

姓名 张维 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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张维 教师名称:张维 教师拼音名称:Zhang Wei 性别:男 其他联系方式 邮箱:weiz@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 暂无内容 Adaptive Behavior and Strategy Switching.International Jou....2019 An analysis of herding behavior in security analysts’ networks,.Physica A: Statis....2019 Collective behavior and options volatility smile: An agent-based explanation,.Economic Modellin....2019 A Multi-agent System for Policy Design of Tick Size in Stock Index Futures Markets.Systems Research ....2019 Information identification in different networks with heterogeneous information sources.Journal of System....2019 Impact of information cost and switching of trading strategies in an artificial stock market.Physica A: Statis....2019 Position limit for the CSI 300 stock index futures market.Economic Systems,....2019 Calibration of the agent-based continuous double auction stock market by scaling analysis.Information Scien....2019 Short-term market reaction after trading halts in Chinese stock market.Physica A: Statis....2019 Big Data in Chinese Financial Industry.The Bridge. 44(4....2019 Program trading and its risk analysis based on agent-based computational financ.International Jou....2019 The optimal pricing of a market maker in a heterogeneous agent economy.Finance Research ....2019 Evolutionary Minority Game with searching behavior.Physica A: Statis....2019 Information and Bargaining Power: Evidence from SME Lending in China.International Jou....2019 Information and Bargaining Power: Evidence from SME Lending in China.International Jou....2019

