

姓名 黄秀全 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 动力与能源学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生毕业
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 学习经历 2002.10-2006.03 英国杜伦大学工学院博士研究生,获哲学博士学位; 2001.10-2002.10 英国曼切斯特大学工学院博士研究生; 1994.09-2001.05 西北工业大学航空动力与热力工程系研究生学习,获工学学士和硕士学位。 工作经历 2006.07-今 西北工业大学动力与能源学院工作。 dedecms.com


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 硕士研究生招生学科 流体机械与工程 (080704) 航空宇航推进理论与工程 (082502) 博士研究生招生学科动力工程及工程热物理(080700)能源工程(085800) 织梦内容管理系统


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向压气机气动设计理论计算流体力学叶轮机气动弹性力学科研项目主持国家重大计划项目、重大条保建设项目、国家自然科学基金、航空基金、航天联合基金、A计划项目、P计划项目和多项行业攻关项目。科研团队合作教师:王丁喜教授徐慎忍副教授黄璜副教授唐俊星讲师 内容来自dedecms


学术成果 Academic Achievements 代表性论文:[J15] WANG, Boqian,WANG, Dingxi,RAHMATI, Mohammad, HUANG, Xiuquan.(2022).Revisiting the space-time gradient method: A time-clocking perspective, high order difference time discretization and comparison with the harmonic balance method.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(11): 45–58[J14] HUANG, Huang, JIA, Xinkai,REN, Jia, CAO, Bochao, WANG, Dingxi, HUANG, Xiuquan.(2022).A reduced order model for coupled mode cascade flutter analysis.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(10):7[J13] Cao Dongming,Yuan Caijia,Wang Dingxi, Huang Xiuquan.(2022).Transition from Unsteady Flow Inception to Rotating Stall and Surge in a Transonic Compressor. Journal of Thermal Science,31(1),120.[J12] Wang Dingxi,Zhang Sen,Huang Xiuquan,et al. Coupled Time and Passage Spectral Method for an Efficient Resolution of Turbomachinery Far Upstream Wakes[J]. Journal of Turbomachinery -Transactions of the ASME,2022,144(2).[J11] ZHANG, Qian,XU, Shenren,YU, Xianjun,YU, LIU, Jiaxin,WANG, Dingxi, HUANG, Xiuquan.Nonlinear uncertainty quantification of the impact of geometric variability on compressor performance using an adjoint method[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2022,35(2):17-21.[J10] Xu, Shenren,Li, Yi,Huang, Xiuquan,&Wang, Dingxi.(2021).Robust Newton-Krylov Adjoint Solver for the Sensitivity Analysis of Turbomachinery Aerodynamics.AIAA JOURNAL,59(10),4014.[J9] Wu, Hangkong,Wang, Dingxi,Huang, Xiuquan,et al. A time-space multigrid method for efficient solution of the harmonic balance equation system[J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power -Transactions of the  ASME,2021,143(9).[J8] X Huang,D Wang. Efficient Determination of Turbomachinery Blade Aero-Damping Curves for Flutter Assessment via Trigonometric Interpolation,Journal of Thermal Science,2020.4[J7] X Huang,D Wang. Time-Space Spectral Method for Rotor– Rotor/Stator–Stator Interactions,Transactions of the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,2019.11[J6] Huang X.Q., Wu H.K. and Wang D.X. Implicit solution of harmonic balance equation system using the LU-SGS method and one-step Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel iteration, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2018(32): 218-232.[J5] Ding Xi Wang, Xiuquan Huang, “Solution Stabilization and Convergence Acceleration for the Harmonic Balance Equation System”,ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,2017.(SCI, EI)[J4] D. Wang, X. Huang. A complete rotor-stator coupling method for frequency domain analysis of turbomachinery unsteady flow. Aerospace science and technology (2017). (SCI, EI)[J3]  X.Q Huang, L. He and D.L. Bell, "Experimental and Computational Study of Oscillating Turbine Cascade and Influence of Part-span Shrouds",Journal of Fluid Engineering, Transactions of ASME, 2009, 131(5):051102. (SCI,EI)[J2]  X.Q Huang, L. He and D.L. Bell, 2008,"Effects of Tip Clearance on Aerodynamic Damping in a Linear Turbine Cascade", AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol.24, pp 26-33. (SCI,EI)[J1] X.Q Huang, L He and D Bell. Influence of upstream stator on rotor flutter stability in a LP steam turbine stage. IMechE Journal of power and energy. 2006, 220(1):25-35.






