姓名 | 张涛 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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张涛 教师名称:张涛 教师拼音名称:Zhang Tao 出生日期:1975-04-03 性别:男 职务:Teacher 学科:Information and Communication Engineering 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:Room 314, Building 26D, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University 移动电话:18622651566 邮箱:zhangtao@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Zhang Tao is an associate professor and a Ph.D. supervisor at School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. He received the M.S. degree in School of Electronic Information Engineering from Tianjin University, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in the same University in 2004. His main research interests include video processing, acoustic signal processing, auditory model, image, and adaptive signal processing. He has published 6 SCI papers and authorized 10 patents. In addition, he hosts 2 National Natural Science Foundation Projects. At the same time, he is the National Audio Video Codec Standards Working Group audio group co-leader, and has made lots of outstanding contributions. Research on optimal allocation algorithm of complex embedded system resources Structure design of media processor System design and application based on DSP Digital audio and video processing 暂无内容 Design and Implementation of a Huffman Hardware Accelerator on MP3/AAC Decoder.Audio Engineering.2010 Design and implementation of generic verification system for audio decoder.APPLICATION OF EL....2011,37 (6):84-86 Application of EDMA in Real-time Video Decoding.Video Engineering.2014,38 (9):81-84 Optimization Algorithm for Motion Estimation Based on UMHexagonS.Video Engineering.2014,38 (9):5-8 Cognitive function assessment and training system based on interactive operation.Electronic Measur....2014,37 (1):39-44 Research on concurrent software design based on multicore DSP.Information Techn....2015 (7):5-8 Study of cognitive function assessment system based on multimedia technology.Computer Engineer....2015,51 (24) Research on audio localization performance and subjective evaluation method.Information Techn....2015 (9):13-15 An efficient method to implement DCT algorithm on VLIW architectures.Information Techn....2015 (11):1-3 Summary of artificial intelligence optimization algorithm applied in HW/SW partitioning.Information Techn....2015 (9):1-5 Hardware/Software Partitioning Method Based on Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm.Journal of Tianji....2013,46 (10):923-928 Comments on“Algorithmic Aspects of Hardware/Software Partitioning: 1D Search Algorithms".IEEE Transactions....2014,63 (4):1055-1056 Scheduling Algorithm Based on Storage Capacity of Communication in Hardware/Software Integrated System.Transactions of T....2015,21 (4):366-370 Feedforward Neural Network Models for FPGA Routing Channel Width Estimation.Chinese Journal o....2016,25 (1):71-76 Review of AVS-M Audio Standard and Codec Implementation.2019 :31-36 Analysis of IMDCT Fast Algorithms.2010 Internationa....2010 The application of integer MDCT in MP3 audio.Proceedings of 20....2019,2 :1153-1157 Task Scheduling Prediction Algorithms for Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning.2012 Fifth Intern....2012 :80-85 Tao Zhang.Investigation on the Hardware Implementation of a Motion-adaptive De-interlacing Algorithm.25th PCS Proceedi....2019 Tao Zhang.A New Algorithm on Short Window MDCT for Dolby AC-3.International Sym....2019 :478-481 Tao Zhang.High Efficient Implementation of Image Matching Algorithm.Proceedings of th....2019 :1-5 Tao Zhang.A Multi-Channel AC-3 Encoder Architecture Design and Optimization.Proceedings of th....2019 Tao Zhang.An Efficient Bit Allocation Strategy in AC-3 Encoder.2010 Internationa....2019 Tao Zhang.A Low- cost Multi-standard Audio Decoder Architecture Design.2010 Internationa....2010 Tao Zhang.An Optimized High-Speed High-Accuracy Image Matching System Based on FPGA.2010 IEEE Interna....2010 :1107-1112 Tao Zhang.MP3/AAC Audio Decoder Implementation Based on Software and Hardware Co-design.2010 3rd Internat....2010 :3695-3698 Tao Zhang.Optimization and Implementation of AVS Encoder Based on TMS320DM6446.2010 3rd Internat....2010 :1643-1647 Tao Zhang.Fun cube based brain gym cognitive function assessment system.2019 (84):1-8 Tao Zhang.A Novel Algorithm of Vector Quantization Codebook Design Based on Fuzzy Clustering Theory.Journal of Tianji....2011,44 (2):151-161 Tao Zhang.Test Picture Generator of HDTV Monitor Based on FPGA.Journal of Electr....2019,20 (2):101-105 Zhang Tao.Application Specific High Speed DMA Design Based on Pipe Architecture.Journal of Tianji....2006,39 (7):815-819 Tao Zhang.A New Window Function.Journal of Inform....2019,5 (4):1923-1928 Tao Zhang.AVS-P3 Algorithm and Implementation.Journal of Softwa....2010,5 (8):858-865 Tao Zhang.A High Efficient Algorithm of the Bit Allocation in AC-3 Encoder.Journal of Tianji....2009,42 (12):1096-1100 Tao Zhang.SoC Design and Implement of Audio Decoding Based on System Generator.AUDIO ENGINEERING.2010,34 (1):35-39 Tao Zhang.Novel and efficient generation algorithm of initial codebook based on the fuzzy clustering theory.Infrared Laser En....2010,39 (1):179-183 Tao Zhang.A Novel Algorithm of Vector Quantization Codebook Design Based on Fuzzy Clustering Theory.Journal of Tianji....2011,44 (2):157-161 Tao Zhang.AVS-M Audio: Algorithm and Implementation.EURASIP Journal o....2011,2011 (1):1-16 Tao Zhang.Reserch on Hardware/Software Partitioning Method of Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm.Journal of Signal....2015,31 (9):1055-1060 Tao Zhang.Low false alarm probability howling detection method.JOURNAL OF XIDIAN....2017,44 (4):100-105 Tao Zhang.Using Blind Optimization Algorithm for Hardware/Software Partitioning.IEEE Access.2017,5 (99):1353-1362 Tao Zhang.Individual-activation-factor Memory Proportionate Affine Projection Algorithm with Evolving Regularization.IEEE Access.2017,5 (99):4939-4946 教育经历 2001.9-2004.3 Tianjin University Signal and Information Processing 博士 1998.9-2001.3 Tianjin University Signal and Information Processing 硕士 1994.9-1998.7 Tianjin University Electronic Information Engineering/Management Engineering Double-degree 工作经历 2017.1 -2017.12 |School of Electrical and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|PhD supervision 2015.7 -2017.1 |School of Electronic and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|PhD supervision 2013.4 -2014.4 |ECE Dept|Rice University|Texas Instruments Visiting Professor 2007.7 -2015.6 |School of Electronic and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Master's tutor 2003.5 -2007.6 |School of Electronic and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 12 Adaptive template image processing method for motion estimation 2017 12 An adaptive search method for motion estimation in video coding 2017 12 A pre-echo control method 2017 12 A new method of generating vector quantization initial codebook dedecms.com