

姓名 李茹莹 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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李茹莹 教师名称:李茹莹 教师拼音名称:Li Ruying 性别:女 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮箱:liruying@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dr. Ruying Li is an associateprofessor in School of Environmental Science and Engineering, TianjinUniversity. She received her PhD. at the University of Hong Kong in2007. From 2007 to 2011, she worked as an engineer in AECOM Asia. Ltd (HK) andjoined in more than 5 wastewater treatment plants upgrading projects. In April2011, she entered Department of Environmental Engineering, Tianjin University, topursue an academic career. Her research interests include biological wastewatertreatment, anaerobic sludge digestion, bioenergy production, fate and control of emerging contaminants andbioelectrochemical system etc. anaerobic sludge digestion wastewater treatment fate and control of emerging contaminants water pollution control 暂无内容 Ru Ying Li, Tong Zhang and Herbert H. P. Fang: Characteristics of a Phototrophic Sludge Producing Hydrogen from Acetate and Butyrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33: 2147-2155(2008)..2019 Ru Ying Li and Herbert H. P. Fang: Hydrogen Production Characteristics of Photoheterotrophic Rubrivivaxgelatinosus L31. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33: 974-980 (2008)..2019 Ru Ying Li and Herbert H. P. Fang: Heterotrophic Photo Fermentative Hydrogen Production. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology, 39(12), 1081-1108 (2009). .2019 Li R.Y., Zhang T. and Fang H.H.P: Application of molecular techniques on heterotrophic hydrogen production research. Bioresource Technology, 102(18), 8445-8456 (2011)..2019 Han Li, Li Ru Ying*, Ji Min: Enhanced anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge by addition of food waste. Advanced Materials Research, 777: 139-142 (2013). .2019 Liu Xin Yuan, Li Ru Ying*, Ji, Min, Liu Di, Cai Yan Ming: Hydrogen production from cornstalk with different pretreatment methods by anaerobic fermentation. Advanced Materials Research. 777: 173-177 (2013). .2019 Di Liu, Ru Ying Li*, Min Ji and Yan Ming Cai: Enhanced hydrogen and methane production from sewage sludge by addition of cornstalk in two-stage fermentation process. Asia Journal of Chemistry, 25(12), 6535-6539 (2013)..2019 Xinyuan Liu, Ruying Li*, Min Ji and Li Han: Hydrogen and methane production by co-digestion of waste activated sludge and food waste in the two-stage fermentation process: Substrate conversion and energy yield. Bioresource Technology, 146: 317-323 (2013)..2019 Qing Zhao,Ruying Li*,Min Ji,Zhiyong Jason Ren: Organic Content Influences Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell Performance and Community Structure. Bioresource Technology, 220:549-556 (2016) ..2019 Qing Zhao,Min Ji,Ruying Li*,Zhiyong Jason Ren: Long-term performance of sediment microbial fuel cell with multiple anodes. Bioresource Technology, 237: 178-185 (2017)..2019 教育经历 2003.9-2007.8 The University of Hong Kong   Environmental Engineering   PhD 2000.9-2003.3 Tianjin University   Environmental Engineering   Master 1996.9-2000.7 Tianjin University   Environmental Engineering   Bachelor 工作经历 2007.12 -2011.2 |AECOM Asia. Ltd (HK) 2011.4 -2019.12 |School of Environmental Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate professor 团队成员 Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group 团队名称:Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group 团队介绍:Water Pollution Control and Resource Utilization Research Group focuses on biological technologies for wastewater, sludge and waste gas treatment. Under the leadership of Professor JI Min, the group has undertaken more than 80 research projects from national, provincial and ministerial and university-enterprise cooperation, while published more than 200 papers in recent years. At present, there are six faculties, including one professor, four associate professors, one assistant professor, one postdoctoral and three full-time researching assistants, as well as more than fifty doctoral and master candidates.

