

姓名 刘安安 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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职称 副教授 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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刘安安 教师名称:刘安安 教师拼音名称:LIU Anan 出生日期:1982-04-22 性别:男 职务:副系主任 学科:Electronic Information Engineering 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:Building 26, Section D, Room 412, School of Electrical & Information Engineering, Tianjin University  #92 Weijin Rd., Nankai District, Tianjin, China 邮箱:anan0422@gmail.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 My research focuses on multimedia analysis, computer vision and machine learning. I was awarded as the Peiyang Elite Scholar. Till now, I have published 80+ papers in the field of multimedia analysis and understanding, including several regular papers in IEEE Transactions (e.g. T-PAMI, T-IP, T-MI, T-C), CCF-A conferences (e.g. CVPR, ACM MM), ESI (3%) high citation papers. I was awarded with Student Participant Grant by ACM Multimedia Conference. I have applied 30 patents, 17 of which were approved and 1 of which underwent technology transfer. I serve as the guest editor of TBD, PR, JVCI, and so on. I serve as the co-chair of 2016 & 2017 CVPR Workshop. I was the co-organizer of 3D model retrieval evaluation in SHREC 2015&2016. I also serve as the TPC of many international conferences, the reviewer of several SCI journals. Learning-based Computer Vision: Object detection and tracking, human action recognition, translating visual information into language Cross-Media Big Data Mining: Content and context-based multimedia analysis, retrieval and personalized recommendation. Biomedical Image Analysis: Cell detection, tracking, and behavior analysis; Fundamental problems in machine learning: deep learning, graphical modal, multi-task learning, convex optimization; Student Participation Grant of ACM Multimedia 2009 LIU Anan.Hierarchical clustering multi-task learning for joint human action grouping and recognition.IEEE Transactions....2017 LIU Anan.View-based 3D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark.IEEE Transactions....2017 LIU Anan.Multi-modal clique-graph matching for view-based 3D model retrieval.IEEE Transactions....2016 LIU Anan.Benchmarking a Multimodal and Multiview and Interactive Dataset for Human Action Recognition.IEEE Transactions....2017 LIU Anan.Multipe/Single-View Human Action Recognition via Part-induced Multi-task Structural Learning.IEEE Transactions....2015 LIU Anan.Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences.IEEE Trans. Med. ....2017 LIU Anan.A Semi-Markov Model for Mitosis Segmentation in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations.IEEE Trans. Med. ....2012 LIU Anan.Mitosis Detection in Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations: A Critical Review.IEEE Transactions....2017 LIU Anan.Attention-In-Attention Networks for Surveillance Video Understanding in IoT.IEEE Internet of ....2017 Clique-graph Matching by Preserving Global & Local Structure.CVPR.2015 教育经历 2001.9-2003.7 Tianjin University   First Advanced Class of Tianjin University   学士   B.S. 2003.9-2005.7 Tianjin University   Electronic Engineering   学士   School of Electronic Engineering 2005.9-2010.3 Tianjin University   Electronic Engineering   博士 2009.5-2009.11 Intel Research Pittsburgh   Computer Sciences   Visiting Researcher 2008.9-2009.11 Carnegie Mellon University   Robotics Institute   Visiting Scholar 工作经历 2010.3 -2012.6 |Electronic Engineering|Tianjin University|Assistant Professor 2012.7 -2017.6 |Electrical & Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2017.7 -2019.12 |Electrical & Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Dean of Electronic Information Engineering Department|Professor 2016.3 -2017.3 |School of Computing|National University of Singapore|Visiting Scholar dedecms.com



