姓名 | 张宇 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 讲师 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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张宇 教师名称:张宇 教师拼音名称:ZHANG Yu 性别:男 职务:Associate Dean 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin Univerisity, No.92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 邮箱:zhangyu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 Non-destructive Testing Digital Signal Processing Measuring Technology and Instrument Design 1st Prize of 9th Youth teachers’ lecture contest of TJU 3rd Prize of 11th Youth teachers’ teaching competition of Tianjin HUAWEI Corporation Teaching Award 1st Prize of 12th Youth teachers’ teaching competition of Tianjin Yu Zhang.Design of fast portable detection instrument for buried pipeline coating defects.Proceedings of th....2006,v2 :165-169 Zhang Yu.Recognition method for oil pipeline leak based on chaotic characteristics.Nanotechnology an....2009,7 (4):337-341 Zhang Yu.Extraction Method for Pipeline Leakage Feature Based on Dynamic Pressure Signal.Acta Petrolei Sin....2010,31 (2):338-342 Yu Zhang.Leak detection monitoring system of long distance oil pipeline based on dynamic pressure transmitter.Measurement.2014,49 :382-389 Xu Bian.A New Method of Using Sensor Arrays for Gas Leakage Location Based on Correlation of the Time-Space Domain of Continuous Ultrasound.Sensors.2015,15 (4):8266-8283 Zhou Ming.Dynamic optimization of heated oil pipeline operation using PSO-DE algorithm.Measurement.2015,59 :344-351 Yu Zhang.Analyses of magnetic field in spiral steel pipe.Journal of Magnet....2015,375 :210-216 Yu Zhang.A continuous gas leakage localization method based on an improved beamforming algorithm.Measurement.2017,106 :143-151 教育经历 2006.9-2009.8 Tianjin University Precision Instrument and Mechanism 博士 2004.9-2006.8 Tianjin University Precision Instrument and Mechanism 硕士 2000.9-2004.7 Tianjin University Measuring and Controlling Technology and Instrument 学士 工作经历 2014.1 -2019.12 |School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Dean|Lecturer 2009.9 -2019.12 |School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering|Tianjin University|Lecturer