姓名 | 项水英 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 西安电子科技大学 | 部门 | 通信工程学院 |
学位 | 学历:博士研究生毕业 | 学历 | 毕业院校:西南交通大学 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人简介:Personal Profile 项水英,女,博士,教授/博士生导师,国家级青年人才,国家重点研发计划项目负责人。1986年出生于江西遂川,2007.06毕业于西南交通大学通信工程专业,获工学学士学位。2007.09- 2012.12在西南交通大学通信与信息系统专业攻读博士学位。2012年被评为四川省优秀博士毕业生。2013年获西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖。2012年12月加入ISN国家重点实验室,2013年7月破格晋升副教授,通信与信息系统专业硕士生导师。2017年6月晋升通信与信息系统专业博导。2019.10晋升教授。长期从事光神经形态计算与光脉冲神经网络研究,以第一作者或通信作者在Optica,Laser&Photonics Reviews,Opto-Electronic Advances,IEEE Transcations on Neural Networks and Learning systems, Photonics Research等发表录用SCI检索论文100余篇(中科院1区、2区50余篇),应邀撰写光神经形态计算领域综述3篇,入选"全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2023版)"。2015年获教育部自然科学奖二等奖。入选2016年度国家博士后创新人才支持计划(合作导师:郝跃院士),入选2016年陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划。主持国家重点研发计划项目,国家自然科学基金4项(优青+2面上+1青年),教育部博士点新教师基金,KJW前沿探索项目2项、国家重点实验室基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目,陕西省自然基金面上项目等项目。团队教师项水英 (领军教授、博导)郭星星 (准聘副教授、硕导)张雅慧 (准聘副教授、硕导)王涛 (菁英副教授)韩亚楠 (全职博士后/准聘副教授 )感兴趣的研究方向包括:1. 光子神经形态计算、光脉冲神经网络,类脑计算、光计算、储备池计算;2. 光电芯片及集成技术,硅光芯片及集成技术 ;3. FPGA神经网络协处理器、神经网络加速器;4. 脉冲神经网络算法及应用目前研究团队承担的科研项目:主持:国家重点研发计划项目,(2021.12-2024.11)KJW前沿探索项目,(2023.10-2024.10)国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2020.01-2023.12)国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2017.01-2020.12)国家自然科学基金青年基金,(2014.01-2016.12)教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类),(2014.01-2016.12)ISN国家重点实验室基金,(2015.10-2016.12)陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目,(2017.1-2018.12)2016年度博士后创新人才支持计划 (2016.9-2018.9)中国博士后科学基金第61批面上项目(2017.1-2018.12)陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目(2017.1-2018.12)陕西省博士后特别资助项目(2018.1-2019.12)在读博士研究生2023级秋:曾鑫涛2023级春:郑殿壮 (硕博连读)2022级春:张钰娜 (硕博连读)2021级秋:高爽 (硕博连读)2021级春:宋紫薇 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金)在读硕士研究生2023级:李一恒 邹涛 王一芝 涂志聪 石尚轩 赵浩文2022级:刘文卓 周含旭 余澄扬 牛欣然 侯悦 赵礼炎 2021级:郑殿壮 张涛 杜晨阳 李志强 于倩 已毕业学生(硕士)2015级: 李甲福 张浩(获国家奖学金)2016级: 王浩宁 龚俊楷 张雅慧(硕博连读,) 郭星星(硕博连读)2017级:韩亚楠(硕博连读,获国家奖学金) 屈妍(获国家奖学金) 王阳(获国家奖学金) 王博2018级:任振兴 (获国家奖学金) 曹星宇 蔡薇 马源廷(获国家奖学金) 宋紫薇 (获国家奖学金)王苏红(获国家奖学金)2019级:刘晓松 付晨涛 赵世豪2020级:赵思婷 张天瑞 蒋树庆 谷碧玲 已毕业学生(博士)2018级春:张雅慧 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金,得到国家留学基金委资助,前往英国联合培养,已毕业留校)2018级秋:郭星星 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金,已毕业留校)2020级春:韩亚楠 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金,已毕业留校)发表的学术论文以第一作者或通信作者发表SCI检索论文100余篇:S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Shi(施跃春,共同一作), X. Guo, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, D. Zheng, Z. Song, Y. Han, S. Gao, S. Zhao, B. Gu, H. Wang, X. Zhu, L. Hou, X. Chen, W. Zheng, X. Ma, and Y. Hao, Hardware-algorithm collaborative computing with photonic spiking neuron chip based on integrated Fabry-Perot laser with saturable absorber, Optica, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 162–171, Feb. 2023.(中科院I区,IF: 10.644) 相关报道:https://news.xidian.edu.cn/info/2106/223412.htmS.Y.Xiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Z. Song, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, G. Han, and Y. Hao, Computing primitive of fully-VCSELs-based all-optical spiking neural network for supervised learning and pattern classification, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, 2020. (中科院I区,IF: 10.451)S.Y.Xiang* , Yuechun Shi*(施跃春,共同通信), Yahui Zhang, Xingxing Guo, Ling Zheng, Yanan Han, Yuna Zhang, Ziwei Song, Dianzhuang Zheng, Tao Zhang, Hailing Wang , Xiaojun Zhu, Xiangfei Chen, Min Qiu, Yichen Shen, Wanhua Zheng & Yue Hao, Photonic integrated neuro-synaptic core for convolutional spiking neural network, Opto-Electronic Advances, 2023, accepted.