

姓名 孔宇航 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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孔宇航 教师名称:孔宇航 教师拼音名称:Kong Yuhang 出生日期:1962-05-12 性别:男 职务:Associate Dean 学科:Architecture 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:92 Weijin Road, Nankai District Tianjin 300072, P. R.China 移动电话:27890420 邮箱:kongart@126.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Prof. Kong Yuhang is the doctoral supervisor, vice dean for School of Architecture, Tianjin University. He holds academic positions such as the member of Architect Branch of Architecture Society of China, member of Chinese National Supervision Board of Architecture Education, member of Chinese National Board of Architecture Accreditation (NBAA) member of the Contemporary Chinese Architectural Forum, Co-chief Editor of Architecture & DETAIL, and editorial Board Member of a series of Chinese architecture journals, including Architect, New Architecture, World Architecture, Chinese Architectural Education, Urbanism and Architecture, etc. Prof. Kong Yuhang received B.S degree in Department of Architecture, Tongji University in 1982, M. Arch degree in School of Architecture, Ohio State University in 1988, M. Des. S degree in Graduate School of Design, Harvard University in 1989, and Ph. D degree in Architecture Research Institute, Southeast University, 2009. He leads research in the key program of the Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on Architecture ‘Form-Space’ Generating Method Optimization Based on System Analysis Method”, “Research on Architecture ‘Design with Construction’ Modular System Based on Low Carbon Objective” , and “Study on Strategy and Method of Nonlinear Organic Architecture”. He is also the Principal Investigator of the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities “Low-Carbon City and Architecture”. With more than 20 years’ experience in architecture design and theoretical teaching, he pursues research on architecture design & theory, architectural design method, Form Generating & Space Operation Theory, and Nonlinear Organic Architecture. He had published one monograph and more than 40 papers in Core academic Journals. He is the Chief Editor of the following books:Re-reading Canonical Architecture, China Architecture & Building Press, to be published, 2016;Architecture Collection from 2013-2016, Jiangsu Phoenix Science Press, 2016;The Art of Section in ArchitectureⅡ, Jiangsu People’s Publishing .LTD, 2013;The Art of Section In ArchitectureⅠ, Jiangsu People’s Publishing .LTD, 2012;Architecture 2012, Dalian University of Technology Press, 2012;Architecture 2011,Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ, Dalian University of Technology Press CO.,LTD, 2011;Architecture 2010,Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Dalian University of Technology Press CO.,LTD, 2010;Architecture 09 08, Dalian University of Technology Press CO.,LTD, 2009;Architecture 07 06 05, Dalian University of Technology Press CO.,LTD, 2007. Prof. Kong Yuhang guided students to win the international or domestic architectural design competition awards for many times, such as International VELUX Award, UIA HYP Cup International Student Architectural Design Competition, and China Architectural Education TSINGRUN Award Students’ Paper Competition.   2018.01-2021.12     Research on Architecture "Form-Space" Generating Method Optimization Based on System Analysis Method, Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China, Program Permission Number: 51778401 2014.01-2017.12     Research on Architecture “Design with Construction” Modular System Based on Low Carbon Objective, Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China, Program Permission Number: 51378333 2013.01-2017.12     Low-Carbon City and Architecture, Supported by the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, Program Permission Number: B13011 Research area: Architecture Design & Theory, Architectural Design Method Chen Congzhou Architectural Scholarship for Excellent Young Faculty Members in China, 1999. Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award of DLUT (Graduate Class), Second Prize, “Cultivation of Creative Thinking on the Educational Transformation of Architecture Design”, 2003. Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award of DLUT (Graduate Class), Second Prize, “Systematic Integration and Practice on Architecture Graduate Program”, 2008. Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award of Liaoning Province, Second Prize, “Reconstructing Teaching System for Undergraduate Architecture Program”, 2008; Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award of DLUT, First Prize, “Reconstructing Teaching System for Undergraduate Architecture Program”, 2008; Note of Form Study: Pinwheel Diagram, The Architect, 12/2016 .2019 Reading on the Operation of Layer-Space, Architecture & Culture, 02/2016;.2019 Analysis of Nested Space —— the House from Modunakiko to Sou Fujimoto, Architecture & Culture, 04/2016..2019 Architecture Experience, World Architecture, 05/2015;.2019 The Correlation between Construction and Place——Reading on Detached Caves in Jinzhong District, Architecture & Culture, 11/2015;.2019 Research on the correlation and Operating Process of Contemporary Architecture Design and Construction, The Architect, 03/2015;.2019 Insertion and Decomposition: Design Explorations of Citizen Cultural Activity Center in Beicheng New District of Wuyi Mountain, New Architecture, 02/2015..2019 The Text of Architecture Competition, China Architecture Education, 08/2014;.2019 Low-carbon Design and Construction, Architecture & Culture, 02/2014;.2019 Architecture, the Next Decade, New Architecture, 02/2014;.2019 Video interview: Sixty Second Idea to Improve Architecture, World Architecture, 04/2014..2019 Analysis on Galician Center of Contemporary Art, Urbanism and Architecture, 11/2013;.2019 The Disappearance and Integration of Boundary, Architecture & Culture, 12/2013..2019 From Inside to Outside, and Bottom up—Interpreting Feng Dazhong Art Museum, Urban Environment Design, 02/2011..2019 Study on Nonlinear Organic Architecture Method, Architecture & Culture, 04/2010;.2019 Meeting in the Future Space-time, Urbanism and Architecture, 10/2010;.2019 The Silent Culture—Impression on Finnish Architecture, Urban Environment Design, 08/2010;.2019 The Panoramic View over Contemporary Architectural Education in China, Urbanism and Architecture, 12/2010;.2019 Construction of Non-Linear Organic Architecture, Urbanism and Architecture, 09/2010..2019 Organic Architecture in Transformation: Notes on Nonlinear Organic Architecture, South Architecture, 03/2009;.2019 Study on New Cultural Type: Inspiration from Sendai Mediatheque, Urbanism and Architecture, 09/2009;.2019 Regional Thinking & Poetic Design: Notes on Non-liner Organic Architecture, Urbanism and Architecture, 06/2009;.2019 The Third Wave of Architectural Thinking, Chinese and Overseas Architecture, 11/2009;.2019 Study on Complexity Network of Architecture Design, Architecture & Culture, 08/2009;.2019 Technical Support under Architecture Connotation, Urbanism and Architecture, 04/2009;.2019 Tectonic Perspective, Chinese and Overseas Architecture, 06/2009..2019 To create Deep Organic Architecture, Architecture & Culture, 02/2008;.2019 Declining of Poetic Construction—Reading on Urban Space of Dalian City, Urbanism and Architecture, 12/2008..2019 Experiments in Between: on Architecture Design for Graduate Program, New Architecture, 06/2007;.2019 Chaotic Thinking of Transformation—Reading Modern Dalian City, Time Architecture, 11/2007;.2019 The Molding of the Affinity—Medical Building Design in Shenyang Jinqiu Hospital, New Architecture, 02/2007;.2019 Anatomy of Villa Mairea, Huazhong Architecture, 02/2007..2019 Reading on the Phenomenal Transparency of Jubilee Church, Architecture & Culture, 11/2013;.2019 Butterfly & Elephant: Analyzing Kauniamen Parish Center, Architect, 10/2006..2019 Analyzing Wexner Center of Visual Arts, New Architecture, 01/2005. .2019 To Analyze Charles Gwathmey’s House, Chinese and