

姓名 李严 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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李严 教师名称:李严 教师拼音名称:Li Yan 出生日期:1978-01-17 性别:女 学科:Architecture 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 通讯/办公地址:the School of Architecture, Tianjin University 邮箱:liyan1@yeah.net 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Yan Li studied architecture at Tianjin University, obtaining her PHD in 2007 with a dissertation on the research of military fortresses of nine defense areas along the Great Wall in Ming dynasty. She has been a visiting scholar at Fine Art Department of Louisville University in US, an academic visitor at the Needham Research Institute funded by the Xing-Zhi scholarship in UK and academic visitor at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany. From 2013 to now she is an associate professor in Tianjin University. Yan’s current research focuses on the GIS database and spatial analysis of the military defense system of the Ming Great Wall. She has just published a book Gazetteer of the Great Wall of China (Volume 4) Border Town-Fortress-Pass (2.5 million words). She will publish another book the Military Defense System and the Military Settlements along the Ming Great Wall in 2018. In addition to her academic research, on architecture design, Yan was awarded the First Prize of the Second Batch of Outstanding Examples of Rural Architecture by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC as collaborators in 2016. She has been the member of Dwelling Architecture Committee of National Architecture Institute of China since 2014 and the member of the Great Wall Institute of China since 2009. Military system of the Great Wall Architectural heritage protection First Prize of the Second Batch of Outstanding Examples of Rural Architecture 2010 National Habitat Classic Architectural Planning and Design Program, Double Golden Prizes in Layout and Environment 2010 National Habitat Classic Architectural Planning and Design Program, Excellent Thesis The 2nd Prize of Excellent Thesis Second Prize of the 13th Tianjin Outstanding Social ScienceAchievement Award 9. Li Yan, Li Zhe, "Inspiration of the Evolution of Swiss Dwellings" [J]. Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference of Chinese Dwellings and International Symposium, Architectural Industry Press, Nov. 2016..2017 8. Li Yan, Li Zhe, The Great Wall except the “Great Wall”in the Ming Dynasty -- the Military Fortress With the WeiSuo System, China Science-paper Online, 2011(2).2017 7. Li Yan, Li Zhe, The Field Investigation and Analysis for the Site Selection of the Military Fortress Along the Ming Great Wall, China Science-paper Online, 2011(2).2017 6. Li Yan, Zhang Yukun, Li Zhe, The Historical Changes of the Military Settlements Along The Great Wall in Ming Dynasty in the Northern Area of Shanxi and Shaanxi, Academic Seminar on Traditional Dwellings Across the Taiwan Straits, 2007.2017 5. Li Yan、li Zhe, The study on the space distribution of the military settlements in the Ming Dynasty that influence the layout of modern towns -- taking Yulin Zhen for instance,The 7th International Symposium For Environment-Behavior Studies(EBRA),2008.2017 4. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Fortress of The Great Wall in Ming Dynasty and Lifang System, Proceedings of the 16th Academic Seminar on Traditional Dwellings in China, 2008.2017 3. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Li Wei, The Study on the Influence of Space Distributions of the Military Settlements in YuLinzhen in Ming Dynasty on the Layout of Modern Towns, Proceedings of the 8th International Annual Conference in WTO and China, 2009.2017 2. Li Yan, Zhang Yukun, Li Zhe, Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Military Settlements along the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty, 2011 The 9th Academic Seminar on Traditional Dwellings Across the Taiwan Straits, 2011.2017 1. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Reviewing and Thinking on the Cultural Heritage of The Great Wall, 2011 International Symposium on the Teaching and Research of Architectural History, 2011.2017 10. Li Yan, Linkage Problems on the Course Design between the First and Second Year in College, Proceedings of 2012 National Conference on Architectural Education, thesis in the category of teaching reform.2017 9. Li Yan, li Zhe, Song Ying, The Particularity of Aerial Photogrammetry for Architectural Heritages by UAV, IEEE2012.2017 8. Li Yan, Digital Recording of Ancient Buildings by Using VTOL UAVS and Building Materials, ACAM2012, EI.2017 7. Li Yan、li Zhe, SongYing, A Beneficial Attempt -- An Engineering Practice of Reusing Old Building Materials,ACAM2012, EI.2017 6. Li Yan、Li Zhe, Song Ying, Reusing Old Construction Materials in the Renovation of Traditional Villages, CEABM 2012, EI.2017 5. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Point Cloud -- Continued Evolution of Digital Technology of Architectural Heritage Taking the Mapping of Qianfoya as an Example, Industrial Construction (supplement) 2012, Volume 42(477).2017 4. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Zhang Yukun, the Aerial Relation of Light and Shade——Analysis of the Art and Technique of UAVArchitectural Photography, New Architecture, 2008(2).2017 3. Li Yan, Li Zhe, Zhang Yukun, Architectural Photogrammetry System and Application Case, New Architecture, 2010(5).2017 2. Li Yan, Zhang Yukun, Li Zhe, Lifang System in Fortress -- A Study of Comparative Analysis of Architectural Sociology, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition),2012(4).2017 1. Li Yan, Zhang Yukun, Li Zhe, The Non-linear Nature of The Great Wall: Research on the Stratified System of Military Settlements along the Great Wall under the Wei-suo System of Ming Dynasty, New Architecture, 2011(3).2017 教育经历 2004.3-2007.9 Tianjin University   博士 2001.3-2004.6 Tianjin University   硕士 1996.9-2001.3 Hebei University of Technology   学士 工作经历 2013.11 -2019.12 |the School of Arthitecture|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2007.9 -2013.11 |the School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Lecture 本文来自织梦
