

姓名 陈通 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
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陈通 教师名称:陈通 教师拼音名称:Chen Tong 性别:男 其他联系方式 邮箱:ct88@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 Second prize at the 11th Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(1) First prize at the 12th Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(1)  Second prize at the tenth Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(2)  First prize at Beijing Educating and Teaching Achievement (High education)(3) Knowledge transfer strategy of R&D outsourcing under trust perspective [J]..Science of Scienc....2019 Urban competitiveness and government reform [J]..Urban Problems,20....2019 Study on the project multiple-objectives coordination [J].China Engineering....2019 Study on the key factors of the service innovation process in logistics information service enterprise [J].Science of Scienc....2019 Study on information transfer and administer inspirit [J]..Journal of Indust....2019 The realization degree of bounded rationality in the investment decision of the project [J]..Science & Technol....2019 A cornerstone of modern decision-making: a review of rationality and bounded rationality [J]..Statistics and De....2019 Critical behaviors of moral risk in principal-agent system [J]..Journal of Tianji....2019 Study on bounded rational project economic evaluation based on the complexadaptive system theory [J].Science of Scienc....2019 Study on the new rural public service system with DIM method [J]..Chinese public ad....2019 Study of Government Subsidy Strategy under the Enterprises' Cooperation and Non-cooperation Parallel R&D Pattern [J]..Soft Science,2011....2019 Enterprice’s R&D decision behavior under the circumstance of information leakage [J]..Systems Engineeri....2019 A mechanism for Urban and Urban government [J]..Urban Studies,200....2019 To improve the level of financial services in rural areas through the cultural construction [N].Peoples Daily,201....2019 The Scale Stability Analysis of the Compound Agricultural Industry Chain- A Duopoly Structure as an Example [J].Systems Engineeri....2019 A study of the dynamic relationship of technology transfer on regional economic development of Tianjin based on VAR Model [J]..Soft science,2010....2019 An empirical study on the industrialization path of high-tech industry [J]..Science of Scienc....2019 Economic evaluation of investment projects from the perspective of multiple attribute decision making [J]..Statistics and De....2019 dedecms.com
