

姓名 金思雅 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 海洋研究院
学位 哲学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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03.2024 – 至今:       西北工业大学, 准聘教授04.2022 – 03.2024: 西北工业大学, 准聘副教授12.2018 – 01.2022:    英国普利茅斯大学, 博士后(合作导师:英国皇家工程院院士,Deborah Greaves教授)03.2016 – 12.2017:    英国赫尔大学, 助教03.2015 – 06.2015:    航空工业成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司, 助研
09.2015-02.2019: 英国赫尔大学, 工程博士(导师:IEEE Fellow, Ron Patton教授)09.2012-03.2015: 西北工业大学,航空固体力学, 硕士(导师:徐绯教授)09.2008-07.2012:  西北工业大学,飞行器环境与生命保障工程, 学士

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欢迎对海洋新能源发电装置(包括波浪能、浮式风电、浮式光伏等)、流固耦合的实验与数值研究、控制算法在海洋新能源装置上的应用、极端海况与结构的耦合作用,方向感兴趣的同学报考本人硕士研究生/博士研究生,有任何问题请发邮件联系我:siya.jin@nwpu.edu.cn copyright dedecms


主要研究方向如下:·       海洋新能源发电装置的开发与应用(包括:波浪能、浮式风电、浮式光伏)·       流固耦合的实验与数值研究·       控制算法在海洋新能源装置上的应用·       极端海况及在其作用下的结构负载与响应研究

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1.海洋新能源发电装置的开发与应用(1) Wave energy in the UK: Status review and future perspectives; Siya Jin*, Deborah Greaves; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2021, 143(2021); 期刊论文;中科院一区。(2) On the scalability of wave energy converters; Siya Jin*, Siming Zheng, Deborah Greaves; Ocean Engineering; 2021, 243(2022); 期刊论文;中科院一区。(3) Niche applications and flexible devices for wave energy conversion: a review; Emiliano Renzi*, Simone Michele, Siming Zheng, Siya Jin, Deborah Greaves; Energies; 2021, 14(20); 期刊论文;中科院三区。(4) Wave energy innovation position paper for the UK; Deborah Greaves, Siya Jin, Henry Jeffrey, Charlotte Cochrane, Shona Pennock, Lee Richards; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); 2020; 英国波浪能发展规划报告。(5) Wave Energy Road Map; Deborah Greaves, Siya Jin; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); 2020; 英国波浪能发展规划报告。(6) UK perspective research landscape for offshore renewable energy and its role in delivering net zero; Deborah Greaves*, Siya Jin, Puiwah Wong, Dave White, Henry Jeffrey, Beth Scott, Ross Wigg; Progress in Energy; 期刊论文。(7) A designed two-body hinged raft wave energy converter: from experimental study to annual power prediction for the EMEC site using WEC-Sim; Siya Jin, Daming Wang*, Martyn Hann, Keri Collins, Daniel Conley, Deborah Greaves; Ocean Engineering; 2022, 期刊论文;中科院一区。(8) Power output estimation of a two-body hinged raft wave energy converter using HF radar measured representative sea states at Wave Hub in the UK; Daming Wang, Siya Jin*, Martyn Hann, Keri Collins, Daniel Conley, Deborah Greaves; Renewable Energy; 2022, 期刊论文;中科院一区。(9) Technical report of the physical tank testing for the 1/20 scale “Blue X” wave energy converter designed by Mocean Energy, ltd.; Siya Jin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, Chris Retzler; Supergen ORE Hub; 2020; 项目技术结题报告。(10) Technical report of the physical tank testing for the 1/70 scale Umaine VolturnUS-S Reference Platform for 15 MW wind; Siya Jin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves;Supergen ORE Hub; 2020; 项目技术结题报告。(11) On the Performance of a Novel Hinged Type Wave Energy Converter; Siya Jin, Bingyong Guo, Lifen Chen, Sheng Xu, Kunde Yang;2024 OMAE.2.流固耦合的实验与数值研究(1) Modelling validation of hinged-raft wave energy converter using WEC-Sim; Siya Jin*; Deborah Greaves; 分组会议报告; 2th Supergen ORE Hub Early Career Researcher Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 2019-11-05~2019-11-05。(2) Viscosity effect on a point absorber wave energy converter hydrodynamics validated by simulation and experiment, Renewable Energy;Siya Jin; Ron J.Patton; Bingyong Guo; 2018, 129: 500-5


