姓名 | 宋轶民 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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宋轶民 教师名称:宋轶民 教师拼音名称:Song Yimin 出生日期:1971-09-18 性别:男 学科:Mechanical Engineering 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300354 传真:022-27406951 通讯/办公地址:No. 135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Jiaoyu Yuanqu, Jinnan District, Tianjin 移动电话:022-27406951 邮箱:ymsong@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Yimin Song is a professor in School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Design and Theory at Tianjin University in 1999. His research interests include mechanical dynamics, mechanisms/robotics, and mechanical transmission. Mechanical Transmission Mechanical Dynamics Mechanisms/Robotics 暂无内容 Dimensional synthesis of a 3-DOF parallel manipulator based on dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian matrix.Science China-Tec....2019,53 (1):168-174 Workspace decomposition based dimensional synthesis of a novel hybrid reconfigurable robot.ASME Trans. Journ....2019,2 (3):310091-310098 Kineto-static analysis of a novel high-speed parallel manipulator with rigid-flexible coupled links.Journal of Centra....2019,18 (3):593-599 Separation of comprehensive geometrical errors of a 3-dof parallel manipulator based on Jacobian matrix and its sensitivity analysis with Monte-Carlo method.Chinese Journal o....2019,24 (3):406-413 Optimal design of a parallel mechanism with three rotational degrees of freedom.Robotics and Comp....2019,28 (4):500-508 Kinematic analysis and optimal design of a novel 1T3R parallel manipulator with an articulated travelling plate.Robotics and Comp....2019,30 (5):508-516 A novel five-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator and its kinematic optimization.Journal of Mechan....2019,6 (4):410081-410089 Topology synthesis of three-legged spherical parallel manipulators employing Lie group theory.Journal of Mechan....2019,229 (10):1873-1886 Topology synthesis of a 1T3R parallel manipulator with an articulated traveling plate.Journal of Mechan....2019,7 (3):310151-310159 Stiffness analysis and experiment of a novel 5-DoF parallel kinematic machine considering gravitational effects.International Jou....2019,95 :82-96 Type synthesis of 2-DoF rotational parallel mechanisms actuating the inter-satellite link antenna.Chinese Journal o....2019,29 (6):1795-1805 Elasto-dynamic analysis of a novel 2-DoF rotational parallel mechanism with an articulated travelling platform.Meccanica.2019,51 :1547-1557 Optimum design of a novel redundantly actuated parallel manipulator with multiple actuation modes for high kinematic and dynamic performance.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019,83 :631-65 Stiffness analysis of a 2-DoF over-constrained RPM with an articulated traveling platform.Mechanism and Mac....2019,96 (165-178) Kinematic calibration of a 3-DoF rotational parallel manipulator using laser tracker.Robotics and Comp....2019,41 :78-91 Mobility analysis and kinematic synthesis of a novel 4-DoF parallel manipulator.Robotica.2019,34 (5):1010-1025 Passive and active gravity compensation of horizontally-mounted 3-RPS parallel kinematic machine.Mechanism and Mac....2019,104 :190-201 Kinematic Calibration of a 5-DoF Parallel Kinematic Machine.2019,45 :242-261 A transformable wheel-legged mobile robot: Design, analysis and experiment.Robotics and Auto....2019,98 :30–41 Type synthesis of parallel tracking mechanism with varied axes by modeling its finite motions algebraically.Journal of Mechan....2019,9 (5):054504-1-054504-6 Nonlinear dynamic modeling and performance analysis of a redundantly actuated parallel manipulator with multiple actuation modes based on FMD theory.Nonlinear Dynamic....2019,89 (1):391-428 A Geometric Algebra Approach to Determine Motion/Constraint, Mobility and Singularity of Parallel Mechanism.Mechanism and Mac....2019,116 :273-293 Rigid-flexible coupling dynamic modeling and investigation of a redundantly actuated parallel manipulator with multiple actuation modes.Journal of Sound ....2019,403 (129-151) An analytical approach to determine motions/constraints of serial kinematic chains based on Clifford algebra.Journal of Mechan....2019,231 (7):1324–1338 Singular-perturbation-based nonlinear hybrid control of redundant parallel robot.IEEE Transactions....2019 Parameter sensitivity analysis of a 5-DoF parallel manipulator.Robotics and Comp....2019,46 :1-14 教育经历 1996.3-1999.3 Tianjin University School of Mechanical Engineering Doctor of Mechanical Design and Theory 1993.9-1996.3 Tianjin University School of Mechanical Engineering Master of Mechanisms 1989.9-1993.7 Tianjin University School of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Machinery Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 工作经历 2009.6 -2019.12 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor 2008.3 -2008.5 |University of Warwick, UK|Senior Visiting Scholar 2001.7 -2009.5 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 1999.4 -2001.4 |College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology|Beijing University of Technology|Postdoctoral Research Fellow 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 A 4-DoF parallel manipulator 2017 11 A five-axis parallel machining center 2017 11 A wheel-like mobile robot 2017 11 A 2-DoF parallel mechanism with plane symmetry 织梦内容管理系统