

姓名 陈家宁 性别
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陈家宁 教师名称:陈家宁 教师拼音名称:Chen Jianing 性别:男 其他联系方式 通讯/办公地址:A-272, 33th Hall, Chengde Loop, Tianjin University, 135 Yaguan Rd. Jinnan District, Tianjin, P. R. China, 300354 邮箱:kanei800313@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 1) 2013 "Peiyang Scholar", Elite Scholar Program of Tianjin University, 2013. 2) 2013 Excellent Instructor, 12th "Challenge Cup" - Academic Work Competition among Colleges in Tianjin, 2013. 3) 2012 3rd prize, 11th Junior Teacher’s Teaching Competition among Colleges in Tianjin, 2012. 4) 2009 Excellent Instructor of Thesis for Graduation, Tianjin University, 2009. 8) "On the Reconstruction of Chinese Classics", Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences Edition), 2007(1): 5-13. Digest: Digest of Chinese Social Sciences, 2007(3): 179-180..2019 9) "On the Social Economy of Qi State in the Warring States period from Qi Documents: a Comparative Study of the Inscriptions on Pottery and Received Texts", Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, 2006(3): 86-92..2019 7) "A Review for Preceding Researches and Criticisms on Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)",Study of Chinese Characters (《中國文字研究》), 2007(2): 211-216, 219..2019 3) "Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreigners from Chinese Cultural Circle", Chinese Characters Education, Chinese Characters Education Society in Korea, 2013, 330-339..2019 2) "On Xingjun and Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)", Sinology and modernity, Intellectual Property Press, 2013, 37-51..2019 6) "On the Problem of 'Faqiu(灋丘)' on the Crossbow of 'third year General Li'", Cultural Relics of Central China (Zhongyuan Wenwu《中原文物》), 2008(3): 105-108..2019 b. Articles in Volumes: 1) "On the Rituals in Bronze Inscriptions of Qi State", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 30, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2014, 298-304..2019 4) "On Spread and Collation of Ancient Chinese Books: A Comparative Study between Tsinghua Bamboo and Received Version of Huangmen(《皇門》) in Yi Zhoushu(《逸周書》) ", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 29, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2012, 726-738..2019 3) "Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreigners from Chinese Cultural Circle", Chinese Characters Education, Chinese Characters Education Society in Korea, 2013, 330-339..2019 2) "On Xingjun and Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)", Sinology and modernity, Intellectual Property Press, 2013, 37-51..2019 6) "On the 'Egg' of Black Bird that Swallowed by Jiandi(簡狄)", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 28, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2010, 426-430..2019 5) "Records of the Grand Historian (《史記》) as an Example of Research of Ancient Chinese History through the 'Methodology of Triple Evidences'", Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2010(1): 71-74..2019 III. Translated Article: 2016 (into Chinese) Paul. R.Goldin. Han Fei’s Doctrine of Self-Interest, in Research in the Traditions of Chinese Culture(《國學學刊》), 2016(4): 14-23..2019 b. Articles in Volumes: 1) "On the Rituals in Bronze Inscriptions of Qi State", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 30, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2014, 298-304..2019 5) "On the Interaction between Society and Characters in the Process of the Dynasty Qin replace Zhou", Forum of Chinese Philology(《文字學論叢》), Vol 6, Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House(線裝書局), 2012, 245-260..2019 9) "On the Position of Overlap Isomorphism Characters and 'Mirror Image Characters' in Shuowen Jiezi(《說文解字》)", Study of Dhuowen Jiezi(《說文學研究》),Vol 2, Chongwen Press(崇文書局), 2006, 486-495..2019 5) "Records of the Grand Historian (《史記》) as an Example of Research of Ancient Chinese History through the 'Methodology of Triple Evidences'", Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2010(1): 71-74..2019 8) "Interpretation of Ghosts’ Name in Chapter 'Jie' (詰) of Rishu(日書) Vol A in bamboo of Shuihudi Qin Tombs(《睡虎地秦墓竹簡》)", Bamboo and Silk(《簡帛》), Vol 1, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Classics Press, 2006, 249-254..2019 7) "Proof-reading Ancient Books with Excavated Texts