姓名 | 汪丽君 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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汪丽君 教师名称:汪丽君 教师拼音名称:Wang Lijun 出生日期:1974-10-06 性别:女 职务:Deputy Director of Urban Architecture Studio 学科:Architecture 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 传真:022-27890420 通讯/办公地址:92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, P.R.China 邮箱:wljjudy@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Professor Wang Lijun was studied under Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Peng Yigang. In 2010 to 2011, she had been as visiting scholar in the Architecture School of University of Virginia (USA). She has engaged in teaching and researching about the reciprocity and integration on architectural typology and urban morphology for many years. In recent years, she also expanded her research interesting to the urban public space in the historical environment regeneration and the renewal model of urban existing residential community for the aged in the compact Perspective.She is member of Architectural Society of China, senior member of International Association of Engineering Technology, and deputy editor for the special subject of Regional Architecture in the Architectural design Handbook (Third Edition). She achieved the 13th China Book Award in 2002 and the Architectural society of China excellent architectural creation Award at the 60th anniversary of the PRC in 2009. The reciprocity and integration of research on architectural typology and urban morphology Urban public space in the historical environment regeneration Renewal model of urban existing residential community for the aged in the compact perspective Precast concrete prefabricated building based on BIM The 13th China Book Award(2002) The Second Prize of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China Excellent Survey and Design(2003) The Second Prize of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China Excellent Survey and Design(2004) The 3rd Architectural Society of China Excellent Architectural Creation Award(2004) The Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Tianjin City(2005) The Silver Medal of the 11th National Excellent Engineering Design(2005) The First Prize of the Construction System the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Thesis in Hebei Province(2006) Architectural Society of China Excellent Architectural Creation Award at the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China(2009) The 2012 International UA Competition, Excellent Guidance Teacher(2012) 2013 “Blue star cup” National College Student Architecture Design Competition of Architectural Society of China, Excellent Guidance Teacher(2013) 2013 “Zhongliang cup” National College Student Architecture Design Competition of Architectural Society of China , Excellent Guidance Teacher(2013) 2013 UIA HYP Cup International Student Competition of Architecture Design, Excellent Guidance Teacher(2013) The First Prize of 2013 Excellent Design of Urban and Rural Planning in Hebei Province(2014) Excellence Award of 2014 National Urban and Rural Planning and Design in China(2014) 2016 SEU·CHINESE Contest of Rookies' Award for Archi Students, Excellent Guidance Teacher(2016) Wang Lijun.Analysis of the Structure of Contemporary Western Architectural Typology.Architectural Jou....2005 (08):18-21 Shu Ping.The Study on the Design of New Chinese Courtyard House in Tianjin Yangliuqin.Architectural Jou....2006 :42-45 Wang Lijun.The Beauty of Ration—Study on the German Architect Ungers’s Works.Architect.2006 (2):52-55 Wang Lijun.Hybridization and Coexist—Study on the Optimized Design of East-West Residential Adaptability on the Background of Building a Conservation-Minded Society.Architectural Jou....2010 :30-34 Wang Lijun.Conflict, Diversity and the Public Participation—Study on the Histories of Historic preservation in the United States.Architectural Jou....2011 (05):43-47 Wang Lijun.Regional-based reflective practice—Concrete expressions of Mexico's contemporary buildings.Architect.2010 (05):18-23 Wang Lijun.Internal Order—Study on Forms Design Feature of Architectural Typology.New Architecture.2010 (01):67-71 Wang Lijun.Poems of the light and shadow— Regional intelligence and inspiration on the Mexican Architecture.New Architecture.2011 (01):118-121 Wang Lijun.Poetic Building:——Expression of Concrete Materials in Contemporary Architectural Design.New Architecture.2012 (05):98-101 Wang Lijun.Study on the Suitable Mode of Tianjin Existing House Rebirth under Industrialization View.Architectural Jou....2010 (S1):44-46 Wang Lijun.Study on Typology Application of Historical Environment Protection and Regeneration-- A Case on the Urban Design of the Guangfu ancient town protection and Surrounding Wetland Ecological restoration in Handan City.Architectural Jou....2010 (S2):71-76 Wang Lijun.Nature Remodeling:—Study on the Tectonic Logic of Earthen Materials in Contemporary Architecture Design.Architectural Jou....2012 (S1):114-117 Wang Lijun.Study on Tianjin Existing House Rebirth Appropriate Strategy.Journal of Tianji....2011 (01):39-44 Wang Lijun.Humanities Analysis and Regeneration Research of