

姓名 易运晖 性别
学校 西安电子科技大学 部门 通信工程学院
学位 学历:博士研究生毕业 学历 毕业院校:西安电子科技大学
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介:Personal Profile 易运晖,教授,硕士生导师,电工电子国家级实验示范中心副主任。西安电子科技大学通信工程学士、通信与信息系统专业工学硕士、工学博士。2015年至2016年在美国田纳西大学访学。主持和参与已完成国家自然基金、重点研发计划等项目20余项。获得省部级奖励1项,获国家发明专利授权18项。在核心刊物及国际国内学术会议上发表论文30多篇。2023年在研项目7项,重点研究方向为:无线通信、高速信号处理、网络理论、嵌入式系统。 在研科研项目(课题):l  数据链抗干扰性能仿真软件,在研l  星地融合仿真平台射频模拟模块定制,在研l  基于空间智能计算平台的物理层通信协议开发与测试,在研l  基于甚低频电波传播特性的高精度时延测量技术研究,在研l  用电器干扰下高精度时延测量技术及抗干扰物理拓扑发现研究, 2023已结题l  低频多路信号检测技术,2023已结题, 近期代表性研究成果和学术奖励情况l  Xing Zichen, Yi Yunhui, et al. Sum-rate Maximization for RIS-assisted IoT. WCNCW 2023l  Luo Yuanxinyu, Yi Yunhui, He Xiandeng, Hao Jiahui, Sparse Channel Estimation for IRS-Assisted Communication System Based on Denoising Autoencoder, WCNCW 2023l  Chai Junwei, Yi Yunhui, et al. Rate Optimization and Interference Suppression in RIS-assisted MIMO Systems. WCNCW 2023l  Yang Shuo, Yi Yunhui, et al. Automatic Gain Control of Wireless Receiver Based on Q-Learning, WCNCW 2023l  Liu Xingyuan, He Xiandeng, Yi Yunhui. Prediction of Ship Motion Attitude Based on Combined Model. WCNCW 2023l  Jia Geng, Yi Yunhui, et al. VTuckeR Multimodal tucker fusion for scene graph. WCNCW 2022l  Liu Xiaodong, Yi Yunhui, et al. Cooperative Sensing Task Assignment Algorithm for Heterogeneous Devices Based on Internet of Things. WCNCW 2022l  Meng Y ,  Chen N ,  Yi Y , et al. Research on the dynamic multisocial networks influence maximization problem based on common users[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, PP(99):1-1.l  Liu Yuping, Chen Nan, Yi Yunhui, et al. Research on multi-task assignment model based on task similarity in crowdsensing. ICCC 2021l  Zhou Xiaohan, Yi Yunhui, et al. Path-RotatE Knowledge graph embedding by relational rotation of path in complex space. ICCC 2021l  Yi Yunhui ; Zhao  Hailang ; Wang Yisu. “LoRa Signal Monitoring System of Multi-Node Software Define Radio”,2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, WCNCW 2020 – Proceeding,2020-04l  Meng, Yanhong, Yunhui Yi, Fei Xiong, and Changxing Pei. "T× oneHop approach for dynamic influence maximization problem." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 515 (2019): 575-586.l  Yi, Yunhui, Linlin Lu, and Yanhong Meng. "The Impact of Emotion on the Information Diffusion Model in Online Social Network." In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 234, no. 1, p. 012100. IOP Publishing, 2019.l  Yang, Xinyan, Yunhui Yi, Xinguang Xiao, and Yanhong Meng. "Mobile Application Identification based on Hidden Markov Model." In ITM Web of Conferences, vol. 17, p. 02002. EDP Sciences, 2018.l  Meng yanhong, Liu xianxian, Zhao Peirong, Yi yunhui. A Study on the N- ode Centrality Based Multi-social Attributes Weighted in Mobile Social Networks. International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network (WCSN2017),2017:15-17

