姓名 | 赵峰 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 | 部门 | 生态环境学院 |
学位 | 理学博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 植物形态与功能课题组(Plant Morphofunction Laboratory)聚焦植物形态建成方向的研究。尤其关注形态建成的生物力学调控及过程中所伴随的细胞命运决定机制。课题组前期以模式植物拟南芥为研究材料,采用多学科交叉的研究手段(如四维活体成像、图形定量化分析、生物力学测量、计算机建模等),围绕几个植物核心的发育事件开展了一系列研究,其中包括:(1)分生组织几何形态与器官发生模式 (Zhao et al.,Plant Physiol.,2019);(2)侧生器官对称性破缺及三维结构建成的生物力学调控 (Zhao et al., Curr. Biol., 2020; Zhao and Traas, Development, 2021);(3)生殖细胞诱导 (Zhao et al., Plant Physiol., 2017; Zheng et al., PNAS, 2021)。 课题组长:赵峰,翱翔海外学者,国家海外引才专项获得者,博士生导师。2006年毕业于青岛大学理工学院生物技术专业,获理学学士学位。2014年毕业于北京大学生命科学学院植物学专业,获理学博士学位。2014-2021年期间,受聘于法国国家农业研究院(INRA), 于里昂高等师范学院植物生殖与发育研究室从事博士后研究。2022年加盟西北工业大学生态环境学院。 个人相册 本文来自织梦
教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 课题组欢迎具有生物学及交叉学科研究背景的研究生、博士后加入! 详情请与课题组长联系。
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科学研究 Scientific Research 我们希望探索:在多细胞生命体中,细胞如何通过在三维空间内彼此协调从而形成具有特定功能的几何结构。 具体研究方向: 1)植物形态建成的生物力学调控 2)植物生殖系建立 copyright dedecms
学术成果 Academic Achievements 主要作者论文:(#同等贡献, *通讯作者) Zhao, F.*, and Long, Y. *(2022). Mechanosensing, from forces to structures. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. Full TextZheng, Y.#, Wang, D.#, Ye, S., Chen, W., Li, G., Xu, Z., Bai, S.*, and Zhao, F.* (2021). Auxin guides germ-cell specification in Arabidopsis anthers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118. Full Text [Recommended in Faculty Opinions]Zhao, F.* and Traas, J.* (2021). Stable establishment of organ polarity occurs several plastochrons before primordium outgrowth in Arabidopsis. Development 148.Full Text [Highlighted by FocalPlane]Zhao, F.#, Du F. #, Oliveri H.#, Zhou L.# , Ali O.#, Chen W., Feng S., Wang Q., Lu S., Long M., Schneider R., Sampathkumar A., Godin C., Traas J.*, and Jiao Y*. (2020). Microtubule-Mediated Wall Anisotropy Contributes to Leaf Blade Flattening. Curr. Biol. 30: 3972-3985.e6.Full Text [Highlighted with dispatch article: Harline, K. and Roeder, A.H.K. (2020). Plant morphogenesis: mechanical feedback position is crucial in organ flattening. Curr. Biol. 30: R1268–R1270.]Full TextDu, F.#, Zhao, F.#, Traas, J.*, and Jiao, Y.* (2021). Visualization of cortical microtubule networks in plant cells by live imaging and immunostaining. STAR Protocols 2: 100301.Full TextZhao, F.#, Chen, W.#, Sechet, J., Martin, M., Bovio, S., Lionnet, C., Long, Y., Battu, V., Mouille, G., Monéger, F., and Traas, J. (2019). Xyloglucans and microtubules synergistically maintain meristem geometry and phyllotaxis. Plant Physiol. 181: 1191–1206.Full TextZhao, F., Chen, W., and Traas, J. (2018). Mechanical signaling in plant morphogenesis. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 51: 26–30.Full TextZhao, F., Zheng, Y.-F., Zeng, T., Sun, R., Yang, J.-Y., Li, Y., Ren, D.-T., Ma, H., Xu, Z.-H., and Bai, S.-N. (2017). Phosphorylation of SPOROCYTELESS/NOZZLE by the MPK3/6 kinase is required for anther development. Plant Physiol. 173: 2265–2277.Full Text [Cover story] 合作发表论文: Trinh, D.-C., Alonso-Serra, J., Asaoka, M., Colin, L., Cortes, M., Malivert, A., Takatani, S., Zhao, F., Traas, J., Trehin, C., and Hamant, O. (2021). How mechanical forces shape plant organs. Curr. Biol. 31: R143–R159.Full TextRefahi, Y.*, Zardilis A.#, Michelin G., Wightman R., Leggio B., Legrand J., Faure E., Vachez L., Armezzani A., Risson A.-E., Zhao F., Das P., Prunet N., Meyerowitz E., Godin C., Malandain G., Jonsson H.*, and Traas J. *(2021). A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth control. Dev. Cell 56: 540-556.e8.Full TextPlant Cell Atlas Consortium et al. (2021). Vision, challenges and opportunities for a Plant Cell Atlas. eLife 10.Full TextChen, W.-Q., Li, D.-X., Zhao, F., Xu, Z.-H., and Bai, S.-N. (2016). One additional histone deacetylase and 2 histone acetyltransferases are involved in cellular patterning of Arabidopsis root epidermis. Plant Signal. Behav. 11: e1131373.Full Text copyright dedecms