

姓名 缑林峰 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 国家卓越工程师学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生毕业
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 1997年-2003年任西北工业大学航空动力与热力工程系助教;2003年-2008年任西北工业大学动力与能源学院讲师2008年-2020年任西北工业大学动力与能源学院副教授;2020年-至今任西北工业大学动力与能源学院教授;2005年-2012年,担任动力与能源学院院长助理;2013年-2018年,担任动力控制与测试系主任;2017年-2021年,担任动力与能源学院副院长;2021年-至今,担任科学技术研究院副院长; 1997年毕业于西北工业大学航空动力与热能工程系,获学士学位,2000年毕业于西北工业大学航空动力与热能工程系,获硕士学位,2010年毕业与西北工业大学动力与能源学院,获博士学位。 2015年9月-2016年8月在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学航空工程学院做访问学者 copyright dedecms


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 本科生专业课:计算机控制、自动控制基础 研究生专业课:鲁棒控制理论与系统设计、系统辨识  硕士研究生招生一级学科 航空宇航推进理论与工程,动力机械及工程、航空工程 织梦好,好织梦


荣誉获奖 Awards Information (1)西北工业大学2012-2013学年本科教学最满意教师;(2)陕西省第二届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖,2014年;(3)陕西省“师风师德”先进个人,2014年;(4)西北工业大学首届“师德杯”获得者,2014年;(5)西北工业大学2017-2018年先进工作者;(6)西北工业大学2006-2007学年“三育人”先进个人(7)西北工业大学2006-2007学年本科教学最满意教师(8)西北工业大学2012年度优秀共产党员(9)西北工业大学2009、2011、2012学年优秀本科毕设论文指导教师



科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向 航空发动机控制系统故障诊断与容错控制;航空发动机先进控制理论及其数值仿真;计算机测控技术及软件工程化实现;鲁棒控制与系统辨识理论近三年科研项目 (1)控制系统故障诊断,纵向项目;(2)涡扇发动机试车台电气测控系统研制,横向项目;(3)发动机总体性能及信息融合技术研究,纵向项目;(4)动力装置系统状态监测与故障诊断仿真环境,横向项目;(5)发动机总体技术基础研究,纵向项目;(6)辅助动力装置控制系统故障诊断,横向项目;(7)发动机落压比调节器改进,横向项目;(8)发动机主燃油控制系统转速调节器故障分析与仿真,横向项目;(9)航空发动机安全模式适航审定技术研究,横向项目。



学术成果 Academic Achievements 1. Aeroengine Robust Gain-Scheduling Control Based on Performance Degradation (SCI: 000541044200025,JCR1区,中科院2区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China); Liu, Zhidan; Fan, Ding; Zheng, Hua; Source: IEEE Access, v8, p104857-104869, 20202. Multi-Fault Diagnosis of an Aero-Engine Control System Using Joint Sliding Mode Observers (SCI: 000539080900001,JCR1区,中科院2区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China); Shen, Yawen; Zheng, Hua; Zeng, Xianyi; Source: IEEE Access, v8, p10186-10197, 20203. Aeroengine Control System Sensor Fault Diagnosis Based on CWT and CNN (SCI: 000510885700010,JCR3区,中科院4区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an,Shaanxi; 710072, China); Li, Huihui; Zheng, Hua; Li, Huacong; Pei, Xiaoning Source:Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2020 4. A Linearization Model of Turbofan Engine for Intelligent Analysis towards Industrial Internet of Things(SCI: 000498843600002,JCR1区,中科院2区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China); Zeng, Xianyi; Wang, Zhaohui; Han, Guangjie; Lin, Chuan; Cheng, Xu Source: IEEE Access, v 7, p 145313-145323, 2019 5. A New Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Attributes Weighted Neutrosophic Set (SCI: 000484313600002,JCR1区,中科院2区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an;710072, China); Wang, Meijuan Source: IEEE Access, v 7, p 117740-117748, 2019 6. Semantic Risk Analysis Based on Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (SCI: 000473611300001,JCR1区,中科院2区)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an;710072, China); Wang, Meijuan Source: IEEE Access, v 7, p 76480-76488, 2019   7. Research on variable cycle engine modeling technology (EI: 20194507630817)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an;710129, China); Zhao, Chenyang; Zhou, Zihan; Ma, Xinyue; Shen, Yawen Source: ChineseControl Conference, CCC, v 2019-July, p 1707-1712, July 2019, Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019 8. Predictive control of turbofan engine model based on improved elman neural Network (EI: 20194507630607)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern PolyTechnical University,Xi'an; 710129, China); Zhou, Zihan; Shen, Yawen; Shao, Wenxin; Zeng, Xianyi Source:Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2019-July, p 8842-8847, July 2019, Proceedings ofthe 38th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019 9. Rapid simulated annealing algorithm for optimization of aeroengine control based on BP neural network (EI: 20194507630927)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an;710129, China); Shao, Wenxin; Zeng, Xianyi; Shen, Yawen; Zhou, Zihan Source: ChineseControl Conference, CCC, v 2019-July, p 8848-8852, July 2019, Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019 10. Design of gain-scheduling robust controller for aircraft engine (EI: 20194507630345)Liu, Zhidan (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an; 710129, China); Gou, Linfeng; Fan, Ding; Zhou, Zihan Source: Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2019-July, p 870-875, July 2019, Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019 11. Improved AIUKF based aeroengine component deterioration analysis (EI: 20194507629391)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an; 710129, China); Shen, Yawen; Zeng, Xianyi; Shao, Wenxin; Zhou, Zihan Source: Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2019-July, p 5161-5166, July 2019, Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019 12. Fault Diagnosis for Actuator of Aero-Engine Based on Associated Observers (EI: 20184606055279)Gou, Linfeng (Northwestern Poly-Technical University, School of Power and Energy, Xian; 710129, China); Wang, Lulu; Zhou, Zihan; Liang, Aixia; Liu, Zhidan Source: Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2018-July, p 6110-6114, October 5, 2018, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018  13. Dynamic Threshold Design Based on Kalman Filter in Multiple Fault Diagnosis (EI: 20184606054964)Gou, Linfeng (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Poly-Technical University, Xian; 710129, China); Zhou, Zihan; Liang, Aixia; Wang, Lulu; Liu, Zhidan Source: Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2018-July, p 6105-6109, October 5, 2018, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018 14. Design of simulation platform for control system in aircraft engine (EI: 20184606054860)Gou, Linfeng (Northwestern Poly-Technical University, School of Power and Energy, Xian; 710129, China); Liu, Zhidan; Liang, Aixia; Wang, Lulu; Zhou, Zihan Source: Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2018-July, p 8671-8676, October 5, 2018, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018 copyright dedecms


社会兼职 Social Appointments 发动机控制系统故障诊断联合技术中心副主任;动力与能源学院航空发动机智能控制研究所主任;动力与能源学院发动机控制与测试团队负责人;中国航发航空动力控制技术重点实验室委员会委员。




