

姓名 李金沙 性别
学校 西安电子科技大学 部门 数学与统计学院
学位 学历:博士研究生毕业 学历 毕业院校:西安电子科技大学
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介:Personal Profile 李金沙,女,1987年3月生,2015年7月毕业于西安电子科技大学,获应用数学博士学位(导师:李俊民教授),2015年7月至2017年7月在西安电子科技大学博士后流动站做博士后研究(合作导师:刘三阳教授)。现为西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为多智能体系统的协调控制以及迭代学习控制方法的研究。 发表论文:[1] Jinsha Li*, Daniel W. C. Ho, Junmin Li, Adaptive Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems under Quantized Measurements via the Edge Laplacian, Automatica, 2018, 92: 217-224. [2] Jinsha Li*, Sanyang Liu, and Junmin Li, Adaptive iterative learning protocol design for nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown control direction. Journal of The Franklin Institute. 2018, 355(10) :4298-4314. [3] Jinsha Li*, Sanyang Liu, and Junmin Li, Observer-based distributed adaptive iterative learning control for linear multi-agent systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(14): 2948-2955. [4] Jinsha Li and Junmin Li*, Distributed adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control of coordination problems for higher order multi-agent systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(10): 2318-2329. [5] Jinsha Li* and Junmin Li, Coordination control of multi-agent systems with second-order nonlinear dynamics using fully distributed adaptive iterative learning, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(6): 2441-2463. [6] Jinsha Li* and Junmin Li, Coordination problem of heterogeneous multi-agent systems by iterative learning control, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 265: 1044-1057. [7] Jinsha Li*, Daniel W. C. Ho, Junmin Li, Distributed adaptive repetitive consensus control framework for uncertain nonlinear leader–follower multi-agent systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(11): 5342-5360. [8] Jinsha Li* and Junmin Li, Adaptive iterative learning control for coordination of second-Order multi-agent systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2014, 24(18): 3282-3299. [9] Jinsha Li and Junmin Li*, Adaptive iterative learning control for consensus of multi-agent systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7(1): 136–142. [10] Li Junmin* and Li Jinsha, Adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control with initial state learning for coordination of leader-following multi-agent systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2014, 248: 122–137. [11] Jinsha Li and Junmin Li*, Consensus seeking in multi-agent systems by the iterative learning control, Control theory & applications, 2012, 8(29): 1073-1077.  获奖:(1)获得2018年陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(本人排名第2)。(2)获得2017年陕西省优秀博士学位论文。(3)获得2017年西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文。承担科研项目情况(1)国家自然科学基金青年项目,61603286,几类新的分布式自适应迭代学习协议的设计, 2017.1-2019.12,主持;(2)陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目,多智能体系统自适应一致性协议的设计,2019.01- 2020.12,主持;(3)陕西省博士后科研项目,多智能体自适应量化一致性的研究,2016.12~ 2017.05,主持。(4)中央高校基本科研业务费,非线性多智能体自适应量化一致性的研究,2016.01~ 2017.12,主持。(5)博士后面上基金,2015M582617,离散非线性多智能体系统的自适应学习协议的设计, 2016.1-2017.7,主持。 织梦好,好织梦