(中科院I区,IF: 14.1) Shuang Gao(高爽), S.Y.Xiang* ,Ziwei Song, Yanan Han , Yuna Zhang, Xingxing Guo, Yahui Zhang,and Yue Hao, Hardware implementation of ultra-fast obstacle avoidance based on a single photonic spiking neuron, Laser Photonics Rev. 2023, 2300424.(中科院I区,IF: 11) Yuechun Shi (施跃春), S.Y.Xiang*(共同一作), X. Guo, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, D. Zheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Han, Y. Zhao, X. Zhu, X. Chen, X. Li, and Y. Hao, Photonic integrated spiking neuron chip based on self-pulsating DFB with saturable absorber, Photon. Res., 11(8), 1382-1389, Aug. 2023. (中科院Ⅰ区, IF:7.245)Yue Hao, Shuiying Xiang, Genquan Han, Jincheng Zhang, Xiaohua Ma, Zhangming Zhu, Xingxing Guo, Yahui Zhang, Yanan Han, Ziwei Song, Yan Liu, Ling Yang, Hong Zhou, Jiangyi Shi, Wei Zhang, Min Xu, Weisheng Zhao, Biao Pan, Yangqi Huang, Qi Liu, Yimao Cai, Jian Zhu, Xin Ou, Tiangui You, Huaqiang Wu, Bin Gao, Zhiyong Zhang, Guoping Guo, Yonghua Chen, Yong Liu, Xiangfei Chen, Chunlai Xue, Xingjun Wang, Lixia Zhao, Xihua Zou , Lianshan Yan and Ming Li, Recent progress of integrated circuits and optoelectronic chips. Science China Information Sciences, 64(10), 201401(2021).(Invited review paper)Shuiying Xiang, Y. Han, Z. Song, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, Z. Ren, S. Wang, Y. Ma, W. Zou, B. Ma, S. Xu, J. Dong, H. Zhou, Q. Ren, T. Deng, Y. Liu, G. Han, Y. Hao, A review: Photonics devices, architectures, and algorithms for optical neural computing. J. Semicond., 2021, 42(2): 023105. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/42/2/023105. (Cover, invited review paper)项水英,宋紫薇,高爽,韩亚楠,张雅慧,郭星星,郝跃. 光神经形态计算研究进展与展望(特邀)[J]. 光子学报,2021,50(10):1020001Y. N. Han(韩亚楠), S.Y.Xiang* , Y. Wang, Y. T. Ma, B. Wang, A. J. Wen, Y. Hao, Generation of multi- channel chaotic signals with time delay signature concealment and ultrafast photonic decision making based on globally-coupled semiconductor lasers network, Photonics Research, accepted, 2020. (中科院I区,IF: 7.08)S.Y.Xiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Y. Zhang, Z. Song, X. Guo, G. Han, and Y. Hao, Training a multi-layer photonic spiking neural network with modified supervised learning algorithm based on photonic STDP, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(2), 7500109, Mar./Apr. 2021. (中科院2区)S.Y.Xiang* , Y. Zhang(张雅慧), J. Gong(龚俊楷), X. Guo, L. Lin and Y. Hao, STDP-based unsupervised spike pattern learning in a photonic spiking neural network with VCSELs and VCSOAs, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics, 25(6): 1700109, Nov./Dec. 2019. (中科院2区)S.Y.Xiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Y. Zhang, Z. Song and Y. Hao, All-optical neuromorphic XOR operation with inhibitory dynamics of a single photonic spiking neuron based on VCSEL-SA, Optics Letters, 45(5), 1104-1107, Mar. 2020. (中科院II区)S.Y.Xiang* , B. Wang(王博), Y. Wang, Y. Han, A. Wen and Y. Hao, 2.24 Tb/s physical random bit generation with minimal post-processing based on chaotic semiconductor lasers network, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 37(16), 3987-3993, Aug. 2019. (中科院2区)S.Y.Xiang*, H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, J. F. Li, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, and Y. Hao, Cascadable neuron-like spiking dynamics in coupled VCSELs subject to orthogonally polarized optical pulse injection, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics, 23 (6):1700207,2017. (中科院2区)S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Zhang, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic generation of neuron-like dynamics using VCSELs subject to double polarized optical injection, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. vol. 