姓名 | 张茜 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 讲师 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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张茜 教师名称:张茜 教师拼音名称:Zhang Qian 性别:女 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 邮编:300354 通讯/办公地址:Peiyang Park Campus: No.135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Education Park, Tianjin 移动电话:022-87401979 邮箱:zhangqian@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Qian Zhang, She is a Master supervisor of Department of Mechanics in School of Mechanical Engineering in Tianjin University. She obtained BA degree in 2007, MS degree in 2009, Ph.D. degree in 2012. She worked as visiting Postdoctoral in Australian National University. She has research experience in the field of experimental mechanics by Data analysis and modeling of experimental mechanic, Large-scale tunneling equipment load analysis and efficiency optimization, Lithium ion battery related electrochemical coupling research. Electrochemical Coupling Research in Lithium Ion Battery Large-scale Tunneling Equipment Load Analysis and Efficiency Optimization Data Analysis and Modeling of Experimental Mechanics 暂无内容 Wang L, Li H, Zhao X, Q Zhang. Development of a prediction model for the wear evolution of disc cutters on rock TBM cutterhead[J]. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 2017, 67:147-157. .2019 Zhang Qian, wang Juan, Kang Yilan *, Experimental data inversion recognition analysis method and mechanical characterization, experimental mechanics, 2013, 28(2):141~150. (in Chinese).2019 Xie H, Zhang Q, Song H, et al. Modeling and in situ characterization of lithiation-induced stress in electrodes during the coupled mechano-electro-chemical process. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 342: 896-903. .2019 Zhang Qian, Qu Chuangyong, Huangtian, Cai Zongxi, Kang Yilan *, Dai Bin, Leng Jianzhong, Wang YanQun, In the process of excavation of shield mechanical analysis and load forecast, engineering mechanics, 2012, (7) : 291-291. (EI) (in Chinese).2019 Zhang Q, Su C X, Qin Q H, et al. Modeling and prediction for the thrust on EPB TBMs under different geological conditions by considering mechanical decoupling. Science China Technological Sciences, 2016, 59(9): 1428-1434. (Cover paper) .2019 Zhang Qian, Cai Zongxi, Huang GanYun, Hou Zhende, Kang Yilan *, Zheng Lin, The interface load mechanical characterization and approximate calculation model of the shield framework, journal of mechanics, 2014, 44(5) : 861-868. (EI) (in Chinese).2019 Song H, Zhang H, Fu D, Q Zhang. Experimental analysis and characterization of damage evolution in rock under cyclic loading[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2016, 88:157-164. .2019 Honglei Zhang, Xuehui Lin, Yanqun Wang, Qian Zhang, Yilan Kang*. Identification of elastic-plastic mechanical properties for bimetallic sheets by hybrid-inverse approach, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 23(1):29~35, 2010. (SCI).2019 Qian Zhang, Zhende Hou, Ganyun Huang, Zongxi Cai, Yilan Kang*, Mechanical characterization of the load distribution on the cutterhead–ground interface of shield tunneling machines, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015, 47: 106-113. (SCI).2019 Lihui Wang, Yilan Kang*, Zongxi Cai, Qian Zhang, Yu Zhao, Haifeng Zhao, Pengcheng Su. The energy method to predict disc cutter wear extent for hard rock TBMs, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2012, 28: 183~191. (SCI).2019 Qian Zhang, Chuanyong Qu, Yilan Kang*, Ganyun Huang, Zongxi Cai, Yu Zhao, Haifeng Zhao, Pengcheng Su. Identification and optimization of energy consumption by shield tunnel machines using a combined mechanical and regression analysis, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2012, 28: 350-354. (SCI).2019 Qian Zhang, Yilan Kang*, Zheng Zheng, Lihui Wang. Inverse analysis and modeling for tunneling thrust on shield machine, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013,2013:1-9. (SCI).2019 Qian Zhang, Tian Huang, Ganyun Huang, Zongxi Cai, Yilan Kang*. Theoretical model for loads prediction on shield tunneling machine with consideration of soil-rock interbedded ground, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(9): 2259-2267. (SCI).2019 Qian Zhang, Chuanyong Qu, Zongxi Cai, Yilan Kang*, Tian Huang, Modeling of the thrust and torque acting on shield machines during tunneling, Automation in Construction, 2014, 40: 60–67. (SCI).2019 Zheng zheng, Zhang Qian , Kang Yilan, Inversion identification and mechanics modeling of shield tunneling, mechanical engineering journal, 2014, 50 (21) : 31-37(EI) (in Chinese).2017 教育经历 2009.9-2012.6 Tianjin University Solid Mechanics Ph.D. 2007.9-2009.6 Tianjin University Solid Mechanics M.S. 2003.9-2007.6 Tianjin University Engineering Mechanics B.S. 工作经历 2015.5 -2019.12 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University 2014.10 -2015.4 |Department of Materials Science and Engineering|Australian National Nniversity (ANU)|Visiting scholar 2012.7 -2014.5 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Postdoctoral 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 Zhang Qian, Kang Yilan, Zhou Siyang, Cai ZongXi, Hou Zhende, The calculation method of total thrust in the process of equipment tunneling of hard rock TBM, application number: 201510014104.2. (in Chinese) 2017 11 Zhang Qian, Kang Yilan, Cai Zongxi, Hou Zhende, Qiu Wei, The engineering modeling method of shield thrust control based on the test tunneling segment data, application number: 201510014479.9. (in Chinese) 2017 11 Zhang Qian, Kang Yilan, Cai Zongxi, Huang Gan Yun, The calculation method of the positive torque of the surface soil pressure balance shield, the national invention patent, application no. : 201410084127.6. (in Chinese) 2017 11 Zhang Qian, Kang Yilan, Cai Zongxi, Qiu Wei, Wang Yanqun, Huang Tian, The calculation method of the bending moment of the shield structure under different stratified geological conditions, national invention patent, patent no. : 201110237149.8. (in Chinese)