12,期刊论文;中科院一区。(3) Enhancement of wave energy absorption efficiency via geometry and power take-off damping tuning;Siya Jin; Ron J.Patton; Bingyong Guo; Energy, 2019, 169: 819-832,期刊论文;中科院一区。(4) Geometry influence on hydrodynamic response of a heaving point abs
orber wave energy converter;Siya Jin; Ron Patton ;12th EWTEC, Cork, Ireland, 2017-8-27至2017-9-1;会议论文。(5) Technical report of the physical tank testing for the 1/20 scale “Blue X” wave energy converter designed by Mocean Energy, ltd.; Siya Jin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, Chris Retzler; Supergen ORE Hub; 2020; 项目技术结题报告。(6) Experimental and Numerical Studies
of the Wave Structure Interaction;Siya Jin; Ron Patton; Cameron McNatt; Chris Retzler;1st Supergen ORE Hub ECR workshop, Plymouth, 2019-1-21至2019-1
-21;会议报告。(7) Nonlinear modeling and verification of a heaving point absorber for wave energy conversion; Bingyong Guo, Ron Patton*, Siya Jin, James Gilbert, Dan Parsons;IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy; 9:453-461, 2018;期刊论文;中科院一区。3.控制算法在海洋新能源装置上的应用(1) Phase-resolved real-time ocean wave prediction with quantified uncertainty based on variational Bayesian machine learning; Jincheng Zhang, Xiaowei Zhao*, Siya Jin, Deborah Greaves; Applied Energy; 2022, 324(2022); 期刊论文;中科院一区。(2) Modeling of a hinged-raft wave energy converter via deep operator learning and wave tank experiments; Jincheng Zhang, Xiaowei Zhao*, Deborah Greaves and Siya Jin; Applied Energy, 2023; 期刊论文;中科院一区。(3) Numerical and experimental studies of excitation force approximations for wave energy conversion;Bingyong Guo, Ron Patton*, Siya. Jin, Jianglin. Lan;Renewable Energy; 125:877-889, 2018; 期刊论文;中科院一区。4.极端海况及在其作用下的结构负载与响应研究(1) Whole-life modelling of anchor capacity for floating systems: The RSNCSI approach; Kwa, K. A., White, D. J., Tosdevin, T., Jin, S., & Greaves, D. Applied Ocean Research, 138, 103671. 2023.(2) On the selection of design waves for predicting extreme motions of a floating offshore wind turbine; Brown, S. A., Tosdevin, T., Jin, S., Hann, M., Simmonds, D., & Greaves, D. M.  Ocean Engineering, 169. 116400. 2023.(3) Laboratory investigation on short design wave extreme responses for floating hinged-raft wave energy converters; Siya Jin, Scott Brown, Tom Tosdevin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves; Frontiers in Energy Research; 2022; 期刊论文。(4) Experimental study on short design waves for extreme response of a floating hinged raft wave energy converter; Siya Jin*, Tom Tosdevin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves; 37th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB); Giardini Naxos, Italy; 2022-04-10 至 2022-04-13; 会议论文。(5) Study on short design waves in the prediction of extreme loads for a generic hinged-raft wave energy converter; Siya Jin*; Tom Tosdevin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves; 分组会议报告;8th PRIMaRE, Bath, 2021-06-29~2021-06-30。(6) Power output estimation of WEC with HF radar measured complex representative sea states; Daming Wang*, Daniel Conley, Martyn Hann, Keri Collins, Siya Jin, Deborah Greaves; International Marine Energy Journal; 2021, 05(01): 1-10;期刊论文。(7) Extreme responses of a raft type WEC; Tom Tosdevin*, Siya Jin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves; 14 European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC); Plymouth, UK; 2021-09-05 至 2021-09-09; 会议论文。(8) Technical report of the physical tank testing for a 1/50 scale designed hinged raft wave energy converter under extreme waves; Siya Jin, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves; Supergen ORE Hub; 2021; 项目技术结题报告。 copyright dedecms


1. 分会主席,2022年, 1th International Conference on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering。2. 分会主席,2021年, 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC)。3. 组委会成员及编辑,2021年,14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC)。4. 审稿人(2016年至今):Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy; Ocean Engineering; IET Renewable Power Generation; International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering。5. 社会活动:2021年,Futures: European researchers’night2020年,Festival of Physics 2020年,Open day, University of Plymouth 2019年,国际能源展览会All-Energy 2019年,Green Man Festival copyright dedecms