36, no. 19, pp. 4227-4234, Mar. 2018. (中科院2区)S. H. Wang, S.Y.Xiang* , G. Q. Han, Z. W. Song, Z. X. Ren, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic associative learning neural network based on VCSELs and STDP, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(17), 4691-4698, Sep. 2020.Y. Zhang, S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, Y. Hao, The winner-take-all mechanism for all-optical systems of pattern recognition and max-pooling operation, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, accepted, 2020.Y. Zhang, S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, Y. Hao, A modified supervised learning rule for training a photonic spiking neural network to recognize digital patterns, Science China Information Sciences, accepted, 2020.Y. Zhang(张雅慧), S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, All-optical inhibitory dynamics in photonic neuron based on polarization mode competition in a VCSEL with an embedded saturable absorber, Optics Letters. 44(7):1548-1551, 2019. (中科院2区,IF:3.589,入选Editor’s Pick)S.Y.Xiang* , Y. N. Han, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, G. Q. Han, and Y. Hao, Real-time optical spike-timing dependent plasticity in a single VCSEL with dual-polarized pulsed optical injection, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, accepted, 2020. (中科院 II区)S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Han, H. Wang, A. Wen, Y. Hao, Zero-lag chaos synchronization properties in a hierarchical tree-type network consisting of mutually-coupled semiconductor lasers, Nonlinear Dynamics, 99(4), 2893-2906 2020 (中科院II区)Z. W. Song(宋紫薇), S.Y.Xiang* , Z. X. Ren, G. Q. Han, and Y. Hao. Spike sequence learning in a photonic spiking neural network consisting of VCSELs-SA with supervised training. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron, 26 (5), 1700209, Sep./Oct. 2020.(中科院II区)Z. W. Song(宋紫薇), S.Y.Xiang*, Z. X. Ren, S. H. Wang, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic spiking neural network based on excitable VCSELs-SA for sound azimuth detection, Optics Express,28(2), 1561-1573, Jan. 2020. (中科院II区)Y. T. Ma(马源廷), S.Y.Xiang*, X. X. Guo, Z. W. Song, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Time-delay signature concealment of chaos and ultrafast decision making in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with a phase-modulated Sagnac loop, Optics Express,28(2), 1665-1678, Jan. 2020. (中科院II区)X. X. Guo, S.Y Xiang, Y. Qu, Y.N, Han, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, “Enhanced Prediction Performance of a Neuromorphic Reservoir Computing Using a Semiconductor Nanolaser with Double Phase Conjugate Feedbacks”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology,accepted, 2020.(中科院II区).X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, High-speed neuromorphic reservoir computing based on a semiconductor nanolaser with optical feedback under electrical modulation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, accepted, 2020.(中科院II区)X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Enhanced memory capacity of a neuromorphic reservoir computing system based on a VCSEL with double optical feedbacks, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, accepted, 2020. (中科院II区)X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Four-channels reservoir computing based on polarization dynamics in mutually coupled VCSELs system, Optics Express, 27(16), 23293-23306, Aug. 2019. (中科院II区)X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Polarization Multiplexing Reservoir Computing Based on a VCSEL with Polarized Optical Feedback, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics. 