Historical Environment - Based on the Architectural Typology.Journal of Tianji....2011 (06):527-530 Wang Lijun.Form、Logic and Emotion—Notes of the Design for Innovation Headquarter of Tianjin Huyuan High-tech Park.Archicreation.2008 (11):62-69 Wang Lijun.Forms in the Thoughtful Design—Study on Forms Design Aesthetic Standard of Architectural Typology.Huazhong Architec....2008 (10):15-19+28 Wang Lijun.Building Opening System Architectural Typology.Urban Environment....2008 (04):92-95 Wang Lijun.The Quiet and Peaceful Living Philosophy—Study on City Residence Regional Features Building in Chengde City.Urban Environment....2008 (04):102-105 Wang Lijun.Study on Existing House Rebirth Appropriate Mode of Large Cities on the Background of Building a Conservation-Minded Society - Tianjin for Example.Urban Environment....2008 (06):85-87 Wang Lijun.The Study on Fiber Cement in Contemporary Architecture Design.Science and Techn....2011 (28):18-20 Wang Lijun.Merging·Interaction·Remodeling —Study on the Deep Expression of Metal Material in Contemporary Architecture Design.Urban Environment....2012 (Z2):256-263 Wang Lijun.Study on Sustainable Regeneration Strategy of Historical Environment.Chinese Architect....2017 SHU Ping.Ecological Planning and Design of Waterfront in Xianghe County from the Perspective of Landscape Security Pattern.Journal of Landsc....2017 (06) Shu Ping.Study on Creation of Urban Characteristics in the Perspective of Regeneration.URBAN FLUX.2017 Wang Lijun.Teaching Research of Architecture Design Thinking Based on View of the Historical Environment Regeneration.Chinese Architect....2017 Wang Lijun.The Application of the Design of Regional Passive Green Technology in the Research on Rural Residential Prototype- A case Study on the Design of Residential Prototype in Ecological Agriculture Park in Nanan, Fujian Province.Architectural New....2017 Wang Lijun.Integration Methods Research of Suitable Technology In Green Buildings—A Case Study of Hebei University of Technology Biological Irradiation Research Base Architecture Design.Architectural New....2016 Wang Lijun.Humanities, Place and Memory-Study on the Architecture Typology Theory and Practice of Rafael Moneo.Architect.2017 (02):68-76 Wang Lijun.Study on the New Ideas for the Second-year Architecture Design Teaching From the Development of Current Practice of Building.The national arch....2008 Wang Lijun.Study on Typology Application of Historical Environment Protection and Regeneration—A case on the Urban Design of the Guangfu ancient town protection and Surrounding Wetland Ecological restoration in Handan City.International Ass....2010 Wang Lijun.Humanities Analysis on Historical Environment of the Rural Settlement in HanDan region— Based on the Architectural Typology.The 14th China na....2011 Wang Lijun.Teaching Research of Architecture Design Thinking Based on View of the Historical Environment Regeneration.The national arch....2012 Lijun Wang.Nature Regeneration—Study on the Ecological and Regional Performance of Earthen Materials in Chinese Contemporary Architecture.GBTM 2012(EI:20....2012 Ping Shu.Research on the Green Urban Morphology Based on BIM —A Case Study on the Urban Design in Nanhe City.GBMCE 2013(EI:2....2013 Lijun Wang.Re-interpretation of the Typological Methods in Architectural Design of New Regionalism.CEABM 2014(EI:2....2014 Wang Lijun.Teaching Research of Architecture Design in Historical Environment Based on the Typo-morphological Approach.The national arch....2014 Lijun Wang.The Design of Regional Passive Energy- Saving Rural Residential Prototype in Extreme Cold Climate—A Case Study on the Taohai Ranch House of Inner Mongolia Province.The Architectural....2014 Wang Lijun.Strategy of Urban Spatical Identity Construction in the Perspective of Historical Environment Regeneration - A case Study of Zhongwei City, Ningxia.International Con....2019 Wang Lijun.Research on the Situation and Improvement Strategy of Small Public Spaces in Binhai New Area(BNA), Tianjin — A Case Study of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area(TEDA) and Shanghai Road Residential Blocks.The 23rd Internat....2016 Wang Lijun.The Morphological Characteristics and Self-Construction Mode of Rural Dwellings in the Suburbs of Tianjin).The 50th Internat....2016 Rongling Liu.Sudy on the association mechanism between small public spaces and affective responses in the "human-scale urban form" perspective. Take Tianjin Wudadao Area as an example.24th ISUF Interna....2019 :259 教育经历 1992.9-1997.7 School of Architecture , Tianjin University Architectural Design and Theory Bachelor of Architecture 1997.9-2000.1 School of Architecture, Tianjin University Architectural Design and Theory Master of Architecture 2000.3-2003.3 School of Architecture, Tianjin University Architectural Design and Theory PhD. of Architecture 2010.8-2011.8 School of Architecture, University of Virginia Architectural Design and Theory Visiting Scholar 工作经历 2006.6 -2019.12 |School of Architecture, Tianjin University|Master Supervisor 2014.6 -2019.12 |School of Architecture, Tianjin University|Professor 2015.4 -2019.12 |School of Architecture, Tianjin University|Doctoral supervisor