Mechanism of Heat Source to HAZ Width and Grain Size in TCS Stainless Steel Welding", National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.51074098, 2011/01-2013/12.7, "Research on the Behavior of the Arc and Droplet in the Under-water Cored Wire Welding Process", National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.51105237, 2012/01-2014/12.Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)1. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu and J.Q. Gao. Vision-based observation of keyhole images in plasma arc welding. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 63(1): 38-45.2. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu and M.A. Chen. Visualizing the influence of the process parameters on the keyhole dimensions in plasma arc welding. Measurement Science and Technology, 2012,23:105603 (9pp)3. Z.M. Liu and C.S. Wu. Visualization of dynamic keyhole behaviors in waveform-controlled plasma arc welding. Welding in the world, 2013 (6):719-7254. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu and J. Chen. Sensing dynamic keyhole behaviors in controlled-pulse key-holing plasma arc welding. Welding Journal, 2013, 92(12): 381-s - 389-s. 5. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu and M.A. Chen. Experimental sensing of the keyhole exit deviation from the torch axis in plasma arc welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 71:1209- 1219.6. ZM Liu, YK Liu, CS Wu, Z Luo. Control of Keyhole Exit Position in Plasma Arc Welding Process. Welding Journal, 2015, 94(6): 196-s-202-s.7. Z.M. Liu and C.S. Wu. The influence of keyhole behaviors to the weld defects in plasma arc welding process. Welding Journal, 2015, 94(9): 281-s-290-s.8. Z.M. Liu, ShuangLin Cui, Zhen Luo, ChangZhen Zhang, ZhengMing Wang, YuChen Zhang. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016, doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2016.04.004. 9. ZuMing Liu YueXiao Fang ShuangLin Cui Zhen Luo, WeiDong Liu ZhiYi Liu Qu Jiang Song YiStable keyhole welding process with K-TIG. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2016.07.005. 10. C.S. Wu and Z.M. Liu. Dynamic variation of keyhole exit and its inclination in plasma arc welding. Welding in the World, 2015, 59 (6): 365-371.11. G.K. Zhang, C.S. Wu and Z.M. Liu. Experimental observation of both keyhole and its surrounding thermal field in plasma arc welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 70:439-448. 12. Y.Q. Feng, Z. Luo, Z.M. Liu, Y. Li, Y.C. Luo, Y.X. Huang. Keyhole gas tungsten arc welding of AISI 316L stainless steel. Materials & Design, 2015, 85 (11): 24-31.13. R. Duan, Z. Luo,Y. Li, Y. Zhang and Z.M. Liu. Novel postweld heat treatment method for improving mechanical properties of resistance spot weld. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2015, 20(2): 100-105.14. Y. Zhang, Z. Luo*, Y. Li, Z.M. Liu, Z.Y. Huang. Microstructure characterization and tensile property of Mg/Al dissimilar joints manufactured by thermo-compensated resistance spot welding with Zn interlayer. Materials and Design, 2015, 75, 166-173.15. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu, S.L. Cui, Z. Luo. The correction of the keyhole exit deviation distance to the weld pool thermal state in plasma arc welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Under review16. Y.C. Cai, Z. Luo, M.N. Feng, Z.M. Liu, Z.Y. Huang, Y.D. Zeng. Effect of activator on mechanical properties and intercrystalline corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel weld. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 234(8): 243-248. 17. Y.C. Cai, Z. Luo, M.N. Feng, Z.M. Liu, Z.Y. Huang, Y.D. Zeng. The effect of TiC/Al2O3 composite ceramic reinforcement on tribological behavior of laser cladding Ni60 alloys coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016, 291(4): 222-229. 18. W.D. Liu, S.S. Ao, Y. Li, Z.M. Liu, H. Zhang, Z. Luo, H.L. Yu. Investigation on the profile of microhole generated by electrochemical micromachining using retracted tip tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016: DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-8535-2. Social AppointmentsAmerican Welding Society(AWS) FellowshipReviewer in Journals: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials and Design, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design Advanced Manufaturing ProcessesKeyhole Welding ProcessesProcess Monitoring and intelligent controlManufacturing Process Simulation 天津市高校“131”创新型人才第三层次 2017年度“天津大学沈志康奖教金” “青年教工示范岗” “北洋学者·青年骨干教师” 山东省优秀博士论文奖 上银优秀机械博士论文奖(佳作奖) 武传松*, 刘祖明, 陈姬. 