26(1),1700109, Jan./Feb. 2020. (中科院2区)W. Cai (蔡薇), S.Y.Xiang* , X. Y. Cao, X. X. Guo, A. J. Wen and Y. Hao, Experimental investigation of time-delay signature of chaotic output and dual-channel physical random bit generation in 1550nm mutually coupled VCSELs with common FBG filtered feedback, Applied Optics, accepted, 2020.Y. Han(韩亚楠), S.Y.Xiang* , L. Zhang, Cluster synchronization in mutually-coupled semiconductor laser networks with different topologies, Optics Communications, 445, 262-267, Aug. 2019.H. Wang(王浩宁), S.Y.Xiang* , J. Gong, Multi-user image encryption algorithm based on synchronized random bits generator in semiconductor lasers network, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78,no.18, pp.26181-26201, Sep.2019. Y. Wang(王阳),, S.Y.Xiang* , B. Wang, X. Cao, A. Wen, Y. Hao, Time-delay signature concealment and physical random bits generation in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with FBG filtered injection, Optics Express, 27(6), 8446-8455, Mar. 2019. (中科院2区,IF:3.356) Y. Qu(屈妍),, S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Wang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Concealment of time delay signature of chaotic semiconductor nanolasers with double chaotic optical injections, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.,55(2), 2000407, Apr. 2019 (IF:2.069)S.Y.Xiang*, J. K.Gong(龚俊楷), Y.H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Numerical Implementation of Wavelength-Dependent Photonic Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Based on VCSOA, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, p. 8100107, Dec. 2018.(IF:2.069)Y. Zhang(张雅慧),, S.Y.Xiang*, X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Polarization- resolved and polarization- multiplexed spike encoding properties in photonic neuron based on VCSEL-SA, Scientific Reports 8:16095 (2018),(中科院3区,IF:4.122)H. Zhang(张浩),,X.X.Guo, S.Y.Xiang*, Key distribution based on unidirectional injection of vertical cavity surface emitting laser system, Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 204202 (2018)Yahui Zhang(张雅慧),, Shuiying Xiang, Junkai Gong, Xinxing Guo, Aijun Wen, and Yue Hao, Spike encoding and storage properties in mutually coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to optical pulse injection, Applied Optics 57(7): 1731-1737, 2018 (IF:1.65)X. X. Guo(郭星星),, S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, A. J. Wen , and Y. Hao, Information- theory-based complexity quantifier for chaotic semiconductor laser with double time delays, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 54(1): 2000308, 2018. (IF:1.852)S.Y.Xiang*, J. Gong, H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Wen, Zero-lag intensity correlation properties in small ring laser network with heterogeneous delays, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optics Physics 35(2) : 287-294, 2018. (IF:1.843)J. Li(李甲福),, S.Y.Xiang*, H. Wang, J. Gong, and A. Wen, A novel image encryption algorithm based on synchronized random bit generated in cascade- coupled chaotic semiconductor ring lasers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,102:170-180, 2018. (中科院2区,IF:2.769)H. Zhang(张浩),, S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H.Zhang, X. X. Guo, Complexity-enhanced polarization-resolved chaos in a ring network of mutually coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with multiple delays, Applied Optics 56(24): 6728-6734, 2017(IF:1.65)S. Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, Emulation of spiking response and spiking frequency property in VCSEL-based photonic neuron, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(5): 1504109, 2016. (IF: 2.291) dedecms.com