

姓名 吕辰刚 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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吕辰刚 教师名称:吕辰刚 教师拼音名称:lvchengang 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 传真:13820553633 移动电话:13820553633 邮箱:lvchengang@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Lyu is an associate professor of electrical automation and information engineering at tianjin university, master tutor, senior visiting scholar at the Hong Kong polytechnic university, and a key teacher of beiyang, tianjin university.Presided over by the tianjin science and technology commission of municipal infrastructure security sensor network monitoring, road and bridge structure safety detection sensor network project, 11 authorized invention patents, SCI 16 papers, "the second prize of scientific and technological innovation" nankai district science and technology commission.As a "national iot and related professional teaching steering committee secretary job, as a" national natural science fund "network audit work, part-time" sensors, sensor letters "and so on international journal editors, etc.We are responsible for the key funds of tianjin municipal science and technology commission and the national natural science foundation. Image recognition Machine vision and industrial testing Wireless sensor network Optical sensor parts and systems The second prize of the first youth doctoral science and technology innovation competition in nankai district, tianjin Outstanding member of the school of electronic information engineering of tianjin university The 2010 undergraduate graduation design (thesis) of tianjin university The 17th "outstanding youth (faculty)" nomination of the 17th university of tianjin Lyuchengang.Theoretical and experimental study on the thermal and non-reciprocal noise of optical fiber ring.Journal of sensin....2019 Lyuchengang.Experimental study on the static load of the roots of fiber grating sensor network.Journal of sensin....2019 Lyuchengang.The fiber Bragg grating sensor network is used to detect the structure of the pile.Photoelectric las....2019 Lyuchengang.Optical fiber grating signal demodulation system based on zero-phase filtering technology.Photoelectric las....2019 吕辰刚.FBG sensor networks for the estimation of boundary shear stress around the novel piers.International Sym....2019 吕辰刚.Wavelength readout system constructed of fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter and virtual instrument.Proc Spie.2019 吕辰刚.Adaptive illumination based on projector–camera system for multireflective three-dimensional scene.Optical Engineeri....2019 吕辰刚.Tunable Visible Emission of Novel Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals.Photonics Technol....2019 吕辰刚.A Novel Multi-Peak Fluorescent Nanocrystals Film Sensors.Sensor Letters.2019 吕辰刚.Polarimetric heterodyning fiber laser sensor for directional acoustic signal measurement.Optics Express.2019 吕辰刚.Design evaluation of DBR fiber laser sensor for directional lateral force monitoring.IEEE PTL.2019 教育经历 2004.9-2007.6 Tianjin university   Physical electronics   博士 2001.9-2004.6 Tianjin university   Physical electronics   硕士 1997.9-2001.6 Tianjin university   Optoelectronic technology   学士 工作经历 2017.1 -2019.12 |school of electrical and information engineering|Tianjin university|Associate professor 2013.3 -2016.12 |School of electronic information engineering|Tianjin university|Associate professor 2012.9 -2013.3 |Optoelectronics research center|Hong Kong polytechnic university|A visiting scholar 2011.6 -2012.9 |School of electronic information engineering|Tianjin university|Associate professor 2007.7 -2011.6 |School of electronic information engineering|Tianjin university|A lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 12 The temperature - stress double parametric measurement device is based on orthogonal double polarization fiber laser 2017 12 A sensor based on the Fano resonance characteristic of gold nano-rod dimer array 2017 12 DBR fiber laser hydrophone based on polyurethane resin 2017 12 A fiber optic laser sensor system for double frequency acoustic detection 本文来自织梦