受控脉冲穿孔等离子弧焊接小孔动态行为的检测. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49 (18): 114-118. (EI).2017 刘祖明, 武传松, 陈茂爱. 受控脉冲穿孔PAW对接焊过程控制的实验研究. 机械工程学报, 2011, 47(6): 45-50. (EI).2017 13. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu*, J. Chen. Sensing dynamic keyhole behaviors in controlled-pulse key-holing plasma arc welding. Welding Journal, 2013, 92(12): 381-s - 389-s. .2017 12. Z.M. Liu and C.S. Wu*. Visualization of dynamic keyhole behaviors in waveform-controlled plasma arc welding. Welding in the world, 2013 (6):719-725. .2017 11. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu*, M.A. Chen. Visualizing the influence of the process parameters on the keyhole dimensions in plasma arc welding. Measurement Science and Technology, 2012,23:105603 (9pp).2017 10. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu*, J.Q. Gao. Vision-based observation of keyhole geometry in plasma arc welding. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 63(1): 38-45..2017 9. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu*, M.A. Chen. Experimental sensing of the keyhole exit deviation from the torch axis in plasma arc welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 71:1209- 1219..2017 8. C.S. Wu*, Z.M. Liu. Dynamic variation of keyhole exit and its inclination in plasma arc welding. Welding in the World, 2015, 59 (6): 365–371. .2017 7. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu, Y.K. Liu, Z. Luo. Keyhole behaviors influence weld defects in plasma arc welding process. Welding Journal, 2015, 94(9): 281-s-290-s..2017 9. Z.M. Liu, Y.K. Liu, C.S. Wu*, Z. Luo. Control of Keyhole Exit Position in Plasma Arc Welding Process. Welding Journal, 2015, 94(6): 196-s-202-s..2017 8. Z.M. Liu, S.L. Cui, Z. Luo, C.Z. Zhang, Z.M. Wang, Y.C. Zhang. Plasma arc welding: Process variants and its recent developments of sensing, controlling and modeling. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016 (23): 315–327..2017 7. Z.M. Liu, Y.X. Fang, S.L. Cui, Z. Luo, W.D. Liu, Z.Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, S. Yi. Stable keyhole welding process with K-TIG. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, (238): 65–727. .2017 6. Y.X. Fang, Z.M. Liu*, S.L. Cui, Y. Zhang, J.Y. Qiu, S. Yi, Z. Luo. Improving Q345 weld microstructure and mechanical properties with high frequency current arc in keyhole mode TIG welding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 250(12): 280-288.1. .2017 5. S.L. Cui, Z.M. Liu*, Z. Luo, Y.X. Fang, S. M. Manladan, S. Yi. Keyhole process in K-TIG welding on 4 mm thick 304 stainless steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 243 (5): 217–228..2017 4. Z.M. Liu, Y.X. Fang, J.Y. Qiu, M.N. Feng, Z. Luo, J.R. Yuan. Stabilization of weld pool through jet flow argon gas backing in C-Mn steel keyhole TIG welding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 250(12): 132–143. .2017 3. Z.M. Liu*, Y.X. Fang, S.L. Cui, S. Yi, J.Y. Qiu, Q. Jiang, W.D. Liu, Z. Luo. Sustaining the open keyhole in slow-falling current edge during K-TIG process: principle and parameters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 112 (9): 255–266..2017 2. Z.M. Liu*, Y.X. Fang, S.L. Cui, S. Yi, J.Y. Qiu, Q. Jiang, W.D. Liu, Z. Luo. Keyhole thermal behavior in GTAW welding process. International Journal of Thermal Science. 2017, 114(4): 352–362.2017 40 papers are published..2017 1. Z.M. Liu, C.S. Wu, S.L. Cui, Z. Luo. Correlation of keyhole exit deviation distance and weld pool thermo-state in plasma arc welding process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017 (104) 310–317.2017 教育经历 2012.10-2013.9 Univeristy of Kentucky   Electrical Engineering   Visting Scholar 2004.9-2008.6 Zhengzhou University   Materials processing & control engineering   学士 2008.9-2013.12 Shandong University   School of Materials Science and Technology   博士 工作经历 2014.6 -2019.12 |School of Materials Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 12 14 patents 内容来自dedecms