in Early China: 2 Examples", Forum of Chinese Philology(《文字學論叢》), Vol 5, Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, 2010, 199-205..2019 7) "Proof-reading Ancient Books with Excavated Texts in Early China: 2 Examples", Forum of Chinese Philology(《文字學論叢》), Vol 5, Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, 2010, 199-205..2019 6) "On the 'Egg' of Black Bird that Swallowed by Jiandi(簡狄)", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 28, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2010, 426-430..2019 3) "On the Wine Culture in Ancient China: Research of Characters with Radical 'you'(酉) in Shuowen Jiezi(《說文解字》)", Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2011(2): 64-68..2019 IV. Book Notice: 2015 (in English) Lillian Lan-ying Tseng. Picturing Heaven in Early China, in Early China, (38): 243-244..2019 II. Articles: a. Articles in Journals: 1) "Social Restructuring by Wang Mang(王莽) in Bronze Inscriptions", Literature and Culture, 2013(4): 33-40..2019 2) "Methods of Foreign Words’ Translation into Chinese", Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2011(5): 476-480..2019 III. Translated Article: 2016 (into Chinese) Paul. R.Goldin. Han Fei’s Doctrine of Self-Interest, in Research in the Traditions of Chinese Culture(《國學學刊》), 2016(4): 14-23..2019 5) "On the Interaction between Society and Characters in the Process of the Dynasty Qin replace Zhou", Forum of Chinese Philology(《文字學論叢》), Vol 6, Beijing: Thread-Binding Books Publishing House(線裝書局), 2012, 245-260..2019 3) "On the Wine Culture in Ancient China: Research of Characters with Radical 'you'(酉) in Shuowen Jiezi(《說文解字》)", Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2011(2): 64-68..2019 8) "On the Reconstruction of Chinese Classics", Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences Edition), 2007(1): 5-13. Digest: Digest of Chinese Social Sciences, 2007(3): 179-180..2019 7) "A Review for Preceding Researches and Criticisms on Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)",Study of Chinese Characters (《中國文字研究》), 2007(2): 211-216, 219..2019 2) "Methods of Foreign Words’ Translation into Chinese", Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2011(5): 476-480..2019 10) "On the Improvement of Radicals in Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)", Research on Chinese Characters(《漢字研究》), Vol 1, Beijing: Xueyuan Press(學苑出版社), 2005, 160-164..2019 9) "On the Position of Overlap Isomorphism Characters and 'Mirror Image Characters' in Shuowen Jiezi(《說文解字》)", Study of Dhuowen Jiezi(《說文學研究》),Vol 2, Chongwen Press(崇文書局), 2006, 486-495..2019 4) "On the Chinese Collateral Blood Kinship Terms and Family Closeness", Journal of the Qiannan(黔南) Normal College for Nationalities, 2011(1): 32-36..2019 4) "On Spread and Collation of Ancient Chinese Books: A Comparative Study between Tsinghua Bamboo and Received Version of Huangmen(《皇門》) in Yi Zhoushu(《逸周書》) ", Study of Chinese Paleography (《古文字研究》), Vol 29, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2012, 726-738..2019 9) "On the Social Economy of Qi State in the Warring States period from Qi Documents: a Comparative Study of the Inscriptions on Pottery and Received Texts", Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, 2006(3): 86-92..2019 II. Articles: a. Articles in Journals: 1) "Social Restructuring by Wang Mang(王莽) in Bronze Inscriptions", Literature and Culture, 2013(4): 33-40..2019 6) "On the Problem of 'Faqiu(灋丘)' on the Crossbow of 'third year General Li'", Cultural Relics of Central China (Zhongyuan Wenwu《中原文物》), 2008(3): 105-108..2019 IV. Book Notice: 2015 (in English) Lillian Lan-ying Tseng. Picturing Heaven in Early China, in Early China, (38): 243-244..2019 4) "On the Chinese Collateral Blood Kinship Terms and Family Closeness", Journal of the Qiannan(黔南) Normal College for Nationalities, 2011(1): 32-36..2019 10) "On the Improvement of Radicals in Longkan Shoujing(《龍龕手鏡》)", Research on Chinese Characters(《漢字研究》), Vol 1, Beijing: Xueyuan Press(學苑出版社), 2005, 160-164..2019 8) "Interpretation of Ghosts’ Name in Chapter 'Jie' (詰) of Rishu(日書) Vol A in bamboo of Shuihudi Qin Tombs(《睡虎地秦墓竹簡》)", Bamboo and Silk(《簡帛》), Vol 1, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Classics Press, 2006, 249-254..2019

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