Overseas Architecture, 05/2004;.2019 Rereading Falling-water Villa, Huazhong Architecture, 04/2004..2019 Vibrating Perfection—Design of Innovation Building in Dalian University of Technology, Architect, 12/2003;.2019 Analysis and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Residents' Courtyards, Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), 12/2003. .2019 Re-reading Villa Savoy, New Architecture, 06/2001..2019 Comments on urban construction in Dalian, New Architecture, 08/2000..2019 Different pursuit— Comparison between Peter Eisenman and John Hejduk, Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), 12/1999;.2019 Between Architecture and Nautical Science, New Architecture, 02/1999. .2019 The Mask of Dionysus—Design Process of the Architecture Monument in 20th Century, Architect, 04/1998;.2019 New Horizon— the Ideas of Architecture in 21st Century, Architect, 02/1998..2019 Rethinking Architecture Graduate Education, Chinese and Overseas Architecture, 12/1997..2019 教育经历 1988.8-1989.8 Harvard University   M.Des.S   Graduate School of Design 1985.8-1988.7 Ohio State University   M. Arch 工作经历 1994.9 -1996.9 |Department of Architecture|Dalian University of Technology|Associate Professor 1982.9 -1985.9 |Department of Architecture|Dalian University of Technology|Assistant Professor 1991.9 -1994.9 |RDG Design Group, Columbus, Ohio|Job Captain|Designer 1989.9 -1990.9 |Eisenman Architects, New York|Practical Trainee 2006.9 -2019.12 |Architect Branch of Architecture Society of China|Member 2003.9 -2019.12 |Co-chief Editor of Architecture & DETAIL 2004.9 -2019.12 |Contemporary Chinese Architectural Forum|Member 2004.9 -2014.9 |Chinese National Board of Architecture Accreditation (NBAA)|Member 2005.9 -2010.9 |Chinese National Supervision Board of Architecture Education|Member 2019.12 -2019.12 |Editorial Board Member of a series of Chinese architecture journals, including Architect, New Architecture, World Architecture, Chinese Architectural Education, Urbanism and Architecture, etc. 2002.9 -2008.9 |School of Architecture and Fine art|Dalian University of Technology|Dean|Professor 2010.9 -2019.12 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Associate Dean|Professor 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 2017China Architectural Education TSINGRUN Award Students' Paper Competition, Honorable mentions of Graduate Group, A Study on Renewal of Building Exterior Space from the Perspective of Spatial-Behavioral Relevance- A Case Study of Hui Community at Northwest Corner of Tianjin, student: Wang Zhiqiang 2017 11 2016 China Architectural Education TSINGRUN Award Students’ Paper Competition, First Prize of Graduate Group, The Combination of Interface, Sequence Plane Organization and Classes "Structure" - Analysis of the Translation Methods of Minnan Traditional Residential Space, student: Chen Xinyi; 2017 11 2016 China Architectural Education TSINGRUN Award Students’ Paper Competition, Honorable mentions of Undergraduate Group, Landscape of memory - the daily memorial of the Second Barrier in Shenzhen, students: Ge Kangning, Lyu Lifeng; 2017 11 2014 Aalborg Portland Architecture Competition, Second Prize, Memory of Barrier Lake, students: Xiong Ran, Wang Zhiqiang, Li Zhiyuan; 科研项目 Yurong Hotel in Huludao, 1st prize of Excellent Project Design in Liaoning Province, 2010; Reception Center for Xingcheng Sanatorium of Shenyang Military Region, 1st prize of Excellent Project Design in Liaoning Province, 2010. Hanfeng Office Building Design & Area Planning, 1st prize of Excellent Project Design in Liaoning Province, 2008; Graduate Office Building of DLUT, 1st prize of Excellent Project Design in Liaoning Province, 2nd prize of Excellent Project Design in Chinese Education Department, 2008. Zhida Office Building in Huludao City, 1st prize of Excellent Project Design in Liaoning Province, 2006. Special prize in the International Competition of Expo 1995 in Vienna, 1991. Honorable Mention in the Choragic Monument to Twentieth Century Architecture Competition in U.S.A, 1990.

