

姓名 张晓峰 性别
学校 天津大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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张晓峰 教师名称:张晓峰 教师拼音名称:Zhang Xiaofeng 出生日期:1982-05-04 性别:男 职务:None 学科:Mechanical Engineering 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 邮编:300457 通讯/办公地址:Room 418, Building No.37,Tianjin University, Jinnan Dist.,Tianjin 移动电话:13920487140 邮箱:xijiyu82@163.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 Ultra-precision machining Air bearing 暂无内容 Xiaofeng Zhang.Finite-element analysis of aerostatic lubrication with porous restrictors based on HYPERMESH.Journal of Vacuum....2009,Vol.27 (Issue 3):1555-1558 Zhou Xiaoxue.Influence of temperature and concentration on tribological properties of silicon nitride in glycerol aqueous solution.Ceramic Internati....2015,Vol.42 (Issue 3):3786- 3796 Xiaofeng Zhang.Research on the analytical thermal model in surface grinding by cup wheel.International Jou....2013,Vol.66 (1-4):1-13 Zhang, XiaoFeng.Validation of an analytical model for grinding temperatures in surface grinding by cup wheel with numerical and experimental results.INTERNATIONAL JOU....2013,Vol.58 (1-2):29-42 教育经历 1999.9-2003.7 Tianjin University    Mechanical Engineering   Bachelor 2003.9-2005.9 Tianjin University    Mechanical Engineering   Master 2005.9-2008.10 Tianjin University    Mechanical Engineering   Doctor 工作经历 2008.10 -2009.6 |Pera Global (Beijing) Co. Ltd. (ANSYS)|Service Engineering 2009.6 -2013.2 |School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronic Engineering|Tianjin University|None|Post doctor 2013.2 -2019.12 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|None|Lecture 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 Disc type polishing device and method based on dynamic pressure effect 2017 11 Fluid dynamic pressure semi-contact concretion grinding material polishing device copyright dedecms
